--- id: securing-unleash-v3 title: Securing Unleash v3 --- > This guide is only relevant if you are using Unleash Open-Source. The Enterprise edition does already ship with a secure setup and multiple SSO options. The Unleash API is split into two different paths: `/api/client` and `/api/admin`. This makes it easy to have different authentication strategy for the admin interface and the client-api used by the applications integrating with Unleash. ## General settings {#general-settings} Unleash uses an encrypted cookie to maintain a user session. This allows users to be logged in across multiple instances of Unleash. To protect this cookie, Unleash will automatically generate a secure token the first time you start Unleash. ## Securing the Admin API {#securing-the-admin-api} To secure the Admin API, you have to tell Unleash that you are using a custom admin authentication and implement your authentication logic as a preHook. ```javascript const unleash = require('unleash-server'); const myCustomAdminAuth = require('./auth-hook'); unleash .start({ databaseUrl: 'postgres://unleash_user:passord@localhost:5432/unleash', adminAuthentication: 'custom', preRouterHook: myCustomAdminAuth, }) .then((unleash) => { console.log( `Unleash started on http://localhost:${unleash.app.get('port')}`, ); }); ``` Additionally, you can trigger the admin interface to prompt the user to sign in by configuring your middleware to return a `401` status on protected routes. The response body must contain a `message` and a `path` used to redirect the user to the proper login route. ```json { "message": "You must be logged in to use Unleash", "path": "/custom/login" } ``` Examples of custom authentication hooks: - [google-auth-hook.js](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-examples/blob/7ed25f97a31dfd8f773c00847080b1a4c889fd87/v3/securing-google-auth/google-auth-hook.js) - [basic-auth-hook.js](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-examples/blob/7ed25f97a31dfd8f773c00847080b1a4c889fd87/v3/securing-basic-auth/basic-auth-hook.js) - [keycloak-auth-hook.js](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-examples/blob/7ed25f97a31dfd8f773c00847080b1a4c889fd87/v3/securing-keycloak-auth/keycloak-auth-hook.js) ## Securing the Client API {#securing-the-client-api} A common way to support client access is to use pre-shared secrets. This can be solved by having clients send a shared key in an HTTP header with every client request to the Unleash API. All official Unleash clients should support this. In the [Java client](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-client-java#custom-http-headers) this would look like this: ```java UnleashConfig unleashConfig = UnleashConfig.builder() .appName("my-app") .instanceId("my-instance-1") .unleashAPI(unleashAPI) .customHttpHeader("Authorization", "12312Random") .build(); ``` On the Unleash server side, you need to implement a preRouter hook which verifies that all calls to `/api/client` include this pre-shared key in the defined header. This could look something like this. ```javascript const unleash = require('unleash-server'); const sharedSecret = '12312Random'; unleash .start({ databaseUrl: 'postgres://unleash_user:passord@localhost:5432/unleash', preRouterHook: (app) => { app.use('/api/client', (req, res, next) => { if (req.header('authorization') !== sharedSecret) { res.sendStatus(401); } else { next(); } }); }, }) .then((unleash) => { console.log( `Unleash started on http://localhost:${unleash.app.get('port')}`, ); }); ``` [client-auth-unleash.js](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-examples/blob/7ed25f97a31dfd8f773c00847080b1a4c889fd87/v3/securing-client-auth/index.js)