--- title: How to capture impression data --- import ApiRequest from '@site/src/components/ApiRequest' import VideoContent from '@site/src/components/VideoContent.jsx' :::info Placeholders Placeholders in the code samples below are delimited by angle brackets (i.e. `<placeholder-name>`). You will need to replace them with the values that are correct in _your_ situation for the code samples to run properly. ::: Unleash allows you to gather [**impression data**](../advanced/impression-data.md) from your feature toggles, giving you complete visibility into who checked what toggles and when. What you do with this data is entirely up to you, but a common use case is to send it off to an aggregation and analytics service such as [Posthog](https://posthog.com/) or [Google Analytics](https://analytics.google.com/), either just for monitoring purposes or to facilitate [A/B testing](../topics/a-b-testing.md). This guide will take you through everything you need to do in Unleash to facilitate such a workflow. It will show you how to send data to Posthog as an example sink, but the exact same principles will apply to any other service of the same kind. <VideoContent videoUrls={["https://www.youtube.com/embed/bxYdeMb9ffw"]}> This content in this guide is also available in video format. </VideoContent> ## Prerequisites We will assume that you have the necessary details for your third-party service: - **where to send the data to**. We'll refer to this in the code samples below as **`<sink-url>`**. - **what format the data needs to be in**. This will determine how you transform the event data before you send it. In addition, you'll need to have a toggle to record impression data for and an [Unleash client SDK](../sdks/index.md) that supports impression data. This guide will use the [JavaScript proxy SDK](../sdks/proxy-javascript.md). When you have those things sorted, follow the below steps. ## Step 1: Enable impression data for your feature toggle {#step-1} Because impression data is an **opt-in feature**, the first step is to enable it for the feature you want to gather data from. You can use both the UI and the API. ### Enabling impression data for new feature toggles {#step-1-new-toggles} When you create a new feature toggle via the UI, there's an option at the end of the form that you must enable:  To create a feature toggle with impression data enabled, set the `impressionData` option to `true` in the request payload, as seen below. For more options, check the [reference docs on creating features](../api/admin/feature-toggles-api-v2.md#create-toggle). <ApiRequest verb="post" payload={{name: "<feature-toggle-name>", impressionData: true}} url="api/admin/projects/<project-id>/features" title="Create a feature toggle with impression data enabled."/> ### Enabling impression data for existing feature toggles {#step-1-existing-toggles} To enable impression data for an existing toggle, use the "edit" button on the toggle's page in the admin UI. It will take you to a form that looks like the toggle creation form. Use the "impression data" toggle to enable impression data the same way you would when [enabling impression data for a new feature toggle](#step-1-new-toggles).  To enable impression data for an existing toggle, use the [API's toggle patching functionality](../api/admin/feature-toggles-api-v2.md#patch-toggle): <ApiRequest verb="patch" payload={[{op: "replace", path: "/impressionData", value: true}]} url="api/admin/projects/<project-id>/features/<feature-toggle-name>" title="Enable impression data on an existing toggle."/> ## Step 2: Capture impression events in your client {#step-2} In your client SDK, initialize the library for the third party service you're using. For the full details on setting up a Posthog client, see [the official Posthog JavaScript client docs](https://posthog.com/docs/integrate/client/js). The steps below will use extracts from said documentation. After initializing the library, you'll probably also want to identify the current user, so that events can be correlated properly: ``` js title="Identify the user." posthog.identify(userId); ``` ### Capture and transform the event Attach an event listener to Unleash that listens for `"impression"` events. Inside the listener, transform the event data to the format you want and send it to your analytics service. ``` js title="Capture, transform, and send impression data." // listen for impression events unleash.on("impression", (event) => { // capture and transform events posthog.capture(event.eventType, { ...event.context, distinct_id: event.context?.userId, featureName: event.featureName, enabled: event.enabled, variant: event.variant, }); }); ``` Posthog expects an object with a `distinct_id` property that it uses to correlate data. Additionally, you can add whatever properties you want, such as the feature toggle name, its state and/or variant, or the whole Unleash context. The `posthog.capture` method sends the event data to your Posthog instance.