import rbacMiddleware from './rbac-middleware'; import User from '../types/user'; import * as perms from '../types/permissions'; import { IUnleashConfig } from '../types/option'; import { createTestConfig } from '../../test/config/test-config'; import ApiUser from '../types/api-user'; import { IFeatureToggleStore } from '../features/feature-toggle/types/feature-toggle-store-type'; import FakeFeatureToggleStore from '../features/feature-toggle/fakes/fake-feature-toggle-store'; import { ApiTokenType } from '../types/models/api-token'; import { ISegmentStore } from '../types'; import FakeSegmentStore from '../../test/fixtures/fake-segment-store'; let config: IUnleashConfig; let featureToggleStore: IFeatureToggleStore; let segmentStore: ISegmentStore; beforeEach(() => { featureToggleStore = new FakeFeatureToggleStore(); segmentStore = new FakeSegmentStore(); config = createTestConfig(); }); test('should add checkRbac to request', () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req = jest.fn(); func(req, undefined, cb); // @ts-ignore expect(req.checkRbac).toBeTruthy(); // @ts-ignore expect(typeof req.checkRbac).toBe('function'); }); test('should give api-user ADMIN permission', async () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new ApiUser({ tokenName: 'api', permissions: [perms.ADMIN], project: '*', environment: '*', type: ApiTokenType.ADMIN, secret: 'a', }), }; func(req, undefined, cb); const hasAccess = await req.checkRbac(perms.ADMIN); expect(hasAccess).toBe(true); }); test('should not give api-user ADMIN permission', async () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new ApiUser({ tokenName: 'api', permissions: [perms.CLIENT], project: '*', environment: '*', type: ApiTokenType.CLIENT, secret: 'a', }), }; func(req, undefined, cb); const hasAccess = await req.checkRbac(perms.ADMIN); expect(hasAccess).toBe(false); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should not allow user to miss userId', async () => { jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => jest.fn()); const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: { username: 'user', }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); const hasAccess = await req.checkRbac(perms.ADMIN); expect(hasAccess).toBe(false); }); test('should return false for missing user', async () => { jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => jest.fn()); const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = {}; func(req, undefined, cb); const hasAccess = await req.checkRbac(perms.ADMIN); expect(hasAccess).toBe(false); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should verify permission for root resource', async () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1, }), params: {}, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.ADMIN); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.ADMIN], undefined, undefined, ); }); test('should lookup projectId from params', async () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1, }), params: { projectId: 'some-proj', }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.UPDATE_PROJECT); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.UPDATE_PROJECT], req.params.projectId, undefined, ); }); test('should lookup projectId from feature toggle', async () => { const projectId = 'some-project-33'; const featureName = 'some-feature-toggle'; const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; featureToggleStore.getProjectId = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(projectId); const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1, }), params: { featureName, }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.UPDATE_FEATURE); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.UPDATE_FEATURE], projectId, undefined, ); }); test('should lookup projectId from data', async () => { const projectId = 'some-project-33'; const featureName = 'some-feature-toggle'; const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1, }), params: {}, body: { featureName, project: projectId, }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.CREATE_FEATURE); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.CREATE_FEATURE], projectId, undefined, ); }); test('Does not double check permission if not changing project when updating toggle', async () => { const oldProjectId = 'some-project-34'; const featureName = 'some-feature-toggle'; const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), }; featureToggleStore.getProjectId = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(oldProjectId); const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1 }), params: { featureName }, body: { featureName, project: oldProjectId }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.UPDATE_FEATURE); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.UPDATE_FEATURE], oldProjectId, undefined, ); }); test('CREATE_TAG_TYPE does not need projectId', async () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1 }), params: {}, body: { name: 'new-tag-type', description: 'New tag type for testing' }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.CREATE_TAG_TYPE); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.CREATE_TAG_TYPE], undefined, undefined, ); }); test('UPDATE_TAG_TYPE does not need projectId', async () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1 }), params: {}, body: { name: 'new-tag-type', description: 'New tag type for testing' }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.UPDATE_TAG_TYPE); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.UPDATE_TAG_TYPE], undefined, undefined, ); }); test('DELETE_TAG_TYPE does not need projectId', async () => { const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1 }), params: {}, body: { name: 'new-tag-type', description: 'New tag type for testing' }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.DELETE_TAG_TYPE); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.DELETE_TAG_TYPE], undefined, undefined, ); }); test('should not expect featureName for UPDATE_FEATURE when projectId specified', async () => { const projectId = 'some-project-33'; const accessService = { hasPermission: jest.fn(), }; const func = rbacMiddleware( config, { featureToggleStore, segmentStore }, accessService, ); const cb = jest.fn(); const req: any = { user: new User({ username: 'user', id: 1, }), params: {}, body: { project: projectId, }, }; func(req, undefined, cb); await req.checkRbac(perms.UPDATE_FEATURE); expect(accessService.hasPermission).toHaveBeenCalledWith( req.user, [perms.UPDATE_FEATURE], projectId, undefined, ); });