import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { FeatureEnvironmentKey, IFeatureEnvironmentStore, } from '../types/stores/feature-environment-store'; import { Logger, LogProvider } from '../logger'; import metricsHelper from '../util/metrics-helper'; import { DB_TIME } from '../metric-events'; import { IFeatureEnvironment, IVariant } from '../types/model'; import NotFoundError from '../error/notfound-error'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { Db } from './db'; const T = { featureEnvs: 'feature_environments', featureStrategies: 'feature_strategies', features: 'features', }; interface IFeatureEnvironmentRow { environment: string; feature_name: string; enabled: boolean; variants?: []; } interface ISegmentRow { id: string; segment_id: number; } export class FeatureEnvironmentStore implements IFeatureEnvironmentStore { private db: Db; private logger: Logger; private readonly timer: Function; constructor(db: Db, eventBus: EventEmitter, getLogger: LogProvider) { this.db = db; this.logger = getLogger('feature-environment-store.ts'); this.timer = (action) => metricsHelper.wrapTimer(eventBus, DB_TIME, { store: 'feature-environments', action, }); } async delete({ featureName, environment, }: FeatureEnvironmentKey): Promise { await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .where('feature_name', featureName) .andWhere('environment', environment) .del(); } async deleteAll(): Promise { await this.db(T.featureEnvs).del(); } destroy(): void {} async exists({ featureName, environment, }: FeatureEnvironmentKey): Promise { const result = await this.db.raw( `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ${T.featureEnvs} WHERE feature_name = ? AND environment = ?) AS present`, [featureName, environment], ); const { present } = result.rows[0]; return present; } async get({ featureName, environment, }: FeatureEnvironmentKey): Promise { const md = await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .where('feature_name', featureName) .andWhere('environment', environment) .first(); if (md) { return { enabled: md.enabled, featureName, environment, variants: md.variants, lastSeenAt: md.last_seen_at, }; } throw new NotFoundError( `Could not find ${featureName} in ${environment}`, ); } async getAll(query?: Object): Promise { let rows = this.db(T.featureEnvs); if (query) { rows = rows.where(query); } return (await rows).map((r) => ({ enabled: r.enabled, featureName: r.feature_name, environment: r.environment, variants: r.variants, })); } async getAllByFeatures( features: string[], environment?: string, ): Promise { let rows = this.db(T.featureEnvs) .whereIn('feature_name', features) .orderBy('feature_name', 'asc'); if (environment) { rows = rows.where({ environment }); } return (await rows).map((r) => ({ enabled: r.enabled, featureName: r.feature_name, environment: r.environment, variants: r.variants, lastSeenAt: r.last_seen_at, })); } async disableEnvironmentIfNoStrategies( featureName: string, environment: string, ): Promise { const result = await this.db.raw( `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ${T.featureStrategies} WHERE feature_name = ? AND environment = ?) AS enabled`, [featureName, environment], ); const { enabled } = result.rows[0]; if (!enabled) { await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .update({ enabled: false }) .where({ feature_name: featureName, environment }); } } async addEnvironmentToFeature( featureName: string, environment: string, enabled: boolean = false, ): Promise { await this.db('feature_environments') .insert({ feature_name: featureName, environment, enabled }) .onConflict(['environment', 'feature_name']) .merge('enabled'); } // TODO: move to project store. async disconnectFeatures( environment: string, project: string, ): Promise { const featureSelector = this.db('features') .where({ project }) .select('name'); await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .where({ environment }) .andWhere('feature_name', 'IN', featureSelector) .del(); await this.db('feature_strategies').where({ environment, project_name: project, }); } async featureHasEnvironment( environment: string, featureName: string, ): Promise { const result = await this.db.raw( `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ${T.featureEnvs} WHERE feature_name = ? AND environment = ?) AS present`, [featureName, environment], ); const { present } = result.rows[0]; return present; } async getEnvironmentsForFeature( featureName: string, ): Promise { const envs = await this.db(T.featureEnvs).where( 'feature_name', featureName, ); if (envs) { return => ({ featureName: r.feature_name, environment: r.environment, variants: r.variants || [], enabled: r.enabled, lastSeenAt: r.last_seen_at, })); } return []; } async getEnvironmentMetaData( environment: string, featureName: string, ): Promise { const md = await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .where('feature_name', featureName) .andWhere('environment', environment) .first(); if (md) { return { enabled: md.enabled, featureName, environment, }; } throw new NotFoundError( `Could not find ${featureName} in ${environment}`, ); } async isEnvironmentEnabled( featureName: string, environment: string, ): Promise { const row = await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .select('enabled') .where({ feature_name: featureName, environment }) .first(); return row.enabled; } async removeEnvironmentForFeature( featureName: string, environment: string, ): Promise { await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .where({ feature_name: featureName, environment }) .del(); } async setEnvironmentEnabledStatus( environment: string, featureName: string, enabled: boolean, ): Promise { return this.db(T.featureEnvs).update({ enabled }).where({ environment, feature_name: featureName, enabled: !enabled, }); } async connectProject( environment: string, projectId: string, idempotent?: boolean, // default false to respect old behavior ): Promise { const query = this.db('project_environments').insert({ environment_name: environment, project_id: projectId, }); if (idempotent) { await query.onConflict(['environment_name', 'project_id']).ignore(); } else { await query; } } async connectFeatures( environment: string, projectId: string, ): Promise { const featuresToEnable = await this.db('features') .select('name') .where({ project: projectId, }); const rows: IFeatureEnvironmentRow[] = => ({ environment, feature_name:, enabled: false, })); if (rows.length > 0) { await this.db('feature_environments') .insert(rows) .onConflict(['environment', 'feature_name']) .ignore(); } } async disconnectProject( environment: string, projectId: string, ): Promise { await this.db('project_environments') .where({ environment_name: environment, project_id: projectId }) .del(); } // TODO: remove this once variants per env are GA async clonePreviousVariants( environment: string, project: string, ): Promise { const rows = await this.db(`${T.features} as f`) .select([ this.db.raw(`'${environment}' as environment`), 'fe.enabled', 'fe.feature_name', 'fe.variants', ]) .distinctOn(['environment', 'feature_name']) .join(`${T.featureEnvs} as fe`, '', 'fe.feature_name') .whereNot({ environment }) .andWhere({ project }); const newRows = => { const r = row as any as IFeatureEnvironmentRow; return { variants: JSON.stringify(r.variants), enabled: r.enabled, environment: r.environment, feature_name: r.feature_name, }; }); if (newRows.length > 0) { await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .insert(newRows) .onConflict(['environment', 'feature_name']) .merge(['variants']); } } async connectFeatureToEnvironmentsForProject( featureName: string, projectId: string, enabledIn: { [environment: string]: boolean } = {}, ): Promise { const environmentsToEnable = await this.db('project_environments') .select('environment_name') .where({ project_id: projectId }); await Promise.all( (env) => { await this.db('feature_environments') .insert({ environment: env.environment_name, feature_name: featureName, enabled: enabledIn[env.environment_name] || false, }) .onConflict(['environment', 'feature_name']) .ignore(); }), ); } async copyEnvironmentFeaturesByProjects( sourceEnvironment: string, destinationEnvironment: string, projects: string[], ): Promise { await this.db.raw( `INSERT INTO ${T.featureEnvs} ( SELECT distinct ? AS environment, feature_name, enabled FROM ${T.featureEnvs} INNER JOIN ${T.features} ON ${T.featureEnvs}.feature_name = ${T.features}.name WHERE environment = ? AND project = ANY(?))`, [destinationEnvironment, sourceEnvironment, projects], ); } async addVariantsToFeatureEnvironment( featureName: string, environment: string, variants: IVariant[], ): Promise { return this.setVariantsToFeatureEnvironments( featureName, [environment], variants, ); } async setVariantsToFeatureEnvironments( featureName: string, environments: string[], variants: IVariant[], ): Promise { const v = variants || []; v.sort((a, b) =>; const variantsString = JSON.stringify(v); const records = => ({ variants: variantsString, enabled: false, // default value for enabled in case it's not set feature_name: featureName, environment: env, })); await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .insert(records) .onConflict(['feature_name', 'environment']) .merge(['variants']); } async addFeatureEnvironment( featureEnvironment: IFeatureEnvironment, ): Promise { const v = featureEnvironment.variants || []; v.sort((a, b) =>; await this.db(T.featureEnvs) .insert({ variants: JSON.stringify(v), enabled: featureEnvironment.enabled, feature_name: featureEnvironment.featureName, environment: featureEnvironment.environment, }) .onConflict(['feature_name', 'environment']) .merge(['variants', 'enabled']); } async cloneStrategies( sourceEnvironment: string, destinationEnvironment: string, ): Promise { const sourceFeatureStrategies = await this.db( 'feature_strategies', ).where({ environment: sourceEnvironment, }); const clonedStrategyRows = (featureStrategy) => { return { id: uuidv4(), feature_name: featureStrategy.feature_name, project_name: featureStrategy.project_name, environment: destinationEnvironment, strategy_name: featureStrategy.strategy_name, parameters: JSON.stringify(featureStrategy.parameters), constraints: JSON.stringify(featureStrategy.constraints), sort_order: featureStrategy.sort_order, }; }, ); if (clonedStrategyRows.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } await this.db('feature_strategies').insert(clonedStrategyRows); const newStrategyMapping = new Map(); sourceFeatureStrategies.forEach((sourceStrategy, index) => { newStrategyMapping.set(, clonedStrategyRows[index].id, ); }); const segmentsToClone: ISegmentRow[] = await this.db( 'feature_strategy_segment as fss', ) .select(['id', 'segment_id']) .join( 'feature_strategies AS fs', 'fss.feature_strategy_id', '', ) .where('environment', sourceEnvironment); const clonedSegmentIdRows = (existingSegmentRow) => { return { feature_strategy_id: newStrategyMapping.get(, ), segment_id: existingSegmentRow.segment_id, }; }, ); if (clonedSegmentIdRows.length > 0) { await this.db('feature_strategy_segment').insert( clonedSegmentIdRows, ); } } }