import { WebClient, ConversationsListResponse, ErrorCode, WebClientEvent, CodedError, WebAPIPlatformError, WebAPIRequestError, WebAPIRateLimitedError, WebAPIHTTPError, } from '@slack/web-api'; import Addon from './addon'; import slackAppDefinition from './slack-app-definition'; import { IAddonConfig } from '../types/model'; import { FeatureEventFormatter, FeatureEventFormatterMd, LinkStyle, } from './feature-event-formatter-md'; import { IEvent } from '../types/events'; const CACHE_SECONDS = 30; interface ISlackAppAddonParameters { accessToken: string; defaultChannels: string; } export default class SlackAppAddon extends Addon { private msgFormatter: FeatureEventFormatter; private accessToken?: string; private slackClient?: WebClient; private slackChannels?: ConversationsListResponse['channels']; private slackChannelsCacheTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; constructor(args: IAddonConfig) { super(slackAppDefinition, args); this.msgFormatter = new FeatureEventFormatterMd( args.unleashUrl, LinkStyle.SLACK, ); this.startCacheInvalidation(); } async handleEvent( event: IEvent, parameters: ISlackAppAddonParameters, ): Promise { try { const { accessToken, defaultChannels } = parameters; if (!accessToken) { this.logger.warn('No access token provided.'); return; } const taggedChannels = this.findTaggedChannels(event); const eventChannels = taggedChannels.length ? taggedChannels : this.getDefaultChannels(defaultChannels); if (!eventChannels.length) { this.logger.debug( `No Slack channels found for event ${event.type}.`, ); return; } this.logger.debug(`Found candidate channels: ${eventChannels}.`); if (!this.slackClient || this.accessToken !== accessToken) { const client = new WebClient(accessToken); client.on(WebClientEvent.RATE_LIMITED, (numSeconds) => { this.logger.debug( `Rate limit reached for event ${event.type}. Retry scheduled after ${numSeconds} seconds`, ); }); this.slackClient = client; this.accessToken = accessToken; } if (!this.slackChannels) { const slackConversationsList = await this.slackClient.conversations.list({ types: 'public_channel,private_channel', }); this.slackChannels = slackConversationsList.channels || []; this.logger.debug( `Fetched ${ this.slackChannels.length } available Slack channels: ${ ({ name }) => name, )}`, ); } const currentSlackChannels = [...this.slackChannels]; if (!currentSlackChannels.length) { this.logger.warn('No available Slack channels found.'); return; } const text = this.msgFormatter.format(event); const url = this.msgFormatter.featureLink(event); const slackChannelsToPostTo = currentSlackChannels.filter( ({ id, name }) => id && name && eventChannels.includes(name), ); if (!slackChannelsToPostTo.length) {'No eligible Slack channel found.'); return; } this.logger.debug( `Posting event to ${ ({ name }) => name, )}.`, ); const requests ={ id }) => this.slackClient!.chat.postMessage({ channel: id!, text, attachments: [ { actions: [ { name: 'featureToggle', text: 'Open in Unleash', type: 'button', value: 'featureToggle', style: 'primary', url, }, ], }, ], }), ); const results = await Promise.allSettled(requests); results .filter(({ status }) => status === 'rejected') .map(({ reason }: PromiseRejectedResult) => this.logError(event, reason), ); `Handled event ${event.type} dispatching ${ results.filter(({ status }) => status === 'fulfilled') .length } out of ${requests.length} messages successfully.`, ); } catch (error) { this.logError(event, error); } } findTaggedChannels({ tags }: Pick): string[] { if (tags) { return tags .filter((tag) => tag.type === 'slack') .map((t) => t.value); } return []; } getDefaultChannels(defaultChannels?: string): string[] { if (defaultChannels) { return defaultChannels.split(',').map((c) => c.trim()); } return []; } startCacheInvalidation(): void { this.slackChannelsCacheTimeout = setInterval(() => { this.slackChannels = undefined; }, CACHE_SECONDS * 1000); } logError(event: IEvent, error: Error | CodedError): void { if (!('code' in error)) { this.logger.warn(`Error handling event ${event.type}.`, error); return; } if (error.code === ErrorCode.PlatformError) { const { data } = error as WebAPIPlatformError; this.logger.warn( `Error handling event ${event.type}. A platform error occurred: ${data}`, error, ); } else if (error.code === ErrorCode.RequestError) { const { original } = error as WebAPIRequestError; this.logger.warn( `Error handling event ${event.type}. A request error occurred: ${original}`, error, ); } else if (error.code === ErrorCode.RateLimitedError) { const { retryAfter } = error as WebAPIRateLimitedError; this.logger.warn( `Error handling event ${event.type}. A rate limit error occurred: retry after ${retryAfter} seconds`, error, ); } else if (error.code === ErrorCode.HTTPError) { const { statusCode } = error as WebAPIHTTPError; this.logger.warn( `Error handling event ${event.type}. An HTTP error occurred: status code ${statusCode}`, error, ); } else { this.logger.warn(`Error handling event ${event.type}.`, error); } } destroy(): void { if (this.slackChannelsCacheTimeout) { clearInterval(this.slackChannelsCacheTimeout); this.slackChannelsCacheTimeout = undefined; } } } module.exports = SlackAppAddon;