// Description: // // ## What // // This script replaces all references to the Unleash ushosted instance in the // generated OpenAPI docs. It removes extra path segments (such as leading // `/ushosted` instances) and replaces the ushosted base url with something // user-agnostic. // // ## Why // // When we host the OpenAPI docs in our official documentation, the generated // docs shouldn't necessarily point at _one specific instance_, and especially // not one that the reader is unlikely to ever use. Instead, we can remove all // the bits that are specific to the generation source we use, and make the docs // easier to use. In particular, removing the leading `/ushosted` is likely to // save us loooots of questions. import { replaceInFileSync } from 'replace-in-file'; const options = { files: 'docs/reference/api/**/*.api.mdx', from: [ /\/ushosted/g, /"https:\/\/us.app.unleash-hosted.com(\/ushosted)?"/g, '"path":["ushosted",', ], to: ['', '"<your-unleash-url>"', '"path":['], }; replaceInFileSync(options);