All files / src/lib/db client-instance-store.ts

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68.42% Functions 13/19
72.09% Lines 31/43

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import EventEmitter from 'events';
import { Knex } from 'knex';
import { Logger, LogProvider } from '../logger';
import {
} from '../types/stores/client-instance-store';
import { hoursToMilliseconds } from 'date-fns';
import Timeout = NodeJS.Timeout;
const metricsHelper = require('../util/metrics-helper');
const { DB_TIME } = require('../metric-events');
const COLUMNS = [
const TABLE = 'client_instances';
const mapRow = (row) => ({
    appName: row.app_name,
    instanceId: row.instance_id,
    sdkVersion: row.sdk_version,
    clientIp: row.client_ip,
    lastSeen: row.last_seen,
    createdAt: row.created_at,
    environment: row.environment,
const mapToDb = (client) => ({
    app_name: client.appName,
    instance_id: client.instanceId,
    sdk_version: client.sdkVersion || '',
    client_ip: client.clientIp,
    last_seen: client.lastSeen || 'now()',
    environment: client.environment || 'default',
export default class ClientInstanceStore implements IClientInstanceStore {
    private db: Knex;
    private logger: Logger;
    private eventBus: EventEmitter;
    private metricTimer: Function;
    private timer: Timeout;
    constructor(db: Knex, eventBus: EventEmitter, getLogger: LogProvider) {
        this.db = db;
        this.eventBus = eventBus;
        this.logger = getLogger('client-instance-store.ts');
        this.metricTimer = (action) =>
            metricsHelper.wrapTimer(eventBus, DB_TIME, {
                store: 'instance',
        const clearer = () => this._removeInstancesOlderThanTwoDays();
        setTimeout(clearer, 10).unref();
        this.timer = setInterval(clearer, hoursToMilliseconds(24)).unref();
    async _removeInstancesOlderThanTwoDays(): Promise<void> {
        const rows = await this.db(TABLE)
            .whereRaw("created_at < now() - interval '2 days'")
        Iif (rows > 0) {
            this.logger.debug(`Deleted ${rows} instances`);
    async setLastSeen({
    }: INewClientInstance): Promise<void> {
        await this.db(TABLE)
            .update({ last_seen: new Date(), client_ip: clientIp })
            .where({ app_name: appName, instance_id: instanceId, environment })
            .onConflict(['app_name', 'instance_id', 'environment'])
    async bulkUpsert(instances: INewClientInstance[]): Promise<void> {
        const rows =;
        await this.db(TABLE)
            .onConflict(['app_name', 'instance_id', 'environment'])
    async delete({
    }: Pick<INewClientInstance, 'appName' | 'instanceId'>): Promise<void> {
        await this.db(TABLE)
            .where({ app_name: appName, instance_id: instanceId })
    async deleteAll(): Promise<void> {
        await this.db(TABLE).del();
    async get({
    }: Pick<
        'appName' | 'instanceId'
    >): Promise<IClientInstance> {
        const row = await this.db(TABLE)
            .where({ app_name: appName, instance_id: instanceId })
        return mapRow(row);
    async exists({
    }: Pick<INewClientInstance, 'appName' | 'instanceId'>): Promise<boolean> {
        const result = await this.db.raw(
            `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ${TABLE} WHERE app_name = ? AND instance_id = ?) AS present`,
            [appName, instanceId],
        const { present } = result.rows[0];
        return present;
    async insert(details: INewClientInstance): Promise<void> {
        const stopTimer = this.metricTimer('insert');
        await this.db(TABLE)
            .onConflict(['app_name', 'instance_id', 'environment'])
    async getAll(): Promise<IClientInstance[]> {
        const stopTimer = this.metricTimer('getAll');
        const rows = await this.db
            .orderBy('last_seen', 'desc');
        const toggles =;
        return toggles;
    async getByAppName(appName: string): Promise<IClientInstance[]> {
        const rows = await this.db
            .where('app_name', appName)
            .orderBy('last_seen', 'desc');
    async getDistinctApplications(): Promise<string[]> {
        const rows = await this.db
            .orderBy('app_name', 'desc');
        return => r.app_name);
    async deleteForApplication(appName: string): Promise<void> {
        return this.db(TABLE).where('app_name', appName).del();
    destroy(): void {