import supertest from 'supertest'; import createStores from '../../../test/fixtures/store'; import getApp from '../../app'; import { createTestConfig } from '../../../test/config/test-config'; import { clientMetricsSchema } from '../../services/client-metrics/schema'; import { createServices } from '../../services'; import { IUnleashOptions, IUnleashStores } from '../../types'; async function getSetup(opts?: IUnleashOptions) { const stores = createStores(); const config = createTestConfig(opts); const services = createServices(stores, config); const app = await getApp(config, stores, services); return { request: supertest(app), stores, destroy: () => { services.versionService.destroy(); services.clientInstanceService.destroy(); services.apiTokenService.destroy(); }, }; } let request; let stores: IUnleashStores; let destroy; beforeEach(async () => { const setup = await getSetup(); request = setup.request; stores = setup.stores; destroy = setup.destroy; }); afterEach(() => { destroy(); }); test('should validate client metrics', () => { return request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ random: 'blush' }) .expect(400); }); test('should accept empty client metrics', () => { return request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', instanceId: '1', bucket: { start:, stop:, toggles: {}, }, }) .expect(202); }); test('should accept client metrics with yes/no', () => { return request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', instanceId: '1', bucket: { start:, stop:, toggles: { toggleA: { yes: 200, no: 0, }, }, }, }) .expect(202); }); test('should accept client metrics with yes/no with metricsV2', async () => { const testRunner = await getSetup(); await testRunner.request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', instanceId: '1', bucket: { start:, stop:, toggles: { toggleA: { yes: 200, no: 0, }, }, }, }) .expect(202); testRunner.destroy(); }); test('should accept client metrics with variants', () => { return request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', instanceId: '1', bucket: { start:, stop:, toggles: { toggleA: { yes: 200, no: 0, variants: { variant1: 1, variant2: 2, }, }, }, }, }) .expect(202); }); test('should accept client metrics without yes/no', () => { return request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', instanceId: '1', bucket: { start:, stop:, toggles: { toggleA: { blue: 200, green: 0, }, }, }, }) .expect(202); }); test('schema allow empty strings', () => { const data = { appName: 'java-test', instanceId: 'instance y', bucket: { toggles: { Demo2: { yes: '', no: '', variants: {} } }, start: '2019-05-06T08:30:40.514Z', stop: '2019-05-06T09:30:50.515Z', }, }; const { error, value } = clientMetricsSchema.validate(data); expect(error).toBeFalsy(); expect(value.bucket.toggles.Demo2.yes).toBe(0); expect(; }); test('schema allow yes=', () => { const data = { appName: 'java-test', instanceId: 'instance y', bucket: { toggles: { Demo2: { yes: '12', no: 256, variants: {} } }, start: '2019-05-06T08:30:40.514Z', stop: '2019-05-06T09:30:50.515Z', }, }; const { error, value } = clientMetricsSchema.validate(data); expect(error).toBeFalsy(); expect(value.bucket.toggles.Demo2.yes).toBe(12); expect(; }); test('should set lastSeen on toggle', async () => { expect.assertions(1); stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', { name: 'toggleLastSeen', }); await request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', bucket: { start:, stop:, toggles: { toggleLastSeen: { yes: 200, no: 0, }, }, }, }) .expect(202); const toggle = await stores.featureToggleStore.get('toggleLastSeen'); expect(toggle.lastSeenAt).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should return a 400 when required fields are missing', async () => { stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', { name: 'toggleLastSeen', }); await request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', bucket: { start:, toggles: { toggleLastSeen: { yes: 200, no: 0, }, }, }, }) .expect(400); }); test('should return a 200 if required fields are there', async () => { stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', { name: 'toggleLastSeen', }); await request .post('/api/client/metrics') .send({ appName: 'demo', someParam: 'some-value', somOtherParam: 'some--other-value', bucket: { start:, stop:, toggles: { toggleLastSeen: { yes: 200, no: 0, }, }, }, }) .expect(202); });