--- id: tags title: /api/admin/tags --- > In order to access the admin API endpoints you need to identify yourself. Unless you're using the `none` authentication method, you'll need to [create an ADMIN token](../../user_guide/api-token) and add an Authorization header using the token. ### Create a new tag `POST https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tags` Creates a new tag without connecting it to any other object, can be helpful to build an autocomplete list. **Body** ```json { "value": "MyTag", "type": "simple" } ``` ### Notes - `type` must exist in tag-types ### List tags `GET https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tags` This endpoint is the one all admin UIs should use to fetch all available tags from the _unleash_server_. The response returns all tags. **Example response:** ```json { "version": 1, "tags": [ { "value": "Team-Red", "type": "simple" }, { "value": "Team-Green", "type": "simple" }, { "value": "DecemberExperiment", "type": "simple" }, { "value": "#team-alert-channel", "type": "slack" } ] } ``` ### List tags by type `GET: https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tags/:type` Lists all tags of `:type`. If none exist, returns the empty list **Example response to query for https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tags/simple** ```json { "version": 1, "tags": [ { "value": "Team-Red", "type": "simple" }, { "value": "Team-Green", "type": "simple" }, { "value": "DecemberExperiment", "type": "simple" } ] } ``` ### Get a single tag `GET https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tags/:type/:value` Gets the tag defined by the `type, value` tuple ### Delete a tag `DELETE https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tags/:type/:value` Deletes the tag defined by the `type, value` tuple; all features tagged with this tag will lose the tag. ### Fetching Tag types `GET: https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tag-types` Used to fetch all types the server knows about. This endpoint is the one all admin UI should use to fetch all available tag types from the _unleash-server_. The response returns all tag types. Any server will have _at least_ one configured tag type (the `simple` type). A tag type will be a map of `type`, `description`, `icon` **Example response:** ```json { "version": 1, "tagTypes": [ { "name": "simple", "description": "Arbitrary tags. Used to simplify filtering of features", "icon": "#" } ] } ``` ### Get a single tag type `GET: https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tag-types/simple` Used to fetch details about a specific tag-type. This is mostly provided to make it easy to debug the API and should not be used by the client implementations. **Example response:** ```json { "version": 1, "tagType": { "name": "simple", "description": "Some description", "icon": "Some icon", "createdAt": "2021-01-07T10:00:00Z" } } ``` ### Create a new tag type `POST: https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tag-types` Used to register a new tag type. This endpoint should be used to inform the server about a new type of tags. **Body:** ```json { "name": "tagtype", "description": "Purpose of tag type", "icon": "Either an URL to icon or a simple prefix string for tag" } ``` **Notes:** - if `name` is not unique, will return 409 CONFLICT, if you'd like to update an existing tag through admin-api look at [Update tag type](#Update-tag-type). Returns 201-CREATED if the tag type was created successfully ### Update tag type `PUT: https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tag-types/:typeName` **Body:** ```json { "description": "New description", "icon": "New icon" } ``` ### Deleting a tag type `DELETE: https://unleash.host.com/api/admin/tag-types/:typeName` Returns 200 if the type was not in use and the type was deleted. If the type was in use, will return a _409 CONFLICT_