import { createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { alpha } from '@mui/material'; import { focusable } from 'themes/themeStyles'; import { colors } from './colors'; const actionColors = { 0.54: 'rgba(223, 222, 255, 0.54)', 0.32: 'rgba(223, 222, 255, 0.32)', 0.12: 'rgba(223, 222, 255, 0.12)', 0.08: 'rgba(223, 222, 255, 0.08)', 0.05: 'rgba(223, 222, 255, 0.05)', }; const theme = { breakpoints: { values: { xs: 0, sm: 600, md: 960, lg: 1280, xl: 1536, }, }, boxShadows: { main: '0px 2px 4px rgba(129, 122, 254, 0.2)', card: '0px 2px 10px rgba(28, 25, 78, 0.12)', elevated: '0px 1px 20px rgba(45, 42, 89, 0.1)', popup: '0px 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)', primaryHeader: '0px 8px 24px rgba(97, 91, 194, 0.2)', separator: '0px 2px 4px rgba(32, 32, 33, 0.12)', // Notifications header accordionFooter: 'inset 0px 2px 4px rgba(32, 32, 33, 0.05)', }, typography: { fontFamily: 'Sen, Roboto, sans-serif', fontWeightBold: '700', fontWeightMedium: '700', allVariants: { lineHeight: 1.4 }, button: { lineHeight: 1.75 }, h1: { fontSize: '1.5rem', lineHeight: 1.875, }, h2: { fontSize: `${20 / 16}rem`, fontWeight: '700', }, h3: { fontSize: '1rem', fontWeight: '700', }, h4: { fontSize: '1rem', fontWeight: '400', }, caption: { fontSize: `${12 / 16}rem`, }, }, fontSizes: { extraLargeHeader: '2.5rem', largeHeader: '2rem', mediumHeader: '1.5rem', mainHeader: '1.25rem', bodySize: '1rem', smallBody: `${14 / 16}rem`, smallerBody: `${12 / 16}rem`, }, fontWeight: { thin: 300, medium: 400, semi: 700, bold: 700, }, shape: { borderRadius: 4, borderRadiusMedium: 8, borderRadiusLarge: 12, borderRadiusExtraLarge: 20, tableRowHeight: 64, tableRowHeightCompact: 56, tableRowHeightDense: 48, }, zIndex: { sticky: 1400, }, palette: { common: { white: '#EEEEFC', // Switch base (OFF) // Tooltips text color // Text color black: '#A0A0B1', // Switch track (OFF) }, text: { primary: '#EEEEFC', secondary: '#A0A0B1', disabled: '#888799', }, primary: { main: '#9792ED', light: '#4C4992', // Maybe to move links color to another variable???? dark: '#9792ED', // Color used for links and on hover for primary buttons contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for content when primary.main is used as a background }, secondary: { // Used for purple badges and puple light elements main: '#9792ED', // used on icons on these elements light: '#34325E', // used as a bakground on these elements dark: '#EEEEFC', // used for text on these elements border: '#4C4992', contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for content when info.main is used as a background }, info: { // main: '#5483C9', // used on icons on these elements main: '#a2bbe2', // used on icons on these elements light: '#1A2641', // used as a bakground on these elements dark: '#a2bbe2', // used for text on these elements border: '#1B407A', contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for content when info.main is used as a background }, success: { // main: '#62872F', // used on icons on these elements main: '#94ae6f', // used on icons on these elements light: '#333D30', // used as a bakground on these elements dark: '#94ae6f', // used for text on these elements border: '#3D600C', contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for content when success.main is used as a background }, warning: { // main: '#9E691C', // used on icons on these elements main: '#bc7d21', // used on icons on these elements light: '#3B302C', // used as a bakground on these elements dark: '#bc7d21', // used for text on these elements contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for content when warning.main is used as a background border: '#6C4A19', }, error: { // main: '#B93F4A', // used on error buttons // used on icons on these elements main: '#ff6472', // used on error buttons // used on icons on these elements light: '#3F2835', // used as a bakground on these elements // dark: '#F15260', // used for text on these elements dark: '#ff6472', // used for text on these elements border: '#8A3E45', contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for content when error.main is used as a background }, web: { main: '#1A4049', // used on sales-related elements contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for inner text }, /** * Used for grey badges, hover elements, and grey light elements */ neutral: { main: '#858699', // used on icons on these elements light: '#2B2A3C', // used as a bakground on these elements dark: '#EEEEFC', // used for text on these elements border: '#454360', contrastText: '#EEEEFC', // Color used for text inside badge }, background: { paper: '#222130', // Background color for all containers default: '#222130', application: '#1A1924', sidebar: '#4C4992', alternative: '#4C4992', // used on the dark theme to shwitch primary main to a darker shade elevation1: '#2B2A3C', elevation2: '#2B2A3C', // elevation2: '#302E42', }, action: { // Colors used for Icons and Buttons -> this comes from MUI and we overwriting it with our colors active: actionColors[0.54], hover: actionColors[0.05], hoverOpacity: 0.05, selected: actionColors[0.08], selectedOpacity: 0.08, disabled: actionColors[0.32], disabledBackground: actionColors[0.12], disabledOpacity: 0.38, focus: actionColors[0.12], focusOpacity: 0.12, activatedOpacity: 0.12, alternative: colors.purple[1000], }, /** * General divider */ divider: '#39384C', /** * Table colors. */ table: { headerBackground: '#2B2A3C', headerHover: '#313045', divider: '#323144', rowHover: '#262536', }, /** * Text highlight effect color. Used when filtering/searching over content */ highlight: 'rgba(255, 234, 204, 0.7)', /** * Used for the interactive guide spotlight */ spotlight: { border: '#8c89bf', outline: '#bcb9f3', pulse: '#bcb9f3', }, /** * Background color used for the API command in the sidebar */ codebox: 'rgba(52, 50, 94, 0.3)', /** * Links color */ links: '#9792ED', /** * Gradient for the login page */ loginGradient: { from: '#4C4992', to: '#4944a7', }, /** * Colors for event log output */ eventLog: { diffAdd: '#77AB2E', diffSub: '#df626c', edited: '#EEEEFC', }, /** * For 'Seen' column on feature toggles list and other */ seen: { unknown: '#2B2A3C', recent: '#4E6131', inactive: '#875D21', abandoned: '#8A3E45', primary: '#302E42', }, /** * For Environment Accordion */ envAccordion: { disabled: '#2B2A3C', expanded: '#1A1924', }, /** * MUI grey colors */ grey: { // This was to see were these colors are used from MUI // 50: '#A6000E', 100: '#888799', // Disabled Switch base (OFF) // 200: '#A6000E', // 300: '#A6000E', // 400: '#A6000E', // 500: '#A6000E', 600: '#343348', // slider tooltip background 700: '#343348', // Dark tooltip background // 800: '#A6000E', // 900: '#A6000E', // A100: '#A6000E', // A200: '#A6000E', // A400: '#A6000E', // A700: '#A6000E', }, variants: colors.variants, /** * Dashboard and charts */ charts: { gauge: { gradientStart: '#4C4992', gradientEnd: '#9792ED', background: '#39384C', sectionLine: '#8c89bf', text: colors.grey[800], }, health: { mainCircleBackground: '#34325E', orbit: '#4C4992', circles: '#2B2A3C', text: colors.grey[500], title: colors.grey[50], healthy: colors.purple[800], stale:[800], potentiallyStale:[800], gradientStale: '#8A3E45', gradientPotentiallyStale: '#875D21', }, series: colors.chartSeries, }, }, }; export default createTheme({ ...theme, components: { // Skeleton MuiCssBaseline: { styleOverrides: { '#react-joyride-portal ~ .MuiDialog-root': { zIndex: 1399, }, '.skeleton': { '&::before': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.elevation1, }, '&::after': { background: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(223, 222, 255, 0) 0, rgba(223, 222, 255, 0.2) 100%, rgba(223, 222, 255, 0.5) 100%, rgba(223, 222, 255, 0))', }, }, a: { color: theme.palette.links, }, '.dropdown-outline, .MuiAutocomplete-popper': { // used for user dropdown, autocomplete, and change request primary button dropdown, notifications dropdown outline: `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`, }, }, }, // Links MuiLink: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ ...focusable(theme), color: theme.palette.links, '&:hover': { textDecoration: 'none', }, }), }, }, // Breadcrumb MuiBreadcrumbs: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ color: theme.palette.text.primary, fontSize: '0.875rem', '& a': { color: theme.palette.links, textDecoration: 'none', '&:hover': { textDecoration: 'underline', }, }, }), }, }, // Tables MuiTableHead: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ '& th': { height: theme.shape.tableRowHeightCompact, backgroundColor: theme.palette.table.headerBackground, border: 0, '&:first-of-type': { borderTopLeftRadius: theme.shape.borderRadiusMedium, borderBottomLeftRadius: theme.shape.borderRadiusMedium, }, '&:last-of-type': { borderTopRightRadius: theme.shape.borderRadiusMedium, borderBottomRightRadius: theme.shape.borderRadiusMedium, }, }, }), }, }, MuiTableRow: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ '&.MuiTableRow-root:hover': { //Not all the tables have row hover background. This will add background color on row hover for all the tables background: theme.palette.table.rowHover, //overwrite action.hover }, }), }, }, MuiTableCell: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ borderBottomColor: theme.palette.table.divider, }), }, }, // Alerts MuiAlert: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ padding: theme.spacing(2, 3), borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadiusMedium, a: { color: 'inherit', }, '> .MuiAlert-icon': { padding: 0, opacity: 1, fontSize: '24px', }, '> .MuiAlert-message': { padding: '3px 0 0 0', }, '&.MuiAlert-standardInfo': { backgroundColor:, color:, border: `1px solid ${}`, '& .MuiAlert-icon': { color:, }, }, '&.MuiAlert-standardSuccess': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.success.light, color: theme.palette.success.contrastText, border: `1px solid ${theme.palette.success.border}`, '& .MuiAlert-icon': { color: theme.palette.success.main, }, }, '&.MuiAlert-standardWarning': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.warning.light, color: theme.palette.warning.contrastText, border: `1px solid ${theme.palette.warning.border}`, '& .MuiAlert-icon': { color: theme.palette.warning.main, }, }, '&.MuiAlert-standardError': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.error.light, color: theme.palette.error.contrastText, border: `1px solid ${theme.palette.error.border}`, '& .MuiAlert-icon': { color: theme.palette.error.main, }, }, }), }, }, // Horizontal menu tabs MuiTabs: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ '& .MuiTabs-indicator': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.alternative, height: '4px', }, '& .MuiTabs-flexContainer': { minHeight: '70px', maxHeight: '70px', }, }), }, }, MuiTab: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ color: theme.palette.text.primary, fontSize: '1rem', textTransform: 'none', fontWeight: 400, lineHeight: '1', minHeight: '62px', '&:hover': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover, }, '&.Mui-selected': { color: theme.palette.text.primary, fontWeight: 700, }, '& > span': { color: theme.palette.primary.main, //Based on this color is created the focus color/effect }, [theme.breakpoints.down('md')]: { padding: '12px 0px', }, }), }, }, // Environment accordion MuiAccordion: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ '&:first-of-type, &:last-of-type': { borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadiusLarge, }, '&.environment-accordion.Mui-expanded': { outline: `2px solid ${alpha( theme.palette.background.alternative, 0.6, )}`, boxShadow: `0px 2px 8px ${alpha( theme.palette.primary.main, 0.2, )}`, }, '&.accordion-disabled': { outline: `1px solid ${alpha('#39384C', 0.5)}`, backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.application, }, '&.accordion-disabled.Mui-expanded .MuiAccordionSummary-root': { borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`, }, }), }, }, MuiAccordionSummary: { styleOverrides: { root: { '& > .MuiAccordionSummary-content.Mui-expanded': { margin: '12px 0', }, '&.Mui-expanded': { minHeight: '0', }, }, }, }, // Project overview, improve switch (ON - state) hover effect color MuiSwitch: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ zIndex: 1, '&&& > .Mui-checked:hover': { backgroundColor: actionColors[0.08], }, '&&& > .Mui-checked.Mui-disabled': { color: '#423F6E', }, }), }, }, // Overwiteing the action.disabledOpacity from MUI MuiMenuItem: { styleOverrides: { root: { '&.Mui-disabled': { opacity: 0.4, }, }, }, }, // Inputs background - This is used when we have inputs on a darker background (e.g. edit contstraints, playground) MuiInputBase: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.paper, }), }, }, // Top menu text color MuiAppBar: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ color: theme.palette.text.primary, }), }, }, // For dark theme, primary buttons are a bit darker then the primary.main that we use as a primary color MuiButton: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ '&:not(.Mui-disabled).MuiButton-containedPrimary': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.alternative, '&:hover': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary.light, }, }, }), }, }, // Constraints negation icon MuiIconButton: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ '&.operator-is-active svg': { fill: theme.palette.background.application, }, }), }, }, // Inputs MuiOutlinedInput: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ fieldset: { borderColor: '#646382', }, '&&&:hover fieldset': { borderColor: '#8B8BA7', }, '&&&.Mui-focused fieldset': { borderColor: '#9792ED', }, '&&&.Mui-disabled fieldset': { borderColor: '#47475D', }, }), }, }, // Popovers MuiPopover: { styleOverrides: { root: ({ theme }) => ({ '.MuiPopover-paper': { outline: `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`, }, }), }, }, MuiIcon: { defaultProps: { baseClassName: 'material-symbols-outlined', }, }, }, });