import { Knex } from 'knex'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import metricsHelper from '../util/metrics-helper'; import { DB_TIME } from '../metric-events'; import { Logger, LogProvider } from '../logger'; import NotFoundError from '../error/notfound-error'; import { FeatureToggleWithEnvironment, IConstraint, IEnvironmentOverview, IFeatureOverview, IFeatureStrategy, IStrategyConfig, } from '../types/model'; import { IFeatureStrategiesStore } from '../types/stores/feature-strategies-store'; import { PartialSome } from '../types/partial'; const COLUMNS = [ 'id', 'feature_name', 'project_name', 'environment', 'strategy_name', 'parameters', 'constraints', 'created_at', ]; /* const mapperToColumnNames = { createdAt: 'created_at', featureName: 'feature_name', strategyName: 'strategy_name', }; */ const T = { features: 'features', featureStrategies: 'feature_strategies', featureStrategySegment: 'feature_strategy_segment', featureEnvs: 'feature_environments', }; interface IFeatureStrategiesTable { id: string; feature_name: string; project_name: string; environment: string; strategy_name: string; parameters: object; constraints: string; sort_order: number; created_at?: Date; } function ensureStringValues(data: object): { [key: string]: string } { const stringEntries = Object.entries(data).map(([key, value]) => [ key, String(value), ]); return Object.fromEntries(stringEntries); } function mapRow(row: IFeatureStrategiesTable): IFeatureStrategy { return { id:, featureName: row.feature_name, projectId: row.project_name, environment: row.environment, strategyName: row.strategy_name, parameters: ensureStringValues(row.parameters), constraints: (row.constraints as unknown as IConstraint[]) || [], createdAt: row.created_at, sortOrder: row.sort_order, }; } function mapInput(input: IFeatureStrategy): IFeatureStrategiesTable { return { id:, feature_name: input.featureName, project_name: input.projectId, environment: input.environment, strategy_name: input.strategyName, parameters: input.parameters, constraints: JSON.stringify(input.constraints || []), created_at: input.createdAt, sort_order: input.sortOrder, }; } interface StrategyUpdate { strategy_name: string; parameters: object; constraints: string; } function mapStrategyUpdate( input: Partial, ): Partial { const update: Partial = {}; if ( !== null) { update.strategy_name =; } if (input.parameters !== null) { update.parameters = input.parameters; } update.constraints = JSON.stringify(input.constraints || []); return update; } class FeatureStrategiesStore implements IFeatureStrategiesStore { private db: Knex; private logger: Logger; private readonly timer: Function; constructor(db: Knex, eventBus: EventEmitter, getLogger: LogProvider) { this.db = db; this.logger = getLogger('feature-toggle-store.ts'); this.timer = (action) => metricsHelper.wrapTimer(eventBus, DB_TIME, { store: 'feature-toggle-strategies', action, }); } async delete(key: string): Promise { await this.db(T.featureStrategies).where({ id: key }).del(); } async deleteAll(): Promise { await this.db(T.featureStrategies).delete(); } destroy(): void {} async exists(key: string): Promise { const result = await this.db.raw( `SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ${T.featureStrategies} WHERE id = ?) AS present`, [key], ); const { present } = result.rows[0]; return present; } async get(key: string): Promise { const row = await this.db(T.featureStrategies) .where({ id: key }) .first(); if (!row) { throw new NotFoundError(`Could not find strategy with id=${key}`); } return mapRow(row); } async createStrategyFeatureEnv( strategyConfig: PartialSome, ): Promise { const strategyRow = mapInput({ id: uuidv4(), ...strategyConfig }); const rows = await this.db(T.featureStrategies) .insert(strategyRow) .returning('*'); return mapRow(rows[0]); } async removeAllStrategiesForFeatureEnv( featureName: string, environment: string, ): Promise { await this.db('feature_strategies') .where({ feature_name: featureName, environment }) .del(); } async getAll(): Promise { const stopTimer = this.timer('getAll'); const rows = await this.db .select(COLUMNS) .from(T.featureStrategies); stopTimer(); return; } async getStrategiesForFeatureEnv( projectId: string, featureName: string, environment: string, ): Promise { const stopTimer = this.timer('getForFeature'); const rows = await this.db(T.featureStrategies) .where({ project_name: projectId, feature_name: featureName, environment, }) .orderBy('sort_order', 'asc'); stopTimer(); return; } async getFeatureToggleWithEnvs( featureName: string, archived: boolean = false, ): Promise { const stopTimer = this.timer('getFeatureAdmin'); const rows = await this.db('features') .select( ' as name', 'features.description as description', 'features.type as type', 'features.project as project', 'features.stale as stale', 'features.variants as variants', 'features.impression_data as impression_data', 'features.created_at as created_at', 'features.last_seen_at as last_seen_at', 'feature_environments.enabled as enabled', 'feature_environments.environment as environment', ' as environment_name', 'environments.type as environment_type', 'environments.sort_order as environment_sort_order', ' as strategy_id', 'feature_strategies.strategy_name as strategy_name', 'feature_strategies.parameters as parameters', 'feature_strategies.constraints as constraints', 'feature_strategies.sort_order as sort_order', ) .fullOuterJoin( 'feature_environments', 'feature_environments.feature_name', '', ) .fullOuterJoin('feature_strategies', function () { this.on( 'feature_strategies.feature_name', '=', 'feature_environments.feature_name', ).andOn( 'feature_strategies.environment', '=', 'feature_environments.environment', ); }) .fullOuterJoin( 'environments', 'feature_environments.environment', '', ) .where('', featureName) .andWhere('features.archived', archived ? 1 : 0); stopTimer(); if (rows.length > 0) { const featureToggle = rows.reduce((acc, r) => { if (acc.environments === undefined) { acc.environments = {}; } =; acc.impressionData = r.impression_data; acc.description = r.description; acc.project = r.project; acc.stale = r.stale; acc.variants = r.variants; acc.createdAt = r.created_at; acc.lastSeenAt = r.last_seen_at; acc.type = r.type; if (!acc.environments[r.environment]) { acc.environments[r.environment] = { name: r.environment, }; } const env = acc.environments[r.environment]; env.enabled = r.enabled; env.type = r.environment_type; env.sortOrder = r.environment_sort_order; if (!env.strategies) { env.strategies = []; } if (r.strategy_id) { env.strategies.push( FeatureStrategiesStore.getAdminStrategy(r), ); } acc.environments[r.environment] = env; return acc; }, {}); featureToggle.environments = Object.values( featureToggle.environments, ).sort((a, b) => { // @ts-expect-error return a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder; }); featureToggle.environments = => { e.strategies = e.strategies.sort( (a, b) => a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder, ); return e; }); featureToggle.variants = featureToggle.variants || []; featureToggle.variants.sort((a, b) =>; featureToggle.archived = archived; return featureToggle; } throw new NotFoundError( `Could not find feature toggle with name ${featureName}`, ); } private static getEnvironment(r: any): IEnvironmentOverview { return { name: r.environment, enabled: r.enabled, type: r.environment_type, sortOrder: r.environment_sort_order, }; } async getFeatureOverview( projectId: string, archived: boolean = false, ): Promise { const rows = await this.db('features') .where({ project: projectId, archived }) .select( ' as feature_name', 'features.type as type', 'features.created_at as created_at', 'features.last_seen_at as last_seen_at', 'features.stale as stale', 'feature_environments.enabled as enabled', 'feature_environments.environment as environment', 'environments.type as environment_type', 'environments.sort_order as environment_sort_order', ) .fullOuterJoin( 'feature_environments', 'feature_environments.feature_name', '', ) .fullOuterJoin( 'environments', 'feature_environments.environment', '', ); if (rows.length > 0) { const overview = rows.reduce((acc, r) => { if (acc[r.feature_name] !== undefined) { acc[r.feature_name].environments.push( FeatureStrategiesStore.getEnvironment(r), ); } else { acc[r.feature_name] = { type: r.type, name: r.feature_name, createdAt: r.created_at, lastSeenAt: r.last_seen_at, stale: r.stale, environments: [ FeatureStrategiesStore.getEnvironment(r), ], }; } return acc; }, {}); return Object.values(overview).map((o: IFeatureOverview) => ({ ...o, environments: o.environments .filter((f) => .sort((a, b) => { if (a.sortOrder === b.sortOrder) { return; } return a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder; }), })); } return []; } async getStrategyById(id: string): Promise { const strat = await this.db(T.featureStrategies).where({ id }).first(); if (strat) { return mapRow(strat); } throw new NotFoundError(`Could not find strategy with id: ${id}`); } async updateStrategy( id: string, updates: Partial, ): Promise { const update = mapStrategyUpdate(updates); const row = await this.db(T.featureStrategies) .where({ id }) .update(update) .returning('*'); return mapRow(row[0]); } private static getAdminStrategy( r: any, includeId: boolean = true, ): IStrategyConfig { const strategy = { name: r.strategy_name, constraints: r.constraints || [], parameters: r.parameters, sortOrder: r.sort_order, id: r.strategy_id, }; if (!includeId) { delete; } return strategy; } async deleteConfigurationsForProjectAndEnvironment( projectId: String, environment: String, ): Promise { await this.db(T.featureStrategies) .where({ project_name: projectId, environment }) .del(); } async setProjectForStrategiesBelongingToFeature( featureName: string, newProjectId: string, ): Promise { await this.db(T.featureStrategies) .where({ feature_name: featureName }) .update({ project_name: newProjectId }); } async getStrategiesBySegment( segmentId: number, ): Promise { const stopTimer = this.timer('getStrategiesBySegment'); const rows = await this.db .select(this.prefixColumns()) .from(T.featureStrategies) .join( T.featureStrategySegment, `${T.featureStrategySegment}.feature_strategy_id`, `${T.featureStrategies}.id`, ) .where(`${T.featureStrategySegment}.segment_id`, '=', segmentId); stopTimer(); return; } prefixColumns(): string[] { return => `${T.featureStrategies}.${c}`); } } module.exports = FeatureStrategiesStore; export default FeatureStrategiesStore;