import EventEmitter from 'events'; import type { RepositoryInterface } from 'unleash-client/lib/repository'; import type { Segment } from 'unleash-client/lib/strategy/strategy'; import type { EnhancedFeatureInterface, FeatureInterface, } from 'unleash-client/lib/feature'; import type { IApiUser } from '../../types/api-user'; import type { IUnleashConfig, IUnleashServices, IUnleashStores, } from '../../types'; import { mapFeaturesForClient, mapSegmentsForClient, } from '../playground/offline-unleash-client'; import { ALL_ENVS } from '../../util/constants'; import { UnleashEvents } from 'unleash-client'; import type { Logger } from '../../logger'; import type ConfigurationRevisionService from '../feature-toggle/configuration-revision-service'; import { UPDATE_REVISION } from '../feature-toggle/configuration-revision-service'; import { FUNCTION_TIME, PROXY_FEATURES_FOR_TOKEN_TIME, } from '../../metric-events'; import metricsHelper from '../../util/metrics-helper'; type Config = Pick; type Stores = Pick; type Services = Pick< IUnleashServices, 'featureToggleServiceV2' | 'configurationRevisionService' >; // TODO: remove after finished migration to global frontend api cache export class ProxyRepository extends EventEmitter implements RepositoryInterface { private readonly config: Config; private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly stores: Stores; private readonly services: Services; private readonly configurationRevisionService: ConfigurationRevisionService; private readonly token: IApiUser; private features: FeatureInterface[]; private segments: Segment[]; private interval: number; private timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; private running: boolean; private methodTimer: Function; constructor( config: Config, stores: Stores, services: Services, token: IApiUser, ) { super(); this.config = config; this.logger = config.getLogger('proxy-repository.ts'); this.stores = stores; = services; this.configurationRevisionService = services.configurationRevisionService; this.token = token; this.onUpdateRevisionEvent = this.onUpdateRevisionEvent.bind(this); this.interval = config.frontendApi.refreshIntervalInMs; this.methodTimer = (functionName) => metricsHelper.wrapTimer(config.eventBus, FUNCTION_TIME, { className: 'ProxyRepository', functionName, }); } getTogglesWithSegmentData(): EnhancedFeatureInterface[] { // TODO: add real implementation return []; } getSegment(id: number): Segment | undefined { return this.segments.find((segment) => === id); } getToggle(name: string): FeatureInterface { //@ts-ignore (we must update the node SDK to allow undefined) return this.features.find((feature) => === name); } getToggles(): FeatureInterface[] { return this.features; } async start(): Promise { this.running = true; await this.dataPolling(); // Reload cached token data whenever something relevant has changed. // For now, simply reload all the data on any EventStore event. this.configurationRevisionService.on( UPDATE_REVISION, this.onUpdateRevisionEvent, ); this.emit(UnleashEvents.Ready); this.emit(UnleashEvents.Changed); } stop(): void { UPDATE_REVISION, this.onUpdateRevisionEvent, ); this.running = false; } private async dataPolling() { this.timer = setTimeout( async () => { if (!this.running) { clearTimeout(this.timer!); this.timer = null; this.logger.debug( 'Shutting down data polling for proxy repository', ); return; } await this.dataPolling(); }, this.randomizeDelay(this.interval, this.interval * 2), ).unref(); await this.loadDataForToken(); } private async loadDataForToken() { try { const stopTimer = this.methodTimer('loadDataForToken'); this.features = await this.featuresForToken(); this.segments = await this.segmentsForToken(); stopTimer(); } catch (e) { this.logger.error('Cannot load data for token', e); } } private randomizeDelay(floor: number, ceiling: number): number { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (ceiling - floor) + floor); } private async onUpdateRevisionEvent() { await this.loadDataForToken(); } private async featuresForToken(): Promise { const start =; const mappedFeatures = await mapFeaturesForClient( await{ project: this.token.projects, environment: this.environmentNameForToken(), }), ); const duration = ( - start) / 1000; this.config.eventBus.emit(PROXY_FEATURES_FOR_TOKEN_TIME, { duration }); return mappedFeatures; } private async segmentsForToken(): Promise { return mapSegmentsForClient( await this.stores.segmentReadModel.getAll(), ); } private environmentNameForToken(): string { if (this.token.environment === ALL_ENVS) { return 'default'; } return this.token.environment; } }