--- id: features title: /api/client/features --- ### Fetching Feature Toggles `GET: http://unleash.host.com/api/client/features` **HEADERS:** - UNLEASH-APPNAME: appName - UNLEASH-INSTANCEID: instanceId This endpoint is the one all clients should use to fetch all available feature toggles from the _unleash-server_. The response returns all active feature toggles and their current strategy configuration. A feature toggle will have _at least_ one configured strategy. A strategy will have a `name` and `parameters` map. > _Note:_ Clients should prefer the `strategies` property. Legacy properties (`strategy` & `parameters`) will be kept until **version 2** of the format. This endpoint should never return anything besides a valid _20X or 304-response_. It will also include an `Etag`-header. The value of this header can be used by clients as the value of the `If-None-Match`-header in the request to prevent a data transfer if the client already has the latest response locally. **Example response:** ```json { "version": 1, "features": [ { "name": "Feature.A", "description": "lorem ipsum", "type": "release", "enabled": false, "stale": false, "strategies": [ { "name": "default", "parameters": {} } ], "strategy": "default", "parameters": {} }, { "name": "Feature.B", "type": "killswitch", "description": "lorem ipsum", "enabled": true, "stale": false, "strategies": [ { "name": "ActiveForUserWithId", "parameters": { "userIdList": "123,221,998" } }, { "name": "GradualRolloutRandom", "parameters": { "percentage": "10" } } ], "strategy": "ActiveForUserWithId", "parameters": { "userIdList": "123,221,998" } } ] } ``` #### Filter feature toggles Supports three params for now - `tag` - filters for features tagged with tag - `project` - filters for features belonging to project - `namePrefix` - filters for features beginning with prefix For `tag` and `project` performs OR filtering if multiple arguments To filter for any feature tagged with a `simple` tag with value `taga` or a `simple` tag with value `tagb` use `GET https://unleash.host.com/api/client/features?tag[]=simple:taga&tag[]simple:tagb` To filter for any feature belonging to project `myproject` use `GET https://unleash.host.com/api/client/features?project=myproject` Response format is the same as `api/client/features` ### Get specific feature toggle `GET: http://unleash.host.com/api/client/features/:featureName` Used to fetch details about a specific feature toggle. This is mainly provided to make it easy to debug the API and should not be used by the client implementations. > _Notice_: You will not get a version property when fetching a specific feature toggle by name. ```json { "name": "Feature.A", "description": "lorem ipsum..", "type": "release", "enabled": false, "stale": false, "strategies": [ { "name": "default", "parameters": {} } ], "strategy": "default", "parameters": {} } ``` ### Strategy Constraints > This is a unleash-enterprise feature Strategy definitions may also contain a `constraints` property. Strategy constraints is a feature in Unleash which work on context fields, which is defined as part of the [Unleash Context](../../unleash-context). The purpose is to define a set of rules where all needs to be satisfied in order for the activation strategy to . A [high level description](https://www.unleash-hosted.com/articles/strategy-constraints) of it is available online. **Example response:** The example shows strategy constraints in action. Constraints is a new field on the strategy-object. It is a list of constraints that need to be satisfied. In the example `environment` needs to be `production` AND `userId` must be either `123` OR `44` in order for the Unleash Client to evaluate the strategy, which in this scenario is “default” and will always evaluate to true. ```json { "createdAt": "2019-08-02T19:25:13.976Z", "description": "Play with strategy constraints", "type": "release", "enabled": true, "stale": false, "name": "Demo", "strategies": [ { "constraints": [ { "contextName": "environment", "operator": "IN", "values": ["production"] }, { "contextName": "userId", "operator": "IN", "values": ["123", "44"] } ], "name": "default", "parameters": {} } ] } ``` - **contextName** - is the name of the field to look up on the unleash context. - **values** - is a list of values (string). - **operator** - is the logical action to take on the values Supported operator are: - **IN** - constraint is satisfied if one of the values in the list matches the value for this context field in the context. - **NOT_IN** - constraint is satisfied if NONE of the values is the list matches the value for this field in the context. ### Variants All feature toggles can also take an array of variants. You can read more about [feature toggle variants](../../feature-toggle-variants). ```json { "version": 1, "features": [ { "name": "Demo", "description": "Show off fedfdfature toggles!", "type": "operational", "enabled": true, "stale": false, "strategies": [ { "name": "default" } ], "variants": [ { "name": "red", "weight": 500, "weightType": "variable", "payload": { "type": "string", "value": "something" }, "overrides": [ { "contextName": "userId", "values": ["123"] } ] }, { "name": "blue", "weight": 500, "overrides": [], "weightType": "variable" } ], "createdAt": "2020-09-01T07:14:39.438Z" } ] } ``` - **payload** - an optional object representing a payload to the variant. Takes two properties if present `type` and `value`. - **overrides** - an optional array of overrides. If any context field matches any of the the defined overrides it means that the variant should be selected.