--- id: python_sdk title: Python SDK --- > You will need your `API URL` and your `API token` in order to connect the Client SDK to you Unleash instance. You can find this information in the “Admin” section Unleash management UI. [Read more](../user_guide/api-token) ```python from UnleashClient import UnleashClient client = UnleashClient( url="", app_name="my-python-app", custom_headers={'Authorization': ''}) client.initialize_client() client.is_enabled("unleash.beta.variants") ``` ### Checking if a feature is enabled {#checking-if-a-feature-is-enabled} A check of a simple toggle: ```Python client.is_enabled("My Toggle") ``` Specifying a default value: ```Python client.is_enabled("My Toggle", default_value=True) ``` Supplying application context: ```Python app_context = {"userId": "test@email.com"} client.is_enabled("User ID Toggle", app_context) ``` Supplying a fallback function: ```Python def custom_fallback(feature_name: str, context: dict) -> bool: return True client.is_enabled("My Toggle", fallback_function=custom_fallback) ``` - Must accept the fature name and context as an argument. - Client will evaluate the fallback function only if exception occurs when calling the `is_enabled()` method i.e. feature flag not found or other general exception. - If both a `default_value` and `fallback_function` are supplied, client will define the default value by `OR`ing the default value and the output of the fallback function. ### Getting a variant {#getting-a-variant} Checking for a variant: ```python context = {'userId': '2'} # Context must have userId, sessionId, or remoteAddr. If none are present, distribution will be random. variant = client.get_variant("MyvariantToggle", context) print(variant) > { > "name": "variant1", > "payload": { > "type": "string", > "value": "val1" > }, > "enabled": True > } ``` Read more at [github.com/Unleash/unleash-client-python](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-client-python)