var request = require('supertest'); var mockery = require('mockery'); describe('The api', function () { var server; before(function () { mockery.enable({ warnOnReplace: false, warnOnUnregistered: false, useCleanCache: true }); mockery.registerSubstitute('./eventDb', '../test/eventDbMock'); mockery.registerSubstitute('./featureDb', '../test/featureDbMock'); mockery.registerSubstitute('./strategyDb', '../test/strategyDbMock'); server = require('../server'); request = request('http://localhost:' +'port')); }); after(function () { mockery.disable(); mockery.deregisterAll(); server.server.close(); }); it('returns three mocked feature toggles', function (done) { request .get('/features') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done); }); it('creates new feature toggle', function (done) { request .post('/features') .send({name: 'com.test.feature', 'enabled': false}) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201, done); }); it('require new feature toggle to have a name', function (done) { request .post('/features') .send({name: ''}) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(400, done); }); it('can not change status of feature toggle that does not exist', function (done) { request .put('/features/should-not-exist') .send({name: 'should-not-exist', enabled: false}) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(404, done); }); it('can change status of feature toggle that does exist', function (done) { request .put('/features/featureY') .send({name: 'featureY', enabled: true}) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(200, done); }); });