import owasp from 'owasp-password-strength-test'; import { ErrorObject } from 'ajv'; import AuthenticationRequired from '../types/authentication-required'; import { ApiErrorSchema } from './unleash-error'; import BadDataError, { fromOpenApiValidationError, fromOpenApiValidationErrors, } from './bad-data-error'; import NoAccessError from './no-access-error'; import OwaspValidationError from './owasp-validation-error'; import IncompatibleProjectError from './incompatible-project-error'; import PasswordUndefinedError from './password-undefined'; import ProjectWithoutOwnerError from './project-without-owner-error'; import NotFoundError from './notfound-error'; import { validateString } from '../util/validators/constraint-types'; import { fromLegacyError } from './from-legacy-error'; describe('v5 deprecation: backwards compatibility', () => { it(`Adds details to error types that don't specify it`, () => { const message = `Error!`; const error = new NotFoundError(message).toJSON(); expect(error).toMatchObject({ message, details: [ { message, description: message, }, ], }); }); }); describe('Standard/legacy error conversion', () => { it('Moves message to the details list for baddataerror', () => { const message = `: message!`; const result = fromLegacyError(new BadDataError(message)).toJSON(); expect(result.details).toStrictEqual([ { message, description: message, }, ]); }); }); describe('OpenAPI error conversion', () => { it('Gives useful error messages for missing properties', () => { const error = { keyword: 'required', instancePath: '', dataPath: '.body', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/required', params: { missingProperty: 'enabled', }, message: "should have required property 'enabled'", }; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({})(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: // it tells the user that the property is required expect.stringContaining('required'), path: 'enabled', }); // it tells the user the name of the missing property expect(result.description).toContain(error.params.missingProperty); }); it('Gives useful error messages for type errors', () => { const error = { keyword: 'type', instancePath: '', dataPath: '.body.parameters', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/properties/parameters/type', params: { type: 'object', }, message: 'should be object', }; const parameterValue = []; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({ parameters: parameterValue, })(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: // it provides the message expect.stringContaining(error.message), path: 'parameters', }); // it tells the user what they provided expect(result.description).toContain(JSON.stringify(parameterValue)); }); it.each(['.body', '.body.subObject'])( 'Gives useful error messages for oneOf errors in %s', (dataPath) => { const error = { keyword: 'oneOf', instancePath: '', dataPath, schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/createApiTokenSchema/oneOf', params: { passingSchemas: null, }, message: 'should match exactly one schema in oneOf', }; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({ secret: 'blah', username: 'string2', type: 'admin', })(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: // it provides the message expect.stringContaining(error.message), path: dataPath.substring('.body.'.length), }); // it tells the user what happened expect(result.description).toContain( 'matches more than one option', ); // it tells the user what part of the request body this pertains to expect(result.description).toContain( dataPath === '.body' ? 'root object' : `${dataPath.substring('.body.'.length)} property`, ); }, ); it('Gives useful pattern error messages', () => { const error = { instancePath: '', keyword: 'pattern', dataPath: '.body.description', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/properties/description/pattern', params: { pattern: '^this is', }, message: 'should match pattern "^this is"', }; const requestDescription = 'A pattern that does not match.'; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({ description: requestDescription, })(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: expect.stringContaining(error.params.pattern), path: 'description', }); expect(result.description).toContain('description'); expect(result.description).toContain(requestDescription); }); it('Gives useful min/maxlength error messages', () => { const error = { instancePath: '', keyword: 'maxLength', dataPath: '.body.description', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/properties/description/maxLength', params: { limit: 5, }, message: 'should NOT be longer than 5 characters', }; const requestDescription = 'Longer than the max length'; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({ description: requestDescription, })(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: // it tells the user what the limit is expect.stringContaining(error.params.limit.toString()), }); // it tells the user which property it pertains to expect(result.description).toContain('description'); // it tells the user what they provided expect(result.description).toContain(requestDescription); }); it('Handles numerical min/max errors', () => { const error = { keyword: 'maximum', instancePath: '', dataPath: '.body.newprop', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/properties/newprop/maximum', params: { comparison: '<=', limit: 5, exclusive: false, }, message: 'should be <= 5', }; const propertyValue = 6; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({ newprop: propertyValue, })(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: // it tells the user what the limit is expect.stringContaining(error.params.limit.toString()), }); // it tells the user what kind of comparison it performed expect(result.description).toContain(error.params.comparison); // it tells the user which property it pertains to expect(result.description).toContain('newprop'); // it tells the user what they provided expect(result.description).toContain(propertyValue.toString()); }); it('Handles multiple errors', () => { const errors: [ErrorObject, ...ErrorObject[]] = [ { keyword: 'maximum', instancePath: '', // @ts-expect-error dataPath: '.body.newprop', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/properties/newprop/maximum', params: { comparison: '<=', limit: 5, exclusive: false, }, message: 'should be <= 5', }, { keyword: 'required', instancePath: '', dataPath: '.body', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/required', params: { missingProperty: 'enabled', }, message: "should have required property 'enabled'", }, ]; // create an error and serialize it as it would be shown to the end user. const serializedUnleashError: ApiErrorSchema = fromOpenApiValidationErrors({ newprop: 7 }, errors).toJSON(); expect(serializedUnleashError).toMatchObject({ name: 'BadDataError', message: expect.stringContaining('`details`'), details: [ { description: expect.stringContaining('newprop'), }, { description: expect.stringContaining('enabled'), }, ], }); }); describe('Disallowed additional properties', () => { it('gives useful messages for base-level properties', () => { const openApiError = { keyword: 'additionalProperties', instancePath: '', dataPath: '.body', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/additionalProperties', params: { additionalProperty: 'bogus' }, message: 'should NOT have additional properties', }; const error = fromOpenApiValidationError({ bogus: 5 })( openApiError, ); expect(error).toMatchObject({ description: expect.stringContaining( openApiError.params.additionalProperty, ), path: 'bogus', }); expect(error.description).toMatch(/\broot\b/i); expect(error.description).toMatch(/\badditional properties\b/i); }); it('gives useful messages for nested properties', () => { const request2 = { nestedObject: { nested2: { extraPropertyName: 'illegal property' }, }, }; const openApiError = { keyword: 'additionalProperties', instancePath: '', dataPath: '.body.nestedObject.nested2', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/properties/nestedObject/properties/nested2/additionalProperties', params: { additionalProperty: 'extraPropertyName' }, message: 'should NOT have additional properties', }; const error = fromOpenApiValidationError(request2)(openApiError); expect(error).toMatchObject({ description: expect.stringContaining('nestedObject.nested2'), path: 'nestedObject.nested2.extraPropertyName', }); expect(error.description).toContain( openApiError.params.additionalProperty, ); expect(error.description).toMatch(/\badditional properties\b/i); }); }); it('Handles deeply nested properties gracefully', () => { const error = { keyword: 'type', dataPath: '.body.nestedObject.a.b', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/addonCreateUpdateSchema/properties/nestedObject/properties/a/properties/b/type', params: { type: 'string' }, message: 'should be string', instancePath: '', }; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({ nestedObject: { a: { b: [] } }, })(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: expect.stringMatching(/\bnestedObject.a.b\b/), path: 'nestedObject.a.b', }); expect(result.description).toContain('[]'); }); it('Handles deeply nested properties on referenced schemas', () => { const error = { keyword: 'type', dataPath: '.body.nestedObject.a.b', schemaPath: '#/components/schemas/parametersSchema/type', params: { type: 'object' }, message: 'should be object', instancePath: '', }; const illegalValue = 'illegal string'; const result = fromOpenApiValidationError({ nestedObject: { a: { b: illegalValue } }, })(error); expect(result).toMatchObject({ description: expect.stringContaining(illegalValue), path: 'nestedObject.a.b', }); expect(result.description).toMatch(/\bnestedObject.a.b\b/); }); }); describe('Error serialization special cases', () => { it('OwaspValidationErrors: adds `validationErrors` to `details`', () => { const results = owasp.test('123'); const error = new OwaspValidationError(results); const json = fromLegacyError(error).toJSON(); expect(json).toMatchObject({ details: [ { message: results.errors[0], validationErrors: results.errors, }, ], }); }); it('Converts Joi errors in a sensible fashion', async () => { // if the validation doesn't fail, this test does nothing, so ensure // that an error is thrown. let validationThrewAnError = false; try { await validateString([]); } catch (e) { validationThrewAnError = true; const convertedError = fromLegacyError(e); const result = convertedError.toJSON(); expect(result).toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringContaining('details'), details: [ { description: '"value" must contain at least 1 items. You provided [].', }, ], }); expect(result.message).toContain('validation'); } expect(validationThrewAnError).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('Error serialization special cases', () => { it('AuthenticationRequired: adds `path` and `type`', () => { const type = 'password'; const path = '/api/login'; const error = new AuthenticationRequired({ type, path, message: 'this is a message', }); const json = error.toJSON(); expect(json).toMatchObject({ path, type }); }); it('AuthenticationRequired adds `options` if they are present', () => { const config = { type: 'password', path: `base-path/auth/simple/login`, message: 'You must sign in order to use Unleash', defaultHidden: true, options: [ { type: 'google', message: 'Sign in with Google', path: `base-path/auth/google/login`, }, ], }; const json = new AuthenticationRequired(config).toJSON(); expect(json).toMatchObject(config); }); it('NoAccessError: adds `permissions`', () => { const permission = 'x'; const error = new NoAccessError(permission); const json = error.toJSON(); expect(json.permissions).toStrictEqual([permission]); }); it('NoAccessError: supports multiple permissions', () => { const permission = ['x', 'y', 'z']; const error = new NoAccessError(permission); const json = error.toJSON(); expect(json.permissions).toStrictEqual(permission); }); it('BadDataError: adds `details` with error details', () => { const description = 'You did **this** wrong'; const error = new BadDataError(description).toJSON(); expect(error).toMatchObject({ details: [ { message: description, description, }, ], }); }); it('OwaspValidationErrors: adds `validationErrors` to `details`', () => { const results = owasp.test('123'); const error = new OwaspValidationError(results); const json = error.toJSON(); expect(json).toMatchObject({ message: results.errors[0], details: [ { message: results.errors[0], validationErrors: results.errors, }, ], }); }); it('IncompatibleProjectError: adds `validationErrors: []` to the `details` list', () => { const targetProject = '8927CCCA-AD39-46E2-9D83-8E50D9AACE75'; const error = new IncompatibleProjectError(targetProject); const json = error.toJSON(); expect(json).toMatchObject({ details: [ { validationErrors: [], message: expect.stringContaining(targetProject), }, ], }); }); it('PasswordUndefinedError: adds `validationErrors: []` to the `details` list', () => { const error = new PasswordUndefinedError(); const json = error.toJSON(); expect(json).toMatchObject({ details: [ { validationErrors: [], message: json.message, }, ], }); }); it('ProjectWithoutOwnerError: adds `validationErrors: []` to the `details` list', () => { const error = new ProjectWithoutOwnerError(); const json = error.toJSON(); expect(json).toMatchObject({ details: [ { validationErrors: [], message: json.message, }, ], }); }); }); describe('Stack traces', () => { it('captures stack traces regardless of whether `Error.captureStackTrace` is called explicitly or not', () => { const e = new PasswordUndefinedError(); expect(e.stack).toBeTruthy(); }); });