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import favicon from 'serve-favicon'; import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'; import path from 'path'; import errorHandler from 'errorhandler'; import { responseTimeMetrics } from './middleware/response-time-metrics'; import rbacMiddleware from './middleware/rbac-middleware'; import apiTokenMiddleware from './middleware/api-token-middleware'; import { IUnleashServices } from './types/services'; import { IAuthType, IUnleashConfig } from './types/option'; import { IUnleashStores } from './types/stores'; import IndexRouter from './routes'; import requestLogger from './middleware/request-logger'; import demoAuthentication from './middleware/demo-authentication'; import ossAuthentication from './middleware/oss-authentication'; import noAuthentication from './middleware/no-authentication'; import secureHeaders from './middleware/secure-headers'; import { loadIndexHTML } from './util/load-index-html'; export default async function getApp( config: IUnleashConfig, stores: IUnleashStores, services: IUnleashServices, unleashSession?: RequestHandler, ): Promise<Application> { const app = express(); const baseUriPath = config.server.baseUriPath || ''; let indexHTML = await loadIndexHTML(config, publicFolder); app.set('trust proxy', true); app.disable('x-powered-by'); app.set('port', config.server.port); app.locals.baseUriPath = baseUriPath; if (config.server.serverMetrics && config.eventBus) { app.use(responseTimeMetrics(config.eventBus)); } app.use(requestLogger(config)); if (typeof config.preHook === 'function') { config.preHook(app, config, services); } Iif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { app.use(cors()); } app.use(compression()); app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(express.json({ strict: false })); if (unleashSession) { app.use(unleashSession); } app.use(secureHeaders(config)); app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); app.use(favicon(path.join(publicFolder, 'favicon.ico'))); app.use(baseUriPath, favicon(path.join(publicFolder, 'favicon.ico'))); app.use(baseUriPath, express.static(publicFolder, { index: false })); if (config.enableOAS) { app.use(`${baseUriPath}/oas`, express.static('docs/api/oas')); } if (config.enableOAS && services.openApiService) { services.openApiService.useDocs(app); } switch (config.authentication.type) { case IAuthType.OPEN_SOURCE: { app.use(baseUriPath, apiTokenMiddleware(config, services)); ossAuthentication(app, config.server.baseUriPath); break; } case IAuthType.ENTERPRISE: { app.use(baseUriPath, apiTokenMiddleware(config, services)); config.authentication.customAuthHandler(app, config, services); break; } case IAuthType.HOSTED: { app.use(baseUriPath, apiTokenMiddleware(config, services)); config.authentication.customAuthHandler(app, config, services); break; } case IAuthType.DEMO: { app.use(baseUriPath, apiTokenMiddleware(config, services)); demoAuthentication( app, config.server.baseUriPath, services, config, ); break; } case IAuthType.CUSTOM: { app.use(baseUriPath, apiTokenMiddleware(config, services)); config.authentication.customAuthHandler(app, config, services); break; } case IAuthType.NONE: { noAuthentication(baseUriPath, app); break; } default: { app.use(baseUriPath, apiTokenMiddleware(config, services)); demoAuthentication( app, config.server.baseUriPath, services, config, ); break; } } app.use( baseUriPath, rbacMiddleware(config, stores, services.accessService), ); if (typeof config.preRouterHook === 'function') { config.preRouterHook(app, config, services, stores); } // Setup API routes app.use(`${baseUriPath}/`, new IndexRouter(config, services).router); if (services.openApiService) { services.openApiService.useErrorHandler(app); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { app.use(errorHandler()); } app.get(`${baseUriPath}`, (req, res) => { res.send(indexHTML); }); app.get(`${baseUriPath}/*`, (req, res) => { if (req.path.startsWith(`${baseUriPath}/api`)) { res.status(404).send({ message: '404 - Not found' }); return; } res.send(indexHTML); }); return app; } |