import FeatureToggleService from '../../../services/feature-toggle-service'; import { Logger } from '../../../logger'; import Controller from '../../controller'; import { IUnleashConfig } from '../../../types/option'; import { IUnleashServices } from '../../../types'; import { Request, Response } from 'express'; import { Operation } from 'fast-json-patch'; import { NONE, UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIANTS, UPDATE_FEATURE_VARIANTS, } from '../../../types/permissions'; import { IVariant, WeightType } from '../../../types/model'; import { extractUsername } from '../../../util/extract-user'; import { IAuthRequest } from '../../unleash-types'; import { FeatureVariantsSchema } from '../../../openapi/spec/feature-variants-schema'; import { createRequestSchema } from '../../../openapi/util/create-request-schema'; import { createResponseSchema } from '../../../openapi/util/create-response-schema'; import { AccessService } from '../../../services'; import { BadDataError, NoAccessError } from '../../../../lib/error'; import { User } from 'lib/server-impl'; import { PushVariantsSchema } from 'lib/openapi/spec/push-variants-schema'; const PREFIX = '/:projectId/features/:featureName/variants'; const ENV_PREFIX = '/:projectId/features/:featureName/environments/:environment/variants'; interface FeatureEnvironmentParams extends FeatureParams { environment: string; } interface FeatureParams extends ProjectParam { featureName: string; } interface ProjectParam { projectId: string; } export default class VariantsController extends Controller { private logger: Logger; private featureService: FeatureToggleService; private accessService: AccessService; constructor( config: IUnleashConfig, { featureToggleService, openApiService, accessService, }: Pick< IUnleashServices, 'featureToggleService' | 'openApiService' | 'accessService' >, ) { super(config); this.logger = config.getLogger('admin-api/project/variants.ts'); this.featureService = featureToggleService; this.accessService = accessService; this.route({ method: 'get', path: PREFIX, permission: NONE, handler: this.getVariants, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Retrieve variants for a feature (deprecated) ', description: '(deprecated from 4.21) Retrieve the variants for the specified feature. From Unleash 4.21 onwards, this endpoint will attempt to choose a [production-type environment]( as the source of truth. If more than one production environment is found, the first one will be used.', deprecated: true, tags: ['Features'], operationId: 'getFeatureVariants', responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featureVariantsSchema'), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'patch', path: PREFIX, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE_VARIANTS, handler: this.patchVariants, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: "Apply a patch to a feature's variants (in all environments).", description: `Apply a list of patches patch to the specified feature's variants. The patch objects should conform to the [JSON-patch format (RFC 6902)]( ⚠️ **Warning**: This method is not atomic. If something fails in the middle of applying the patch, you can be left with a half-applied patch. We recommend that you instead [patch variants on a per-environment basis](/docs/reference/api/unleash/patch-environments-feature-variants.api.mdx), which **is** an atomic operation.`, tags: ['Features'], operationId: 'patchFeatureVariants', requestBody: createRequestSchema('patchesSchema'), responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featureVariantsSchema'), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'put', path: PREFIX, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE_VARIANTS, handler: this.overwriteVariants, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Create (overwrite) variants for a feature toggle in all environments', description: `This overwrites the current variants for the feature specified in the :featureName parameter in all environments. The backend will validate the input for the following invariants * If there are variants, there needs to be at least one variant with \`weightType: variable\` * The sum of the weights of variants with \`weightType: fix\` must be strictly less than 1000 (< 1000) The backend will also distribute remaining weight up to 1000 after adding the variants with \`weightType: fix\` together amongst the variants of \`weightType: variable\``, tags: ['Features'], operationId: 'overwriteFeatureVariants', requestBody: createRequestSchema('variantsSchema'), responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featureVariantsSchema'), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'get', path: ENV_PREFIX, permission: NONE, handler: this.getVariantsOnEnv, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Get variants for a feature in an environment', description: `Returns the variants for a feature in a specific environment. If the feature has no variants it will return an empty array of variants`, tags: ['Features'], operationId: 'getEnvironmentFeatureVariants', responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featureVariantsSchema'), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'patch', path: ENV_PREFIX, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIANTS, handler: this.patchVariantsOnEnv, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: "Patch a feature's variants in an environment", description: `Apply a list of patches to the features environments in the specified environment. The patch objects should conform to the [JSON-patch format (RFC 6902)](`, tags: ['Features'], operationId: 'patchEnvironmentsFeatureVariants', requestBody: createRequestSchema('patchesSchema'), responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featureVariantsSchema'), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'put', path: ENV_PREFIX, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIANTS, handler: this.overwriteVariantsOnEnv, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ summary: 'Create (overwrite) variants for a feature in an environment', description: `This overwrites the current variants for the feature toggle in the :featureName parameter for the :environment parameter. The backend will validate the input for the following invariants: * If there are variants, there needs to be at least one variant with \`weightType: variable\` * The sum of the weights of variants with \`weightType: fix\` must be strictly less than 1000 (< 1000) The backend will also distribute remaining weight up to 1000 after adding the variants with \`weightType: fix\` together amongst the variants of \`weightType: variable\``, tags: ['Features'], operationId: 'overwriteEnvironmentFeatureVariants', requestBody: createRequestSchema('variantsSchema'), responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featureVariantsSchema'), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'put', path: `${PREFIX}-batch`, permission: NONE, handler: this.pushVariantsToEnvironments, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Features'], operationId: 'overwriteFeatureVariantsOnEnvironments', requestBody: createRequestSchema('pushVariantsSchema'), responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featureVariantsSchema'), }, }), ], }); } /** * @deprecated - Variants should be fetched from featureService.getVariantsForEnv (since variants are now; since 4.18, connected to environments) * @param req * @param res */ async getVariants( req: Request, res: Response, ): Promise { const { featureName } = req.params; const variants = await this.featureService.getVariants(featureName); res.status(200).json({ version: 1, variants: variants || [] }); } async patchVariants( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { projectId, featureName } = req.params; const updatedFeature = await this.featureService.updateVariants( featureName, projectId, req.body, req.user, ); res.status(200).json({ version: 1, variants: updatedFeature.variants, }); } async overwriteVariants( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { projectId, featureName } = req.params; const userName = extractUsername(req); const updatedFeature = await this.featureService.saveVariants( featureName, projectId, req.body, userName, ); res.status(200).json({ version: 1, variants: updatedFeature.variants, }); } async pushVariantsToEnvironments( req: IAuthRequest< FeatureEnvironmentParams, any, PushVariantsSchema, any >, res: Response, ): Promise { const { projectId, featureName } = req.params; const { environments, variants } = req.body; if (environments === undefined || environments.length === 0) { throw new BadDataError('No environments provided'); } await this.checkAccess( req.user, projectId, environments, UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIANTS, ); const variantsWithDefaults = => ({ weightType: WeightType.VARIABLE, stickiness: 'default', ...variant, })); await this.featureService.crProtectedSetVariantsOnEnvs( projectId, featureName, environments, variantsWithDefaults, req.user, ); res.status(200).json({ version: 1, variants: variantsWithDefaults, }); } async checkAccess( user: User, projectId: string, environments: string[], permission: string, ): Promise { for (const environment of environments) { if ( !(await this.accessService.hasPermission( user, permission, projectId, environment, )) ) { throw new NoAccessError( UPDATE_FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIANTS, environment, ); } } } async getVariantsOnEnv( req: Request, res: Response, ): Promise { const { featureName, environment } = req.params; const variants = await this.featureService.getVariantsForEnv( featureName, environment, ); res.status(200).json({ version: 1, variants: variants || [] }); } async patchVariantsOnEnv( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { projectId, featureName, environment } = req.params; const variants = await this.featureService.updateVariantsOnEnv( featureName, projectId, environment, req.body, req.user, ); res.status(200).json({ version: 1, variants, }); } async overwriteVariantsOnEnv( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { featureName, environment, projectId } = req.params; const variants = await this.featureService.crProtectedSaveVariantsOnEnv( projectId, featureName, environment, req.body, req.user, ); res.status(200).json({ version: 1, variants: variants, }); } }