'use strict'; const logger = require('../logger'); const { FEATURE_CREATED, FEATURE_UPDATED, FEATURE_ARCHIVED } = require('../event-type'); const NameExistsError = require('../error/name-exists-error'); const NotFoundError = require('../error/notfound-error'); const ValidationError = require('../error/validation-error.js'); const validateRequest = require('../error/validate-request'); const extractUser = require('../extract-user'); const legacyFeatureMapper = require('../data-helper/legacy-feature-mapper'); const version = 1; const handleErrors = (req, res, error) => { switch (error.constructor) { case NotFoundError: return res .status(404) .end(); case NameExistsError: return res .status(403) .json([{ msg: 'A feature with this name already exists. Try re-activating it from the archive.' }]) .end(); case ValidationError: return res .status(400) .json(req.validationErrors()) .end(); default: logger.error('Server failed executing request', error); return res .status(500) .end(); } }; module.exports = function (app, config) { const { featureToggleStore, eventStore } = config.stores; app.get('/features', (req, res) => { featureToggleStore.getFeatures() .then((features) => features.map(legacyFeatureMapper.addOldFields)) .then(features => res.json({ version, features })); }); app.get('/features/:featureName', (req, res) => { featureToggleStore.getFeature(req.params.featureName) .then(legacyFeatureMapper.addOldFields) .then(feature => res.json(feature).end()) .catch(() => res.status(404).json({ error: 'Could not find feature' })); }); app.post('/features-validate', (req, res) => { req.checkBody('name', 'Name is required').notEmpty(); req.checkBody('name', 'Name must match format ^[0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\-]+$').matches(/^[0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\-]+$/i); validateRequest(req) .then(validateFormat) .then(validateUniqueName) .then(() => res.status(201).end()) .catch(error => handleErrors(req, res, error)); }); app.post('/features', (req, res) => { req.checkBody('name', 'Name is required').notEmpty(); req.checkBody('name', 'Name must match format ^[0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\-]+$').matches(/^[0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\-]+$/i); const userName = extractUser(req); validateRequest(req) .then(validateFormat) .then(validateUniqueName) .then((_req) => legacyFeatureMapper.toNewFormat(_req.body)) .then(validateStrategy) .then((featureToggle) => eventStore.store({ type: FEATURE_CREATED, createdBy: userName, data: featureToggle, })) .then(() => res.status(201).end()) .catch(error => handleErrors(req, res, error)); }); app.put('/features/:featureName', (req, res) => { const featureName = req.params.featureName; const userName = extractUser(req); const updatedFeature = legacyFeatureMapper.toNewFormat(req.body); updatedFeature.name = featureName; featureToggleStore.getFeature(featureName) .then(() => validateStrategy(updatedFeature)) .then(() => eventStore.store({ type: FEATURE_UPDATED, createdBy: userName, data: updatedFeature, })) .then(() => res.status(200).end()) .catch(error => handleErrors(req, res, error)); }); app.post('/features/:featureName/toggle', (req, res) => { const featureName = req.params.featureName; const userName = extractUser(req); featureToggleStore.getFeature(featureName) .then((feature) => { feature.enabled = !feature.enabled; return eventStore.store({ type: FEATURE_UPDATED, createdBy: userName, data: feature, }); }) .then(() => res.status(200).end()) .catch(error => handleErrors(req, res, error)); }); app.delete('/features/:featureName', (req, res) => { const featureName = req.params.featureName; const userName = extractUser(req); featureToggleStore.getFeature(featureName) .then(() => eventStore.store({ type: FEATURE_ARCHIVED, createdBy: userName, data: { name: featureName, }, })) .then(() => res.status(200).end()) .catch(error => handleErrors(req, res, error)); }); function validateUniqueName (req) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { featureToggleStore.getFeature(req.body.name) .then(() => reject(new NameExistsError('Feature name already exist'))) .catch(() => resolve(req)); }); } function validateFormat (req) { if (req.body.strategy && req.body.strategies) { return Promise.reject(new ValidationError('Cannot use both "strategy" and "strategies".')); } return Promise.resolve(req); } function validateStrategy (featureToggle) { if (!featureToggle.strategies || featureToggle.strategies.length === 0) { return Promise.reject(new ValidationError('You must define at least one strategy')); } return Promise.resolve(featureToggle); } };