import { ApiTokenService } from './api-token-service'; import { createTestConfig } from '../../test/config/test-config'; import { IUnleashConfig, IUnleashOptions, IUser } from '../server-impl'; import { ApiTokenType, IApiTokenCreate } from '../types/models/api-token'; import FakeApiTokenStore from '../../test/fixtures/fake-api-token-store'; import FakeEnvironmentStore from '../features/project-environments/fake-environment-store'; import FakeEventStore from '../../test/fixtures/fake-event-store'; import { ADMIN_TOKEN_USER, API_TOKEN_CREATED, API_TOKEN_DELETED, API_TOKEN_UPDATED, } from '../types'; import { addDays } from 'date-fns'; import EventService from '../features/events/event-service'; import FakeFeatureTagStore from '../../test/fixtures/fake-feature-tag-store'; import { createFakeEventsService } from '../../lib/features'; test('Should init api token', async () => { const token = { environment: '*', project: '*', secret: '*:*:some-random-string', type: ApiTokenType.ADMIN, tokenName: 'admin', }; const config: IUnleashConfig = createTestConfig({ authentication: { initApiTokens: [token], }, experimental: { flags: { useMemoizedActiveTokens: true, }, }, }); const apiTokenStore = new FakeApiTokenStore(); const environmentStore = new FakeEnvironmentStore(); const insertCalled = new Promise((resolve) => { apiTokenStore.on('insert', resolve); }); const eventService = createFakeEventsService(config); new ApiTokenService( { apiTokenStore, environmentStore }, config, eventService, ); await insertCalled; const tokens = await apiTokenStore.getAll(); expect(tokens).toHaveLength(1); }); test("Shouldn't return frontend token when secret is undefined", async () => { const token: IApiTokenCreate = { environment: 'default', projects: ['*'], secret: '*:*:some-random-string', type: ApiTokenType.FRONTEND, tokenName: 'front', expiresAt: undefined, }; const config: IUnleashConfig = createTestConfig({}); const apiTokenStore = new FakeApiTokenStore(); const environmentStore = new FakeEnvironmentStore(); const eventService = new EventService( { eventStore: new FakeEventStore(), featureTagStore: new FakeFeatureTagStore(), }, config, ); await environmentStore.create({ name: 'default', enabled: true, protected: true, type: 'test', sortOrder: 1, }); const apiTokenService = new ApiTokenService( { apiTokenStore, environmentStore }, config, eventService, ); await apiTokenService.createApiTokenWithProjects(token); await apiTokenService.fetchActiveTokens(); expect(await apiTokenService.getUserForToken('')).toEqual(undefined); }); test('Api token operations should all have events attached', async () => { const token: IApiTokenCreate = { environment: 'default', projects: ['*'], secret: '*:*:some-random-string', type: ApiTokenType.FRONTEND, tokenName: 'front', expiresAt: undefined, }; const config: IUnleashConfig = createTestConfig({}); const apiTokenStore = new FakeApiTokenStore(); const environmentStore = new FakeEnvironmentStore(); const eventService = new EventService( { eventStore: new FakeEventStore(), featureTagStore: new FakeFeatureTagStore(), }, config, ); await environmentStore.create({ name: 'default', enabled: true, protected: true, type: 'test', sortOrder: 1, }); const apiTokenService = new ApiTokenService( { apiTokenStore, environmentStore }, config, eventService, ); const saved = await apiTokenService.createApiTokenWithProjects(token); const newExpiry = addDays(new Date(), 30); await apiTokenService.updateExpiry(saved.secret, newExpiry, 'test', -9999); await apiTokenService.delete(saved.secret, 'test', -9999); const { events } = await eventService.getEvents(); const createdApiTokenEvents = events.filter( (e) => e.type === API_TOKEN_CREATED, ); expect(createdApiTokenEvents).toHaveLength(1); expect(createdApiTokenEvents[0].preData).toBeUndefined(); expect(createdApiTokenEvents[0].data.secret).toBeUndefined(); const updatedApiTokenEvents = events.filter( (e) => e.type === API_TOKEN_UPDATED, ); expect(updatedApiTokenEvents).toHaveLength(1); expect(updatedApiTokenEvents[0].preData.expiresAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedApiTokenEvents[0].preData.secret).toBeUndefined(); expect(updatedApiTokenEvents[0].data.secret).toBeUndefined(); expect(updatedApiTokenEvents[0].data.expiresAt).toBe(newExpiry); const deletedApiTokenEvents = events.filter( (e) => e.type === API_TOKEN_DELETED, ); expect(deletedApiTokenEvents).toHaveLength(1); expect(deletedApiTokenEvents[0].data).toBeUndefined(); expect(deletedApiTokenEvents[0].preData).toBeDefined(); expect(deletedApiTokenEvents[0].preData.secret).toBeUndefined(); }); test('getUserForToken should get a user with admin token user id and token name', async () => { const config = createTestConfig(); const apiTokenStore = new FakeApiTokenStore(); const environmentStore = new FakeEnvironmentStore(); const eventService = createFakeEventsService(config); const tokenService = new ApiTokenService( { apiTokenStore, environmentStore }, config, eventService, ); const token = await tokenService.createApiTokenWithProjects( { environment: '*', projects: ['*'], type: ApiTokenType.ADMIN, tokenName: 'admin.token', }, ADMIN_TOKEN_USER as IUser, ); const user = await tokenService.getUserForToken(token.secret); expect(user).toBeDefined(); expect(user!.username).toBe(token.tokenName); expect(user!.internalAdminTokenUserId).toBe(; }); describe('When token is added by another instance', () => { const setup = (options?: IUnleashOptions) => { const token: IApiTokenCreate = { environment: 'default', projects: ['*'], secret: '*:*:some-random-string', type: ApiTokenType.CLIENT, tokenName: 'new-token-by-another-instance', expiresAt: undefined, }; const config: IUnleashConfig = createTestConfig(options); const apiTokenStore = new FakeApiTokenStore(); const environmentStore = new FakeEnvironmentStore(); const apiTokenService = new ApiTokenService( { apiTokenStore, environmentStore }, config, createFakeEventsService(config), ); return { apiTokenService, apiTokenStore, token, }; }; test('should not return the token when query db flag is disabled', async () => { const { apiTokenService, apiTokenStore, token } = setup(); // simulate this token being inserted by another instance (apiTokenService does not know about it) apiTokenStore.insert(token); const found = await apiTokenService.getUserForToken(token.secret); expect(found).toBeUndefined(); }); test('should return the token when query db flag is enabled', async () => { const { apiTokenService, apiTokenStore, token } = setup({ experimental: { flags: { queryMissingTokens: true, }, }, }); // simulate this token being inserted by another instance (apiTokenService does not know about it) apiTokenStore.insert(token); const found = await apiTokenService.getUserForToken(token.secret); expect(found).toBeDefined(); expect(found?.username).toBe(token.tokenName); }); });