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AS present`, [secret], ); const { present } = result.rows[0]; return present; } async get(key: string): Promise<IApiToken> { const row = await this.makeTokenProjectQuery().where('secret', key); return toTokens(row)[0]; } async delete(secret: string): Promise<void> { return this.db<ITokenRow>(TABLE).where({ secret }).del(); } async deleteAll(): Promise<void> { return this.db<ITokenRow>(TABLE).del(); } async setExpiry(secret: string, expiresAt: Date): Promise<IApiToken> { const rows = await this.makeTokenProjectQuery() .update({ expires_at: expiresAt }) .where({ secret }) .returning('*'); if (rows.length > 0) { return toTokens(rows)[0]; } throw new NotFoundError('Could not find api-token.'); } async markSeenAt(secrets: string[]): Promise<void> { const now = new Date(); try { await this.db(TABLE) .whereIn('secrets', secrets) .update({ seen_at: now }); } catch (err) { this.logger.error('Could not update lastSeen, error: ', err); } } } |