'use strict'; exports.up = function(db, cb) { db.runSql( ` ALTER TABLE strategies ADD COLUMN display_name text; UPDATE strategies SET display_name = 'Standard', description = 'The standard strategy is strictly on / off for your entire userbase.' WHERE name = 'default'; UPDATE strategies SET display_name = 'Gradual rollout', description = 'Roll out to a percentage of your userbase, and ensure that the experience is the same for the user on each visit.' WHERE name = 'flexibleRollout'; UPDATE strategies SET display_name = 'UserIDs', description = 'Enable the feature for a specific set of userIds.' WHERE name = 'userWithId'; UPDATE strategies SET display_name = 'IPs', description = 'Enable the feature for a specific set of IP addresses.' WHERE name = 'remoteAddress'; UPDATE strategies SET display_name = 'Hosts', description = 'Enable the feature for a specific set of hostnames.' WHERE name = 'applicationHostname'; `, cb, ); }; exports.down = function(db, cb) { db.runSql(`ALTER TABLE strategies DROP COLUMN display_name;`, cb); };