/* eslint camelcase: "off" */ 'use strict'; const async = require('async'); exports.up = function(db, cb) { async.series( [ db.createTable.bind(db, 'context_fields', { name: { type: 'string', length: 255, primaryKey: true, notNull: true, }, description: { type: 'text' }, sort_order: { type: 'int', defaultValue: 10 }, legal_values: { type: 'text' }, created_at: { type: 'timestamp', defaultValue: 'now()' }, updated_at: { type: 'timestamp', defaultValue: 'now()' }, }), db.runSql.bind( db, ` INSERT INTO context_fields(name, description, sort_order) VALUES('environment', 'Allows you to constrain on application environment', 0); INSERT INTO context_fields(name, description, sort_order) VALUES('userId', 'Allows you to constrain on userId', 1); INSERT INTO context_fields(name, description, sort_order) VALUES('appName', 'Allows you to constrain on application name', 2); `, ), ], cb, ); }; exports.down = function(db, cb) { return db.dropTable('context_fields', cb); };