import { Request, Response } from 'express'; import Controller from '../controller'; import { IUnleashConfig, IUnleashServices } from '../../types'; import { Logger } from '../../logger'; import AddonService from '../../services/addon-service'; import { extractUsername } from '../../util/extract-user'; import { CREATE_ADDON, DELETE_ADDON, NONE, UPDATE_ADDON, } from '../../types/permissions'; import { IAuthRequest } from '../unleash-types'; import { createRequestSchema } from '../../openapi/util/create-request-schema'; import { createResponseSchema } from '../../openapi/util/create-response-schema'; import { OpenApiService } from '../../services/openapi-service'; import { AddonSchema, addonSchema } from '../../openapi/spec/addon-schema'; import { serializeDates } from '../../types/serialize-dates'; import { AddonsSchema, addonsSchema } from '../../openapi/spec/addons-schema'; import { emptyResponse, getStandardResponses, } from '../../openapi/util/standard-responses'; import { AddonCreateUpdateSchema } from 'lib/openapi/spec/addon-create-update-schema'; type AddonServices = Pick; const PATH = '/'; class AddonController extends Controller { private logger: Logger; private addonService: AddonService; private openApiService: OpenApiService; constructor( config: IUnleashConfig, { addonService, openApiService }: AddonServices, ) { super(config); this.logger = config.getLogger('/admin-api/addon.ts'); this.addonService = addonService; this.openApiService = openApiService; this.route({ method: 'get', path: '', permission: NONE, handler: this.getAddons, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Get all addons and providers', description: 'Retrieve all addons and providers that are defined on this Unleash instance.', tags: ['Addons'], operationId: 'getAddons', responses: { ...getStandardResponses(401), 200: createResponseSchema('addonsSchema'), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'post', path: '', handler: this.createAddon, permission: CREATE_ADDON, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Create a new addon', description: 'Create an addon instance. The addon must use one of the providers available on this Unleash instance.', tags: ['Addons'], operationId: 'createAddon', requestBody: createRequestSchema('addonCreateUpdateSchema'), responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('addonSchema'), ...getStandardResponses(400, 401, 403, 413, 415), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'get', path: `${PATH}:id`, handler: this.getAddon, permission: NONE, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Get a specific addon', description: 'Retrieve information about the addon whose ID matches the ID in the request URL.', tags: ['Addons'], operationId: 'getAddon', responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('addonSchema'), ...getStandardResponses(401), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'put', path: `${PATH}:id`, handler: this.updateAddon, permission: UPDATE_ADDON, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Update an addon', description: `Update the addon with a specific ID. Any fields in the update object will be updated. Properties that are not included in the update object will not be affected. To empty a property, pass \`null\` as that property's value. Note: passing \`null\` as a value for the description property will set it to an empty string.`, tags: ['Addons'], operationId: 'updateAddon', requestBody: createRequestSchema('addonCreateUpdateSchema'), responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('addonSchema'), ...getStandardResponses(400, 401, 403, 413, 415), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'delete', path: `${PATH}:id`, handler: this.deleteAddon, acceptAnyContentType: true, permission: DELETE_ADDON, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Delete an addon', description: 'Delete the addon specified by the ID in the request path.', tags: ['Addons'], operationId: 'deleteAddon', responses: { 200: emptyResponse, ...getStandardResponses(401, 403), }, }), ], }); } async getAddons(req: Request, res: Response): Promise { const addons = await this.addonService.getAddons(); const providers = this.addonService.getProviderDefinitions(); this.openApiService.respondWithValidation(200, res, addonsSchema.$id, { addons: serializeDates(addons), providers: serializeDates(providers), }); } async getAddon( req: Request<{ id: number }, any, any, any>, res: Response, ): Promise { const { id } = req.params; const addon = await this.addonService.getAddon(id); this.openApiService.respondWithValidation( 200, res, addonSchema.$id, serializeDates(addon), ); } async updateAddon( req: IAuthRequest<{ id: number }, any, AddonCreateUpdateSchema, any>, res: Response, ): Promise { const { id } = req.params; const createdBy = extractUsername(req); const data = req.body; const addon = await this.addonService.updateAddon(id, data, createdBy); this.openApiService.respondWithValidation( 200, res, addonSchema.$id, serializeDates(addon), ); } async createAddon( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const createdBy = extractUsername(req); const data = req.body; const addon = await this.addonService.createAddon(data, createdBy); this.openApiService.respondWithValidation( 201, res, addonSchema.$id, serializeDates(addon), ); } async deleteAddon( req: IAuthRequest<{ id: number }, any, any, any>, res: Response, ): Promise { const { id } = req.params; const username = extractUsername(req); await this.addonService.removeAddon(id, username); res.status(200).end(); } } export default AddonController; module.exports = AddonController;