import { IUnleashTest, setupAppWithAuth } from '../../helpers/test-helper'; import dbInit, { ITestDb } from '../../helpers/database-init'; import getLogger from '../../../fixtures/no-logger'; import { randomId } from '../../../../lib/util'; import { ApiTokenType } from '../../../../lib/types/models/api-token'; let app: IUnleashTest; let db: ITestDb; let appErrorLogs: string[] = []; beforeAll(async () => { db = await dbInit(`proxy_concurrency`, getLogger); const baseLogger = getLogger(); const appLogger = { ...baseLogger, error: (msg: string, ...args: any[]) => { appErrorLogs.push(msg); baseLogger.error(msg, ...args); }, }; app = await setupAppWithAuth(db.stores, { frontendApiOrigins: [''], getLogger: () => appLogger, }); }); afterEach(() => {; jest.clearAllMocks(); }); afterAll(async () => { await app.destroy(); await db.destroy(); }); beforeEach(async () => { appErrorLogs = []; }); /** * This test needs to run on a new instance of the application and a clean DB * which is why it should be the only test of this file */ test('multiple parallel calls to api/frontend should not create multiple instances', async () => { const frontendTokenDefault = await{ type: ApiTokenType.FRONTEND, projects: ['default'], environment: 'default', username: `test-token-${randomId()}`, }); await Promise.all( Array.from(Array(15).keys()).map(() => app.request .get('/api/frontend') .set('Authorization', frontendTokenDefault.secret) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200), ), ); expect(appErrorLogs).toHaveLength(0); });