--- title: How to schedule feature releases --- import ApiRequest from '@site/src/components/ApiRequest' :::info Placeholders Placeholders in the code samples below are delimited by angle brackets (i.e. ``). You will need to replace them with the values that are correct in _your_ situation for the code samples to run properly. ::: Scheduling feature releases is good. You may want to: - release a feature at a specific date and time (product launch) - only have a feature available up until a specific moment (such as a contest cutoff etc) - make a feature available during a specific period (24 flash sale, Black Friday, etc) Obviously Unleash can help you with this. There's two distinct ways to do this with Unleash: - [Using strategy constraints](#strategy-constraints) - [Using custom activation strategies](#custom-activation-strategies) This guide will show you how to schedule a release in the future, but the exact same logic applies if you want to make a feature available until some point in the future. Finally, if you want to only make a feature available during a limited time period, combine the two options. ## Prerequisites This guide assumes that you've got some experience with Unleash, that you've got an instance up and running, and that you've got a feature toggle with a strategy that you want to schedule the release for. Additionally, each of the two ways of doing this have slightly different prerequisites themselves. ## Schedule feature releases with strategy constraints {#strategy-constraints} ### Prerequirements - Unleash Enterprise 4.9 or later - SDKs that support advanced strategy constraints ### Step 1: Add a date-based strategy constraint To schedule feature release via the UI On the strategy that you want to schedule, use the "new constraint" button to add a new constraint. Select the `currentTime` context field from the dropdown and choose the one of the date-based operators. Finally, select when the feature should be released. #### Via the API To use the API to add a constraint, you should use the `DATE_AFTER` `operator`, the `currentTime` `contextName` and the date as the `value`. ## Schedule feature releases with custom activation strategies {#custom-activation-strategies} ### Requirements - Unleash v3.3 or later ### Step 1: Define a custom activation strategy See the how-to guide for more granular instructions, but you'd define a custom strategy with an `enableAfter` parameter in the form of a time format you can parse. ### Step 2: Implement the custom activation strategy in your clients Again, following the steps in the guide, you'd implement this strategy in each of your clients. ### See the how-to guide for custom activation strategies