--- id: quickstart title: Quickstart --- In this section we will attempt to guide you in order to get started with Unleash easily. There are multiple options to get started with Unleash, browse the headings to find the method that works best for you. ## I just want to get started creating toggles without much setup Usually, you'll need to set up an Unleash instance in order to work with Unleash. However, for testing purposes we have set up a demo instance that you can use in order to test out different use-cases before setting up your own instance. You can find the demo instance admin panel here: https://app.unleash-hosted.com/demo/ NOTE: This is a demo instance set up with the Enterprise version. Some of the functionality may be enterprise specific, but everything we cover here is also available in open source. ### I want to test toggles in a client side environment In order to use feature toggles on the client side you need to connect through [the Unleash proxy](sdks/unleash-proxy.md). The Unleash proxy will provide a security and performance layer between your client application and the Unleash instance. For now, you can use the proxy we have set up on the demo instance. #### Create your first toggle In order to create a toggle through the UI, [you can follow this guide](create-feature-toggle.md). Once you have created your feature toggle, you are ready to connect your application using an SDK. #### Connecting to the Unleash proxy from your app Connection details: ``` Api URL: https://app.unleash-hosted.com/demo/proxy Secret key: proxy-123 (edited) ``` Now you can open your application code and connect through one of the proxy SDKs: - [Javascript Proxy SDK](sdks/proxy-javascript.md) - [iOS Proxy SDK](sdks/proxy-ios.md) - [Android Proxy SDK](sdks/android-proxy.md) - [React](sdks/proxy-react.md) Here is a connection example using the javascript proxy SDK: ```javascript import { UnleashClient } from 'unleash-proxy-client'; const unleash = new UnleashClient({ url: 'https://app.unleash-hosted.com/demo/proxy', clientKey: 'proxy-123', appName: 'my-webapp', }); unleash.on('synchronized', () => { if (unleash.isEnabled('proxy.demo')) { // do something } }); // Used to set the context fields, shared with the Unleash Proxy unleash.updateContext({ userId: '1233' }); // Start the background polling unleash.start(); ``` Now you are ready to use the feature toggle you created in your client side application, using the appropriate proxy SDK. ### I want to test toggles in a backend environment #### Create your first toggle In order to create a toggle through the UI, [you can follow this guide](create-feature-toggle.md). Once you have created your feature toggle, you are ready to connect your application using an SDK. #### Connecting to the Unleash instance from your app Connection details: ``` Api URL: https://app.unleash-hosted.com/demo/api/ Secret key: 56907a2fa53c1d16101d509a10b78e36190b0f918d9f122d ``` Curl command test credentials and retrieve feature toggles: ``` curl https://app.unleash-hosted.com/demo/api/client/features \ -H "Authorization: 56907a2fa53c1d16101d509a10b78e36190b0f918d9f122d"; ``` Now you can open up your application code and create a connection to Unleash using one of our [SDKs](sdks/index.md). Here's an example using the NodeJS SDK: ```javascript const { initialize } = require('unleash-client'); const unleash = initialize({ url: 'https://app.unleash-hosted.com/demo/api/', appName: 'my-app-name', instanceId: 'my-unique-instance-id', customHeaders: { Authorization: '56907a2fa53c1d16101d509a10b78e36190b0f918d9f122d', }, }); unleash.on('synchronized', () => { // Unleash is ready to serve updated feature toggles. // Check a feature flag const isEnabled = unleash.isEnabled('some-toggle'); // Check the variant const variant = unleash.getVariant('app.ToggleY'); }); ``` Now you can fetch the feature toggle you created and try turning it on / off in your code. ## I want to setup my own instance for testing purposes If you want to set up your own instance for testing purposes you can easily do so by using one of our premade setup kits for Heroku or DigitalOcean. > The Heroku instance setup is FREE, and includes a DB to save your state but it will eventually go to sleep when not used. The DigitalOcean setup utilises droplets and will cost you around $10/month to run, but in turn it will not go to sleep. NOTE: If you use the DigitalOcean link below and are a new user, you will receive $100 in FREE credits. ### Deploy a free version of Unleash to Heroku [![Deploy to Heroku](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.png)](https://www.heroku.com/deploy/?template=https://github.com/Unleash/unleash) ### Deploy a paid version of Unleash to DigitalOcean > You'll receive $100 in free credits if you are a new DigitalOcean user using this link. [![Deploy to DigitalOcean](https://www.deploytodo.com/do-btn-blue.svg)](https://cloud.digitalocean.com/apps/new?repo=https://github.com/Unleash/unleash/tree/master&refcode=0e1d75187044) ### Accessing your new instance Once you have set up the new instance, click the URL provided by either Heroku or DigitalOcean and you'll be taken to the application login screen. Input the following credentials to log in: ``` username: admin password: unleash4all ``` ### Create your first toggle In order to create a toggle through the UI, [you can follow this guide](create-feature-toggle.md). Once you have created your feature toggle, you are ready to connect your application using an SDK. If you'd like to create your feature toggles with code, you can hit the create feature endpoint with the following command: > CRUD operations require an admin API key. For security reasons we have split the admin and client API into separate APIs. You can view how to create API keys in the next section of this guide. Make sure you create client keys for use in SDKs and restrict Admin api key usage. ```curl curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: MY-ADMIN-API-KEY" \ -X POST \ -d '{ "name": "my-unique-feature-name", "description": "lorem ipsum..", "type": "release", "enabled": false, "stale": false, "strategies": [ { "name": "default", "parameters": {} } ], "variants": [], "tags": [] }' \ http://CHANGEME/api/admin/features ``` ### Connect your SDK Next, find the navigation, open up the Admin panel and find the API Access tab. Click the "Add new api key" button and create a client key. This key can be used to connect to the instance with our [SDKs](sdks/index.md). You can find more [information about API keys here](token.md). Now that you have your API key created, you have what you need to connect to the SDK (NodeJS example): ```javascript const { initialize } = require('unleash-client'); const unleash = initialize({ url: 'https://your.heroku.instance.com/api/', appName: 'my-app-name', instanceId: 'my-unique-instance-id', customHeaders: { Authorization: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', }, }); unleash.on('synchronized', () => { // Unleash is ready to serve updated feature toggles. // Check a feature flag const isEnabled = unleash.isEnabled('some-toggle'); // Check the variant const variant = unleash.getVariant('app.ToggleY'); }); ``` ## I want to run Unleash locally ### Run Unleash with Docker The easiest way to run unleash locally is using [docker](https://www.docker.com/). 1. Create a network by running `docker network create unleash` 2. Start a postgres database: ```sh docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=some_password \ -e POSTGRES_USER=unleash_user -e POSTGRES_DB=unleash \ --network unleash --name postgres postgres ``` 3. Start Unleash via docker: ```sh docker run -p 4242:4242 \ -e DATABASE_HOST=postgres -e DATABASE_NAME=unleash \ -e DATABASE_USERNAME=unleash_user -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=some_password \ -e DATABASE_SSL=false \ --network unleash unleashorg/unleash-server ``` [Click here to see all options to get started locally.](deploy/getting-started.md) ### Accessing your new instance Once you have the local instance running on localhost, input the following credentials to log in: ``` username: admin password: unleash4all ``` ### Create your first toggle In order to create a toggle through the UI, [you can follow this guide](create-feature-toggle.md). Once you have created your feature toggle, you are ready to connect your application using an SDK. If you'd like to create your feature toggles with code, you can hit the create feature endpoint with the following command: > CRUD operations require an admin API key. For security reasons we have split the admin and client API into separate APIs. You can view how to create API keys in the next section of this guide. Make sure you create client keys for use in SDKs and restrict Admin api key usage. ```curl curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: MY-ADMIN-API-KEY" \ -X POST \ -d '{ "name": "my-unique-feature-name", "description": "lorem ipsum..", "type": "release", "enabled": false, "stale": false, "strategies": [ { "name": "default", "parameters": {} } ], "variants": [], "tags": [] }' \ http://CHANGEME/api/admin/features ``` ### Connect your SDK Find the navigation, open up the Admin panel and find the API Access tab. Click the "Add new api key" button and create a client key. This key can be used to connect to the instance with our [SDKs](sdks/index.md). You can find more [information about API keys here](token.md). Now that you have your API key created, you have what you need to connect to the SDK (NodeJS example): ```javascript const { initialize } = require('unleash-client'); const unleash = initialize({ url: 'https://localhost:4242/api/', appName: 'my-app-name', instanceId: 'my-unique-instance-id', customHeaders: { Authorization: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', }, }); unleash.on('synchronized', () => { // Unleash is ready to serve updated feature toggles. // Check a feature flag const isEnabled = unleash.isEnabled('some-toggle'); // Check the variant const variant = unleash.getVariant('app.ToggleY'); }); ```