--- id: getting_started title: Getting Started --- > This section only applies if you plan to self-host Unleash. If you are looking for our hosted solution you should head over to [www.getunleash.io](https://www.getunleash.io/plans) ## Requirements {#requirements} You will need: - [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) (version 14 or later) - [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/download/) (version 10 or later) - [Create an unleash user and database](./database-setup). ## Start Unleash server {#start-unleash-server} Whichever option you choose to start Unleash, you must specify a database URI (it can be set in the environment variable DATABASE_URL). If your database server is not set up to support SSL you'll also need to set the environment variable `DATABASE_SSL` to `false` --- Once the server has started, you will see the message: ```sh Unleash started on http://localhost:4242 ``` To run multiple replicas of Unleash simply point all instances to the same database. **Unleash v4:** The first time Unleash starts it will create a default user which you can use to sign-in to you Unleash instance and add more users with: - username: `admin` - password: `unleash4all` ### Option 1 - use Docker {#option-one---use-docker} **Useful links:** - [Docker image on dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/unleashorg/unleash-server/) - [Unleash Helm Chart on artifacthub](https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/unleash/unleash) **Steps:** 1. Create a network by running `docker network create unleash` 2. Start a postgres database: ```sh docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=some_password \ -e POSTGRES_USER=unleash_user -e POSTGRES_DB=unleash \ --network unleash --name postgres postgres ``` 3. Start Unleash via docker: ```sh docker run -p 4242:4242 \ -e DATABASE_HOST=postgres -e DATABASE_NAME=unleash \ -e DATABASE_USERNAME=unleash_user -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=some_password \ -e DATABASE_SSL=false \ --network unleash --pull=always unleashorg/unleash-server ``` ### Option 2 - use Docker-compose {#option-two---use-docker-compose} **Steps:** 1. Clone the [unleash-docker](https://github.com/Unleash/unleash-docker) repository. 2. Run `docker-compose build` in repository root folder. 3. Run `docker-compose up` in repository root folder. ### Option 3 - from Node.js {#option-three---from-nodejs} 1. Create a new folder/directory on your development computer. 2. From a terminal/bash shell, install the dependencies: ```sh npm init npm install unleash-server --save ``` 3. Create a file called _server.js_, paste the following into it and save. ```js const unleash = require('unleash-server'); unleash .start({ db: { ssl: false, host: 'localhost', port: 5432, database: 'unleash', user: 'unleash_user', password: 'passord', }, server: { port: 4242, }, }) .then((unleash) => { console.log( `Unleash started on http://localhost:${unleash.app.get('port')}`, ); }); ``` 4. Run _server.js_: ```sh node server.js ``` ## Create an api token for your client {#create-an-api-token-for-your-client} - [API Token creation](../user_guide/api-token) ## Test your server and create a sample API call {#test-your-server-and-create-a-sample-api-call} Once the Unleash server has started, go to [localhost:4242](http://localhost:4242) in your browser. If you see an empty list of feature toggles, try creating one with [curl](https://curl.se/) from a terminal/bash shell: ``` curl --location -H "Authorization: " \ --request POST 'http://localhost:4242/api/admin/features' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{\ "name": "Feature.A",\ "description": "Dolor sit amet.",\ "type": "release",\ "enabled": false,\ "stale": false,\ "strategies": [\ {\ "name": "default",\ "parameters": {}\ }\ ]\ }' ``` ## Version check {#version-check} - Unleash checks that it uses the latest version by making a call to https://version.unleash.run. - This is a cloud function storing instance id to our database for statistics. - This request includes a unique instance id for your server. - If you do not wish to check for upgrades define the environment variable `CHECK_VERSION` to anything else other than `true` before starting, and Unleash won't make any calls - `export CHECK_VERSION=false`