import { Logger } from '../../logger'; import { IUnleashConfig } from '../../types'; import { IUnleashStores } from '../../types'; import { ToggleMetricsSummary } from '../../types/models/metrics'; import { IClientMetricsEnv, IClientMetricsStoreV2, } from '../../types/stores/client-metrics-store-v2'; import { clientMetricsSchema } from './schema'; import { compareAsc, hoursToMilliseconds, secondsToMilliseconds, } from 'date-fns'; import { CLIENT_METRICS } from '../../types/events'; import ApiUser from '../../types/api-user'; import { ALL } from '../../types/models/api-token'; import User from '../../types/user'; import { collapseHourlyMetrics } from '../../util/collapseHourlyMetrics'; import { LastSeenService } from './last-seen-service'; import { generateHourBuckets } from '../../util/time-utils'; import { ClientMetricsSchema } from 'lib/openapi'; export default class ClientMetricsServiceV2 { private config: IUnleashConfig; private timers: NodeJS.Timeout[] = []; private unsavedMetrics: IClientMetricsEnv[] = []; private clientMetricsStoreV2: IClientMetricsStoreV2; private lastSeenService: LastSeenService; private logger: Logger; constructor( { clientMetricsStoreV2 }: Pick, config: IUnleashConfig, lastSeenService: LastSeenService, bulkInterval = secondsToMilliseconds(5), ) { this.clientMetricsStoreV2 = clientMetricsStoreV2; this.lastSeenService = lastSeenService; this.config = config; this.logger = config.getLogger( '/services/client-metrics/client-metrics-service-v2.ts', ); this.timers.push( setInterval(() => { this.bulkAdd().catch(console.error); }, bulkInterval).unref(), ); this.timers.push( setInterval(() => { this.clientMetricsStoreV2.clearMetrics(48).catch(console.error); }, hoursToMilliseconds(12)).unref(), ); } async registerBulkMetrics(metrics: IClientMetricsEnv[]): Promise { this.unsavedMetrics = collapseHourlyMetrics([ ...this.unsavedMetrics, ...metrics, ]); this.lastSeenService.updateLastSeen(metrics); } async registerClientMetrics( data: ClientMetricsSchema, clientIp: string, ): Promise { const value = await clientMetricsSchema.validateAsync(data); const toggleNames = Object.keys(value.bucket.toggles).filter( (name) => !( value.bucket.toggles[name].yes === 0 && value.bucket.toggles[name].no === 0 ), ); this.logger.debug(`got metrics from ${clientIp}`); const clientMetrics: IClientMetricsEnv[] = => ({ featureName: name, appName: value.appName, environment: value.environment, timestamp: value.bucket.start, //we might need to approximate between start/stop... yes: value.bucket.toggles[name].yes, no: value.bucket.toggles[name].no, variants: value.bucket.toggles[name].variants, })); await this.registerBulkMetrics(clientMetrics); this.config.eventBus.emit(CLIENT_METRICS, value); } async bulkAdd(): Promise { if (this.unsavedMetrics.length > 0) { // Make a copy of `unsavedMetrics` in case new metrics // arrive while awaiting `batchInsertMetrics`. const copy = [...this.unsavedMetrics]; this.unsavedMetrics = []; await this.clientMetricsStoreV2.batchInsertMetrics(copy); } } // Overview over usage last "hour" bucket and all applications using the toggle async getFeatureToggleMetricsSummary( featureName: string, ): Promise { const metrics = await this.clientMetricsStoreV2.getMetricsForFeatureToggle( featureName, 1, ); const seenApplications = await this.clientMetricsStoreV2.getSeenAppsForFeatureToggle( featureName, ); const groupedMetrics = metrics.reduce((prev, curr) => { if (prev[curr.environment]) { prev[curr.environment].yes += curr.yes; prev[curr.environment].no +=; } else { prev[curr.environment] = { environment: curr.environment, timestamp: curr.timestamp, yes: curr.yes, no:, }; } return prev; }, {}); return { featureName, lastHourUsage: Object.values(groupedMetrics), seenApplications, }; } async getClientMetricsForToggle( featureName: string, hoursBack: number = 24, ): Promise { const metrics = await this.clientMetricsStoreV2.getMetricsForFeatureToggle( featureName, hoursBack, ); const hours = generateHourBuckets(hoursBack); const environments = [ Set( => x.environment))]; const applications = [ Set( => x.appName))].slice( 0, 100, ); const result = environments.flatMap((environment) => { const environmentMetrics = metrics.filter( (metric) => metric.environment === environment, ); return applications.flatMap((appName) => { const applicationMetrics = environmentMetrics.filter( (metric) => metric.appName === appName, ); return hours.flatMap((hourBucket) => { const metric = applicationMetrics.find( (item) => compareAsc(hourBucket.timestamp, item.timestamp) === 0, ); return ( metric || { timestamp: hourBucket.timestamp, no: 0, yes: 0, appName, environment, featureName, } ); }); }); }); return result.sort((a, b) => compareAsc(a.timestamp, b.timestamp)); } resolveMetricsEnvironment( user: User | ApiUser, data: { environment?: string }, ): string { if (user instanceof ApiUser) { if (user.environment !== ALL) { return user.environment; } else if (user.environment === ALL && data.environment) { return data.environment; } } return 'default'; } destroy(): void { this.timers.forEach(clearInterval); this.lastSeenService.destroy(); } }