const { stateSchema } = require('./state-schema'); const { FEATURE_IMPORT, DROP_FEATURES, STRATEGY_IMPORT, DROP_STRATEGIES, TAG_IMPORT, DROP_TAGS, FEATURE_TAG_IMPORT, DROP_FEATURE_TAGS, TAG_TYPE_IMPORT, DROP_TAG_TYPES, PROJECT_IMPORT, DROP_PROJECTS, } = require('../types/events'); const { readFile, parseFile, filterExisting, filterEqual, } = require('./state-util'); class StateService { constructor(stores, { getLogger }) { this.eventStore = stores.eventStore; this.toggleStore = stores.featureToggleStore; this.strategyStore = stores.strategyStore; this.tagStore = stores.tagStore; this.tagTypeStore = stores.tagTypeStore; this.projectStore = stores.projectStore; this.logger = getLogger('services/state-service.js'); } importFile({ file, dropBeforeImport, userName, keepExisting }) { return readFile(file) .then(data => parseFile(file, data)) .then(data => this.import({ data, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting }), ); } async import({ data, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting }) { const importData = await stateSchema.validateAsync(data); if (importData.features) { await this.importFeatures({ features: data.features, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }); } if (importData.strategies) { await this.importStrategies({ strategies: data.strategies, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }); } if (importData.tagTypes && importData.tags) { await this.importTagData({ tagTypes: data.tagTypes, tags: data.tags, featureTags: data.featureTags || [], userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }); } if (importData.projects) { await this.importProjects({ projects: data.projects, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }); } } async importFeatures({ features, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }) {`Importing ${features.length} feature toggles`); const oldToggles = dropBeforeImport ? [] : await this.toggleStore.getFeatures(); if (dropBeforeImport) {'Dropping existing feature toggles'); await this.toggleStore.dropFeatures(); await{ type: DROP_FEATURES, createdBy: userName, data: { name: 'all-features' }, }); } await Promise.all( features .filter(filterExisting(keepExisting, oldToggles)) .filter(filterEqual(oldToggles)) .map(feature => this.toggleStore.importFeature(feature).then(() =>{ type: FEATURE_IMPORT, createdBy: userName, data: feature, }), ), ), ); } async importStrategies({ strategies, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }) {`Importing ${strategies.length} strategies`); const oldStrategies = dropBeforeImport ? [] : await this.strategyStore.getStrategies(); if (dropBeforeImport) {'Dropping existing strategies'); await this.strategyStore.dropStrategies(); await{ type: DROP_STRATEGIES, createdBy: userName, data: { name: 'all-strategies' }, }); } await Promise.all( strategies .filter(filterExisting(keepExisting, oldStrategies)) .filter(filterEqual(oldStrategies)) .map(strategy => this.strategyStore.importStrategy(strategy).then(() => {{ type: STRATEGY_IMPORT, createdBy: userName, data: strategy, }); }), ), ); } async importProjects({ projects, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }) {`Import ${projects.length} projects`); const oldProjects = dropBeforeImport ? [] : await this.projectStore.getAll(); if (dropBeforeImport) {'Dropping existing projects'); await this.projectStore.dropProjects(); await{ type: DROP_PROJECTS, createdBy: userName, data: { name: 'all-projects' }, }); } const projectsToImport = projects.filter(project => keepExisting ? !oldProjects.some(old => === : true, ); if (projectsToImport.length > 0) { const importedProjects = await this.projectStore.importProjects( projectsToImport, ); const importedProjectEvents = => ({ type: PROJECT_IMPORT, createdBy: userName, data: project, })); await this.eventStore.batchStore(importedProjectEvents); } } async importTagData({ tagTypes, tags, featureTags, userName, dropBeforeImport, keepExisting, }) { `Importing ${tagTypes.length} tagtypes, ${tags.length} tags and ${featureTags.length} feature tags`, ); const oldTagTypes = dropBeforeImport ? [] : await this.tagTypeStore.getAll(); const oldTags = dropBeforeImport ? [] : await this.tagStore.getAll(); const oldFeatureTags = dropBeforeImport ? [] : await this.toggleStore.getAllFeatureTags(); if (dropBeforeImport) { 'Dropping all existing featuretags, tags and tagtypes', ); await this.toggleStore.dropFeatureTags(); await this.tagStore.dropTags(); await this.tagTypeStore.dropTagTypes(); await this.eventStore.batchStore([ { type: DROP_FEATURE_TAGS, createdBy: userName, data: { name: 'all-feature-tags' }, }, { type: DROP_TAGS, createdBy: userName, data: { name: 'all-tags' }, }, { type: DROP_TAG_TYPES, createdBy: userName, data: { name: 'all-tag-types' }, }, ]); } await this.importTagTypes( tagTypes, keepExisting, oldTagTypes, userName, ); await this.importTags(tags, keepExisting, oldTags, userName); await this.importFeatureTags( featureTags, keepExisting, oldFeatureTags, userName, ); } compareFeatureTags = (old, tag) => old.featureName === tag.featureName && old.tagValue === tag.tagValue && old.tagType === tag.tagType; async importFeatureTags( featureTags, keepExisting, oldFeatureTags, userName, ) { const featureTagsToInsert = featureTags.filter(tag => keepExisting ? !oldFeatureTags.some(old => this.compareFeatureTags(old, tag)) : true, ); if (featureTagsToInsert.length > 0) { const importedFeatureTags = await this.toggleStore.importFeatureTags( featureTagsToInsert, ); const importedFeatureTagEvents = => ({ type: FEATURE_TAG_IMPORT, createdBy: userName, data: tag, })); await this.eventStore.batchStore(importedFeatureTagEvents); } } compareTags = (old, tag) => old.type === tag.type && old.value === tag.value; async importTags(tags, keepExisting, oldTags, userName) { const tagsToInsert = tags.filter(tag => keepExisting ? !oldTags.some(old => this.compareTags(old, tag)) : true, ); if (tagsToInsert.length > 0) { const importedTags = await this.tagStore.bulkImport(tagsToInsert); const importedTagEvents = => ({ type: TAG_IMPORT, createdBy: userName, data: tag, })); await this.eventStore.batchStore(importedTagEvents); } } async importTagTypes(tagTypes, keepExisting, oldTagTypes = [], userName) { const tagTypesToInsert = tagTypes.filter(tagType => keepExisting ? !oldTagTypes.some(t => === : true, ); if (tagTypesToInsert.length > 0) { const importedTagTypes = await this.tagTypeStore.bulkImport( tagTypesToInsert, ); const importedTagTypeEvents = => ({ type: TAG_TYPE_IMPORT, createdBy: userName, data: tagType, })); await this.eventStore.batchStore(importedTagTypeEvents); } } async export({ includeFeatureToggles = true, includeStrategies = true, includeProjects = true, includeTags = true, }) { return Promise.all([ includeFeatureToggles ? this.toggleStore.getFeatures() : Promise.resolve(), includeStrategies ? this.strategyStore.getEditableStrategies() : Promise.resolve(), this.projectStore && includeProjects ? this.projectStore.getAll() : Promise.resolve(), includeTags ? this.tagTypeStore.getAll() : Promise.resolve(), includeTags ? this.tagStore.getAll() : Promise.resolve(), includeTags ? this.toggleStore.getAllFeatureTags() : Promise.resolve(), ]).then( ([ features, strategies, projects, tagTypes, tags, featureTags, ]) => ({ version: 1, features, strategies, projects, tagTypes, tags, featureTags, }), ); } } module.exports = StateService;