title: /api/admin/segments
import ApiRequest from '@site/src/components/ApiRequest'
export const basePath = "api/admin/segments"
export const path = (p) => `${basePath}/${p}`

:::info Availability
Segments are an **experimental feature** available to some Unleash Pro and Unleash Enterprise users. [Get in touch](https://slack.unleash.run) if you'd like to help us develop this feature.

To use the admin API, you'll need to [create and use an admin API token](../../user_guide/token.md).

The segments API lets you create, read, update, and delete [segments](../../reference/segments.mdx).

## Get all segments

Retrieve all segments that exist in this Unleash instance. Returns a list of [segment objects](#segment-type-description).

<ApiRequest verb="Get" url={basePath} title="Retrieve all existing segments."/>


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 200 OK

``` json
    "id": 1,
    "name": "my-segment",
    "description": "a segment description",
    "constraints": [],
    "createdBy": "user@example.com",
    "createdAt": "2022-04-01T14:02:25.491Z"


## Create segment

Create a new segment with the specified configuration.

<ApiRequest verb="post" url={basePath} title="Create a new segment."
  "name": "my-segment",
  "description": "a segment description",
  "constraints": []


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 201 Created

The segment was successfully created. This response has no body.

### 400 Bad Request

A segment with the provided name already exists.


### Payload structure

Use a JSON object with the following properties to create a new segment.

| Property      | Type                                       | Required | Description                      | Example value                                    |
| `name`        | string                                     | Yes      | The name of the segment.         | `"mobile-users"`                                 |
| `description` | string                                     | No       | A description of the segment.    | `"This segment is for users on mobile devices."` |
| `constraints` | list of [constraint objects](#constraint-type-description) | Yes      | The constraints in this segment. | `[]`                                             |

## Get segment by ID

Retrieves the segment with the specified ID.
<ApiRequest verb="Get" url={path("<segment-id>")} title="Retrieve the segment with the provided ID."/>


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 200 OK

``` json
  "id": 1,
  "name": "my-segment",
  "description": "a segment description",
  "constraints": [],
  "createdBy": "user@example.com",
  "createdAt": "2022-04-01T14:02:25.491Z"

### 404 Not Found

No segment with the provided ID exists.


## Update an existing segment

Replace the data of the specified segment with the provided payload.

<ApiRequest verb="put" url={path("<segment-id>")} title="Update a segment with new data."
  "name": "my-segment",
  "description": "this is a newly provided description.",
  "constraints": []


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 204 No Content

The update was successful. This response has no body.

### 404 Not Found

No segment with the provided ID exists.


## Delete a segment

Delete the request with the specified ID.

<ApiRequest verb="delete" url={path("<segment-id>")} title="Delete a segment." />


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 204 No Content

The segment was deleted successfully.

### 404 Not Found

No segment with the provided ID exists.

### 409 Conflict

The segment is being used by at least one strategy and can not be deleted. To delete the segment, first remove it from any strategies that use it.


## List strategies that use a specific segment

Retrieve all strategies that use the specified segment. Returns a list of [activation strategy objects](#activation-strategy-type-description).

<ApiRequest verb="Get" url={path("<segment-id>/strategies")} title="Retrieve all activation strategies that use the specified segment."/>


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 200 OK

``` json
    "id": "strategy-id",
    "featureName": "my-feature",
    "projectId": "my-project",
    "environment": "development",
    "strategyName": "my strategy",
    "parameters": {},
    "constraints": [],
    "createdAt": "2022-04-01T14:02:25.491Z"

### 404 Not Found

No segment with the provided id exists.


## List segments applied to a specific strategy

Retrieve all segments that are applied to the specified strategy. Returns a list of [segment objects](#segment-type-description).

<ApiRequest verb="Get" url={path("strategies/<strategy-id>")} title="Retrieve all segments that are used by the specified strategy."/>


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 200 OK

``` json
    "id": 1,
    "name": "my-segment",
    "description": "a segment description",
    "constraints": [],
    "createdBy": "user@example.com",
    "createdAt": "2022-04-01T14:02:25.491Z"

### 404 Not Found

No strategy with the provided id exists.


## Replace activation strategy segments

Replace the segments applied to the specified activation strategy with the provided segment list.

<ApiRequest verb="post" url={path("strategies")} title="Replace the segments to the specified strategy."
  "projectId": "my-project",
  "strategyId": "my-strategy",
  "environmentId": "development",
  "segmentIds": [61, 62, 63, 64]

### Remove all segments from an activation strategy

To remove all segments from an activation strategy, use this endpoint and provide an empty list of `segmentIds`. For instance, the following payload would remove all segments from the strategy "my-strategy".

``` json
  "projectId": "my-project",
  "strategyId": "my-strategy",
  "environmentId": "development",
  "segmentIds": []


<summary>Example responses</summary>

### 201 Created

The strategy's list of segments was successfully updated.

### 403 Forbidden

You do not have access to edit this activation strategy.

### 404 Not Found

No strategy with the provided ID exists.


### Payload structure

Use a JSON object with the following properties to update the list of applied segments.

| Property        | Type                          | Required | Description                                       | Example value   |
| `projectId`     | string                        | Yes      | The ID of the feature toggle's project.           | `"my-project"`  |
| `strategyId`    | string                        | Yes      | The ID of the strategy.                           | `"my-strategy"` |
| `environmentId` | string                        | Yes      | The ID of the environment.                        | `"development"` |
| `segmentIds`    | list of segment IDs (numbers) | Yes      | The list of segment IDs to apply to the strategy. | `[]`            |

## API types

This section describes the data objects returned by the endpoints in the segments API. For information on a specific endpoint, refer to its specific description above.

### Segment {#segment-type-description}

#### Example

``` json
  "id": 12054,
  "name": "segment name",
  "description": "segment description",
  "constraints": [],
  "createdBy": "you@example.com",
  "createdAt": "2022-05-23T15:45:22.000Z"

#### Description

| Property      | Type                                                       | Required | Description                                                               | Example value                    |
| `id`          | number                                                     | Yes      | The segment's ID.                                                         | `546`                            |
| `name`        | string                                                     | Yes      | The segment's name                                                        | `"my-segment"`                   |
| `description` | string                                                     | No       | An optional description of the segment.                                   | `"segment description"`          |
| `constraints` | list of [constraint objects](#constraint-type-description) | Yes      | The list of constraint objects in the segment.                            | `[]`                             |
| `createdBy`   | string                                                     | No       | An identifier for who created the segment.                                | `"you@example.com"`              |
| `createdAt`   | timestamp string                                           | Yes      | The time when the segment was created. Format: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD` | `"2022-04-23T13:56:24.45+01:00"` |

### Constraint {#constraint-type-description}

#### Example

    "contextName": "appName",
    "operator": "STR_CONTAINS",
    "values": [],
    "inverted": false,
    "caseInsensitive": false

#### Description

:::note `values` and `value`
Some constraint operators only support single values. If a constraint uses one of these operators, the payload will contain a `value` property with the correct value. However, for backwards compatibility reasons, the payload will *also* contain a `values` property. If the operator accepts multiple values, the `value` property will not be present. Visit the [strategy constraints documentation](../../advanced/strategy-constraints.md) for more information on what operators support what number of values.

| Property          | Type                                                                                          | Required | Description                                                                                                                                                       | Example value            |
| `contextName`     | string                                                                                        | Yes      | The name of the context field targeted by the constraint.                                                                                                         | `"myContextField"`       |
| `operator`        | string, the name of one of the [constraint operators](../../advanced/strategy-constraints.md) | Yes      | The operator to apply to the context field.                                                                                                                       | `"DATE_BEFORE"`          |
| `values`          | a list of strings                                                                             | Yes      | The list of values to apply the constraint operator to.                                                                                                           | `["value a", "value b"]` |
| `value`           | string                                                                                        | No       | The value to apply the constraint operator to.                                                                                                                    | `"15"`                   |
| `inverted`        | boolean                                                                                       | No       | Whether the result of [the constraint will be negated or not](../../advanced/strategy-constraints.md#constraint-negation).                                        | `false`                  |
| `caseInsensitive` | boolean string                                                                                | No       | Whether the constraint operator is case sensitive or not. Only [applies to some string-based operators](../../advanced/strategy-constraints.md#string-operators). | `false`                  |

### Activation strategy {#activation-strategy-type-description}

#### Example

``` json
  "id": "64fbe72b-d107-4b26-b6b8-4fead08d286c",
  "environment": "development",
  "featureName": "my-feature",
  "projectId": "my-project",
  "strategyName": "flexibleRollout"

#### Description

| Property       | Type                                                          | Required | Description                                                                                                                                                       | Example value                            |
| `id`           | GUID string                                                 | No       | The ID of the strategy.                                                                                                                                           | `"64fbe72b-d107-4b26-b6b8-4fead08d286c"` |
| `environment`  | string                                                        | Yes      | The name of the strategy's environment.                                                                                                                           | `"development"`                          |
| `featureName`  | string                                                        | Yes      | The name of the feature the strategy is applied to.                                                                                                               | `"my-feature"`                           |
| `projectId`    | string                                                        | Yes      | The name of the current project.                                                                                                                                  | `"my-project"`                           |
| `strategyName` | string                                                        | Yes      | The name of the strategy.                                                                                                                                         | `"flexibleRollout"`                           |