import { useContext } from 'react'; import AccessContext from '../contexts/AccessContext'; import { useChangeRequestsEnabled } from './useChangeRequestsEnabled'; import { CREATE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, DELETE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT, UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIANTS, UPDATE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, } from '../component/providers/AccessProvider/permissions'; import { useAuthPermissions } from './api/getters/useAuth/useAuthPermissions'; import useProject from './api/getters/useProject/useProject'; /** * This is for features not integrated with change request. * If the feature is integrated with change request, use useCheckProjectAccess instead. */ export const useCheckProjectPermissions = (projectId?: string) => { const { hasAccess } = useContext(AccessContext); const checkPermission = ( permission: string, projectId?: string, environmentId?: string, ) => { if (projectId && environmentId) { return hasAccess(permission, projectId, environmentId); } else if (projectId) { return hasAccess(permission, projectId); } else { return hasAccess(permission); } }; const checkPermissions = ( permissions: string | string[], projectId?: string, environmentId?: string, ) => { if (Array.isArray(permissions)) { return permissions.some((permission) => checkPermission(permission, projectId, environmentId), ); } else { return checkPermission(permissions, projectId, environmentId); } }; return (permissions: string | string[], environmentId?: string) => { return checkPermissions(permissions, projectId, environmentId); }; }; /** * This is for features integrated with change request. * If the feature is not integrated with change request, use useCheckProjectPermissions instead. * When change request is enabled, the user will have access to the feature because permissions will be checked later */ export const useCheckProjectAccess = (projectId: string) => { const { isChangeRequestConfigured } = useChangeRequestsEnabled(projectId); const checkAccess = useCheckProjectPermissions(projectId); return (permission: string, environment: string) => { return ( isChangeRequestConfigured(environment) || checkAccess(permission, environment) ); }; }; const ALLOWED_CHANGE_REQUEST_PERMISSIONS = [ CREATE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, UPDATE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, DELETE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT, UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIANTS, ]; const intersect = (array1: string[], array2: string[]) => { return array1.filter((value) => array2.includes(value)).length > 0; }; const useIsProjectMember = (projectId: string) => { const { permissions } = useAuthPermissions(); const isProjectMember = permissions ? permissions.find((permission) => permission.project === projectId) : false; return isProjectMember; }; const useIsAllowedUser = (projectId: string) => { const isProjectMember = useIsProjectMember(projectId); const { project } = useProject(projectId); const isProtectedProject = project.mode === 'protected'; return isProtectedProject ? isProjectMember : true; }; const isChangeRequestPermission = (permission: string | string[]) => { const emptyArray: string[] = []; return intersect( ALLOWED_CHANGE_REQUEST_PERMISSIONS, emptyArray.concat(permission), ); }; const useIsAllowedForChangeRequest = ( permission: string | string[], projectId: string, environmentId: string, ) => { const { isChangeRequestConfigured } = useChangeRequestsEnabled(projectId); const isChangeRequestMode = isChangeRequestConfigured(environmentId); const isAllowedMember = useIsAllowedUser(projectId); return ( isChangeRequestMode && isAllowedMember && isChangeRequestPermission(permission) ); }; /** * This methods does the same as useCheckProjectAccess but also checks if the permission is in ALLOWED_CHANGE_REQUEST_PERMISSIONS * If you know what you're doing you can skip that check and call useCheckProjectAccess */ export const useHasProjectEnvironmentAccess = ( permission: string | string[], projectId: string, environmentId: string, ) => { const checkAccess = useCheckProjectPermissions(projectId); const isAllowedForChangeRequest = useIsAllowedForChangeRequest( permission, projectId, environmentId, ); return isAllowedForChangeRequest || checkAccess(permission, environmentId); }; export const useHasRootAccess = ( permissions: string | string[], projectId?: string, environmentId?: string, ) => { return useCheckProjectPermissions(projectId)(permissions, environmentId); };