{ "numFailedTestSuites": 0, "numFailedTests": 0, "numPassedTestSuites": 124, "numPassedTests": 868, "numPendingTestSuites": 0, "numPendingTests": 1, "numRuntimeErrorTestSuites": 0, "numTodoTests": 0, "numTotalTestSuites": 124, "numTotalTests": 869, "openHandles": [], "snapshot": { "added": 0, "didUpdate": false, "failure": false, "filesAdded": 0, "filesRemoved": 0, "filesRemovedList": [], "filesUnmatched": 0, "filesUpdated": 0, "matched": 12, "total": 12, "unchecked": 0, "uncheckedKeysByFile": [], "unmatched": 0, "updated": 0 }, "startTime": 1653037721559, "success": true, "testResults": [ { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have default project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 64 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have default project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should list all projects", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 70 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should list all projects" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create new project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 83 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create new project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 98 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not be able to delete project with toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 115 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not be able to delete project with toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not delete \"default\" project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 137 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not delete \"default\" project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate name, legal", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 145 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate name, legal" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not be able to create existing project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 150 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not be able to create existing project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require URL friendly ID", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 164 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require URL friendly ID" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require unique ID", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 172 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require unique ID" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 180 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should give error when getting unknown project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 202 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should give error when getting unknown project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get list of users with access to project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 210 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get list of users with access to project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add a member user to the project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 229 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add a member user to the project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add admin users to the project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 261 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add admin users to the project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "add user should fail if user already have access", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 294 }, "status": "passed", "title": "add user should fail if user already have access" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should remove user from the project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 318 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should remove user from the project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not remove user from the project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 346 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not remove user from the project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not change project if feature toggle project does not match current project id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 364 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not change project if feature toggle project does not match current project id" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return 404 if no project is found with the project id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 390 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return 404 if no project is found with the project id" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should fail if user is not authorized", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 414 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should fail if user is not authorized" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should change project when checks pass", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 451 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should change project when checks pass" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require equal project environments to move features", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 470 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require equal project environments to move features" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "A newly created project only gets connected to enabled environments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 495 }, "status": "passed", "title": "A newly created project only gets connected to enabled environments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add a user to the project with a custom role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 521 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add a user to the project with a custom role" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete role entries when deleting project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 566 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete role entries when deleting project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should change a users role in the project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 617 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should change a users role in the project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update role for user on project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 673 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update role for user on project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should able to assign role without existing members", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 705 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should able to assign role without existing members" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not update role for user on project when she is the owner", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 742 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not update role for user on project when she is the owner" } ], "endTime": 1653037729205, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/project-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037721853, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have access to admin addons", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 230 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have access to admin addons" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have access to admin strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 238 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have access to admin strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have access to admin contexts", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 246 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have access to admin contexts" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have access to create projects", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 261 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have access to create projects" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have access to update applications", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 267 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have access to update applications" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not have admin permission", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 275 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not have admin permission" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have project admin to default project as editor", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 281 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have project admin to default project as editor" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not have project admin to other projects as editor", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 288 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not have project admin to other projects as editor" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cannot add CREATE_FEATURE without defining project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 294 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cannot add CREATE_FEATURE without defining project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cannot remove CREATE_FEATURE without defining project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 305 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cannot remove CREATE_FEATURE without defining project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should remove CREATE_FEATURE on default environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 316 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should remove CREATE_FEATURE on default environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "admin should be admin", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 338 }, "status": "passed", "title": "admin should be admin" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create default roles to project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 366 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create default roles to project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require name when create default roles to project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 373 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require name when create default roles to project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should grant user access to project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 379 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should grant user access to project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not get access if not specifying project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 404 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not get access if not specifying project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should remove user from role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 421 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should remove user from role" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return role with users", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 440 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return role with users" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return role with permissions and users", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 458 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return role with permissions and users" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should set root role for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 481 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should set root role for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should switch root role for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 497 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should switch root role for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not crash if user does not have permission", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 513 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not crash if user does not have permission" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should support permission with \"ALL\" environment requirement", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 532 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should support permission with \"ALL\" environment requirement" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should have access to create a strategy in an environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 574 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should have access to create a strategy in an environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be denied access to create a strategy in an environment the user does not have access to", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 587 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be denied access to create a strategy in an environment the user does not have access to" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should have access to edit a strategy in an environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 600 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should have access to edit a strategy in an environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should have access to delete a strategy in an environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 613 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should have access to delete a strategy in an environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be denied access to delete a strategy in an environment the user does not have access to", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 626 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be denied access to delete a strategy in an environment the user does not have access to" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be denied access to delete a role that is in use", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 639 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be denied access to delete a role that is in use" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be denied move feature toggle to project where the user does not have access", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 686 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be denied move feature toggle to project where the user does not have access" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be allowed move feature toggle to project when the user has access", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 728 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be allowed move feature toggle to project when the user has access" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not be allowed to edit a root role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 760 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not be allowed to edit a root role" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not be allowed to delete a root role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 779 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not be allowed to delete a root role" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not be allowed to edit a project role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 793 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not be allowed to edit a project role" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not be allowed to delete a project role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 812 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not be allowed to delete a project role" } ], "endTime": 1653037730688, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/access-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037729321, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get variants for a feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get variants for a feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to do operations on a non-existing feature yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to do operations on a non-existing feature yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can patch variants for a feature and get a response of new variant", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 76 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can patch variants for a feature and get a response of new variant" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can add variant for a feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 113 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can add variant for a feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can remove variant for a feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 162 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can remove variant for a feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "PUT overwrites current variant on feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 200 }, "status": "passed", "title": "PUT overwrites current variant on feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "PUTing an invalid variant throws 400 exception", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 258 }, "status": "passed", "title": "PUTing an invalid variant throws 400 exception" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Invalid variant in PATCH also throws 400 exception", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 283 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Invalid variant in PATCH also throws 400 exception" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "PATCHING with all variable weightTypes forces weights to sum to no less than 1000 minus the number of variable variants", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 313 }, "status": "passed", "title": "PATCHING with all variable weightTypes forces weights to sum to no less than 1000 minus the number of variable variants" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "PATCHING with no variable variants fails with 400", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 401 }, "status": "passed", "title": "PATCHING with no variable variants fails with 400" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Patching with a fixed variant and variable variants splits remaining weight among variable variants", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 430 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Patching with a fixed variant and variable variants splits remaining weight among variable variants" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Multiple fixed variants gets added together to decide how much weight variable variants should get", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 521 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Multiple fixed variants gets added together to decide how much weight variable variants should get" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "If sum of fixed variant weight exceed 1000 fails with 400", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 566 }, "status": "passed", "title": "If sum of fixed variant weight exceed 1000 fails with 400" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "If sum of fixed variant weight equals 1000 variable variants gets weight 0", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 607 }, "status": "passed", "title": "If sum of fixed variant weight equals 1000 variable variants gets weight 0" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "PATCH endpoint validates uniqueness of variant names", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 661 }, "status": "passed", "title": "PATCH endpoint validates uniqueness of variant names" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "PUT endpoint validates uniqueness of variant names", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 708 }, "status": "passed", "title": "PUT endpoint validates uniqueness of variant names" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Variants should be sorted by their name when PUT", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 737 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Variants should be sorted by their name when PUT" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Variants should be sorted by name when PATCHed as well", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 780 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Variants should be sorted by name when PATCHed as well" } ], "endTime": 1653037731768, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/project/variants.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037721820, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to add a strategy configuration to environment not connected to toggle should fail", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 91 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to add a strategy configuration to environment not connected to toggle should fail" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get project overview", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 123 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get project overview" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get features for project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 147 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get features for project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Project overview includes environment connected to feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 172 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Project overview includes environment connected to feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Disconnecting environment from project, removes environment from features in project overview", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 205 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Disconnecting environment from project, removes environment from features in project overview" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can enable/disable environment for feature with strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 242 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can enable/disable environment for feature with strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to get a project that doesn't exist yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 319 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to get a project that doesn't exist yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to get features for non-existing project also yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 323 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to get features for non-existing project also yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can use new project feature toggle endpoint to create feature toggle without strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 332 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can use new project feature toggle endpoint to create feature toggle without strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can create feature toggle without strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 344 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can create feature toggle without strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Still validates feature toggle input when creating", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 356 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Still validates feature toggle input when creating" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to create toggle that already exists yield 409 error", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 365 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to create toggle that already exists yield 409 error" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to create toggle under project that does not exist should fail", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 383 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to create toggle under project that does not exist should fail" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get environment info for feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 392 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get environment info for feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Getting environment info for environment that does not exist yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 423 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Getting environment info for environment that does not exist yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to toggle environment that does not exist yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 435 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to toggle environment that does not exist yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Getting feature that does not exist should yield 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 454 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Getting feature that does not exist should yield 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should update feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 460 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should update feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not change name of feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 480 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not change name of feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not change project of feature toggle even if it is part of body", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 493 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not change project of feature toggle even if it is part of body" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should patch feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 513 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should patch feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should patch feature toggle and not remove variants", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 550 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should patch feature toggle and not remove variants" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Patching feature toggles to stale should trigger FEATURE_STALE_ON event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 590 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Patching feature toggles to stale should trigger FEATURE_STALE_ON event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to patch variants on a feature toggle should trigger an OperationDeniedError", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 614 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to patch variants on a feature toggle should trigger an OperationDeniedError" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Patching feature toggles to active (turning stale to false) should trigger FEATURE_STALE_OFF event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 642 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Patching feature toggles to active (turning stale to false) should trigger FEATURE_STALE_OFF event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should archive feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 666 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should archive feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can add strategy to feature toggle to a \"some-env-2\"", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 684 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can add strategy to feature toggle to a \"some-env-2\"" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can update strategy on feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 718 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can update strategy on feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should coerce all strategy parameter values to strings", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 752 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should coerce all strategy parameter values to strings" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should limit the length of parameter values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 776 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should limit the length of parameter values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can NOT delete strategy with wrong projectId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 793 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can NOT delete strategy with wrong projectId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "add strategy cannot use wrong projectId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 825 }, "status": "passed", "title": "add strategy cannot use wrong projectId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "update strategy on feature toggle cannot use wrong projectId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 849 }, "status": "passed", "title": "update strategy on feature toggle cannot use wrong projectId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Environments are returned in sortOrder", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 887 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Environments are returned in sortOrder" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get strategies for feature and environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 955 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get strategies for feature and environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Getting strategies for environment that does not exist yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 996 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Getting strategies for environment that does not exist yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can update a strategy based on id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1009 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can update a strategy based on id" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to update a non existing feature strategy should yield 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1061 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to update a non existing feature strategy should yield 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can patch a strategy based on id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1088 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can patch a strategy based on id" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to get a non existing feature strategy should yield 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1143 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to get a non existing feature strategy should yield 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can not enable environment for feature without strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1169 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can not enable environment for feature without strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Deleting a strategy should include name of feature strategy was deleted from", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1211 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Deleting a strategy should include name of feature strategy was deleted from" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Enabling environment creates a FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_ENABLED event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1259 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Enabling environment creates a FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_ENABLED event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Disabling environment creates a FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_DISABLED event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1301 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Disabling environment creates a FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_DISABLED event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can delete strategy from feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1352 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can delete strategy from feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "List of strategies should respect sortOrder", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1395 }, "status": "passed", "title": "List of strategies should respect sortOrder" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Feature strategies list should respect strategy sortorders for each environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1424 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Feature strategies list should respect strategy sortorders for each environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Deleting last strategy for feature environment should disable that environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1473 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Deleting last strategy for feature environment should disable that environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Deleting strategy for feature environment should not disable that environment as long as there are other strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1536 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Deleting strategy for feature environment should not disable that environment as long as there are other strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should clone feature toggle without strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1610 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should clone feature toggle without strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should clone feature toggle WITH strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1649 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should clone feature toggle WITH strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should clone feature toggle without replacing groupId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1704 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should clone feature toggle without replacing groupId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not allow changing project to target project without the same enabled environments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1739 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not allow changing project to target project without the same enabled environments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should allow changing project to target project with the same enabled environments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1824 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should allow changing project to target project with the same enabled environments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "a feature's variants should be sorted by name in increasing order", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1907 }, "status": "passed", "title": "a feature's variants should be sorted by name in increasing order" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate context when calling update with PUT", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1953 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate context when calling update with PUT" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate context when calling update with PATCH", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1969 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate context when calling update with PATCH" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not update project with PUT", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 1985 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not update project with PUT" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not update project with PATCH", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 2006 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not update project with PATCH" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can create a feature with impression data", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 2022 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can create a feature with impression data" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can create a feature without impression data", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 2035 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can create a feature without impression data" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can update impression data with PUT", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 2047 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can update impression data with PUT" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can create toggle with impression data on different project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 2069 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can create toggle with impression data on different project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject invalid constraint values for multi-valued constraints", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 2098 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject invalid constraint values for multi-valued constraints" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add default constraint values for single-valued constraints", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 2144 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add default constraint values for single-valued constraints" } ], "endTime": 1653037733431, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/project/features.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037721813, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should store single list of metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 24 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should store single list of metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should \"increment\" metrics within same hour", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 41 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should \"increment\" metrics within same hour" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get individual metrics outside same hour", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 68 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get individual metrics outside same hour" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should insert hundred metrics in a row", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 98 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should insert hundred metrics in a row" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should insert individual rows for different apps", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 122 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should insert individual rows for different apps" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should insert individual rows for different toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 146 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should insert individual rows for different toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get toggle metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 170 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get toggle metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should insert 1500 feature toggle metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 196 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should insert 1500 feature toggle metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should return seen applications using a feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 218 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should return seen applications using a feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not fail on empty list of metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 252 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not fail on empty list of metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not fail on undefined list of metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 259 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not fail on undefined list of metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should return delete old metric", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 266 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should return delete old metric" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get metric", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 312 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get metric" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not exist after delete", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 362 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not exist after delete" } ], "endTime": 1653037734982, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/client-metrics-store-v2.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037721829, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Does not retry if request succeeds", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 10 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Does not retry if request succeeds" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Retries once, and succeeds", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 21 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Retries once, and succeeds" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Does not throw if response is error", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 34 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Does not throw if response is error" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Supports custom number of retries", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 45 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Supports custom number of retries" } ], "endTime": 1653037736066, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/addons/addon.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037730782, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Apps registered should be announced", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 33 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Apps registered should be announced" } ], "endTime": 1653037736573, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/client-metrics-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037731952, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns empty list of users", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 47 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns empty list of users" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates and returns all users", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 57 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates and returns all users" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates editor-user without password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 81 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates editor-user without password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates admin-user with password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 98 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates admin-user with password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "requires known root role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 124 }, "status": "passed", "title": "requires known root role" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "update user name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 136 }, "status": "passed", "title": "update user name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "get a single user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 160 }, "status": "passed", "title": "get a single user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 179 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "validator should require strong password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 185 }, "status": "passed", "title": "validator should require strong password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "validator should accept strong password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 192 }, "status": "passed", "title": "validator should accept strong password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should change password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 199 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should change password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should search for users", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 208 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should search for users" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Creates a user and includes inviteLink and emailConfigured", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 224 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Creates a user and includes inviteLink and emailConfigured" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Creates a user but does not send email if sendEmail is set to false", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 243 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Creates a user but does not send email if sendEmail is set to false" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "generates USER_CREATED event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 281 }, "status": "passed", "title": "generates USER_CREATED event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "generates USER_DELETED event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 305 }, "status": "passed", "title": "generates USER_DELETED event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "generates USER_UPDATED event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 315 }, "status": "passed", "title": "generates USER_UPDATED event" } ], "endTime": 1653037736623, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/user-admin.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037733599, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be able to keep track of what we've announced", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be able to keep track of what we've announced" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Multiple instances should still only announce once per app", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 40 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Multiple instances should still only announce once per app" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Multiple applications should also be possible to announce", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 63 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Multiple applications should also be possible to announce" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Same application registered multiple times should still only be announced once", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 88 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Same application registered multiple times should still only be announced once" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Merge keeps value for single row in database", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 113 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Merge keeps value for single row in database" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Multi row merge also works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 135 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Multi row merge also works" } ], "endTime": 1653037738703, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/client-application-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037735037, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create initial admin user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 56 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create initial admin user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not init default user if we already have users", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not init default user if we already have users" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not be allowed to create existing user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 81 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not be allowed to create existing user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create user with password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 88 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create user with password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not login user if simple auth is disabled", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 101 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not login user if simple auth is disabled" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should login for user _without_ password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 117 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should login for user _without_ password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get user with root role", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 128 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get user with root role" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get user with root role by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 141 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get user with root role by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "deleting a user should delete the user's sessions", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 154 }, "status": "passed", "title": "deleting a user should delete the user's sessions" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "updating a user without an email should not strip the email", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 183 }, "status": "passed", "title": "updating a user without an email should not strip the email" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should login and create user via SSO", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 204 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should login and create user via SSO" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should throw if rootRole is wrong via SSO", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 220 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should throw if rootRole is wrong via SSO" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update user name when signing in via SSO", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 235 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update user name when signing in via SSO" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update name if it is different via SSO", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 257 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update name if it is different via SSO" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should throw if autoCreate is false via SSO", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 279 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should throw if autoCreate is false via SSO" } ], "endTime": 1653037739023, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/user-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037736827, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns list of feature toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 180 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns list of feature toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets a feature by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 189 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets a feature by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cant get feature that does not exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 197 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cant get feature that does not exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 202 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle with variants", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 219 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle with variants" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "fetch feature toggle with variants", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 239 }, "status": "passed", "title": "fetch feature toggle with variants" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle with createdBy unknown", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 249 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle with createdBy unknown" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "require new feature toggle to have a name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 264 }, "status": "passed", "title": "require new feature toggle to have a name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can not change status of feature toggle that does not exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 273 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can not change status of feature toggle that does not exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can change status of feature toggle that does exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 282 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can change status of feature toggle that does exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cannot change project for feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 295 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cannot change project for feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can not toggle of feature that does not exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 313 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can not toggle of feature that does not exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can toggle a feature that does exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 321 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can toggle a feature that does exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "archives a feature by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 344 }, "status": "passed", "title": "archives a feature by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can not archive unknown feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 349 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can not archive unknown feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "refuses to create a feature with an existing name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 354 }, "status": "passed", "title": "refuses to create a feature with an existing name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "refuses to validate a feature with an existing name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 363 }, "status": "passed", "title": "refuses to validate a feature with an existing name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "new strategies api can add two strategies to a feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 372 }, "status": "passed", "title": "new strategies api can add two strategies to a feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not be possible to create archived toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 391 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not be possible to create archived toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle with variant overrides", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 404 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle with variant overrides" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle without type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 430 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle without type" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle with type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 444 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle with type" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "tags feature with new tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 460 }, "status": "passed", "title": "tags feature with new tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "tagging a feature with an already existing tag should be a noop", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 482 }, "status": "passed", "title": "tagging a feature with an already existing tag should be a noop" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can untag feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 507 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can untag feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get features tagged by tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 538 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get features tagged by tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can query for multiple tags using OR", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 568 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can query for multiple tags using OR" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Querying with multiple filters ANDs the filters", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 610 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Querying with multiple filters ANDs the filters" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Tagging a feature with a tag it already has should return 409", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 661 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Tagging a feature with a tag it already has should return 409" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "marks feature toggle as stale", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 686 }, "status": "passed", "title": "marks feature toggle as stale" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not hit endpoints if disable configuration is set", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 697 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not hit endpoints if disable configuration is set" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should hit validate and tags endpoint if legacy api is disabled", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 716 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should hit validate and tags endpoint if legacy api is disabled" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have access to the get all features endpoint even if api is disabled", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 753 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have access to the get all features endpoint even if api is disabled" } ], "endTime": 1653037738958, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/feature.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037736671, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can validate token for password reset", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 93 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can validate token for password reset" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can use token to reset password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 108 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can use token to reset password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to reset password with same token twice does not work", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 138 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to reset password with same token twice does not work" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Invalid token should yield 401", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 173 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Invalid token should yield 401" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Calling validate endpoint with already existing session should destroy session", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 178 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Calling validate endpoint with already existing session should destroy session" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Calling reset endpoint with already existing session should logout/destroy existing session", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 199 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Calling reset endpoint with already existing session should logout/destroy existing session" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to change password with an invalid token should yield 401", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 234 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to change password with an invalid token should yield 401" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to change password to undefined should yield 400 without crashing the server", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 243 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to change password to undefined should yield 400 without crashing the server" } ], "endTime": 1653037739120, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/auth/reset-password-controller.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037736076, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create a reset link", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 64 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create a reset link" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create a reset link with unleashUrl with context path", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create a reset link with unleashUrl with context path" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create a welcome link", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 93 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create a welcome link" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Tokens should be one-time only", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 104 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Tokens should be one-time only" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Creating a new token should expire older tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 116 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Creating a new token should expire older tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Retrieving valid invitation links should retrieve an object with userid key and token value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 132 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Retrieving valid invitation links should retrieve an object with userid key and token value" } ], "endTime": 1653037740753, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/reset-token-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037739142, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add segments to features as constraints", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 106 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add segments to features as constraints" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should list active segments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 137 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should list active segments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate segment constraint values limit", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 159 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate segment constraint values limit" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate segment constraint values limit with multiple constraints", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 175 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate segment constraint values limit with multiple constraints" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate feature strategy segment limit", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 196 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate feature strategy segment limit" } ], "endTime": 1653037740721, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/segment.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037739353, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "exports strategies and features as json by default", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "exports strategies and features as json by default" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "exports strategies and features as yaml", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 35 }, "status": "passed", "title": "exports strategies and features as yaml" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "exports only features as yaml", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "exports only features as yaml" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "exports strategies and features as attachment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "exports strategies and features as attachment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "imports strategies and features", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 57 }, "status": "passed", "title": "imports strategies and features" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "imports features with variants", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 64 }, "status": "passed", "title": "imports features with variants" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "does not not accept gibberish", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 77 }, "status": "passed", "title": "does not not accept gibberish" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "imports strategies and features from json file", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 84 }, "status": "passed", "title": "imports strategies and features from json file" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "imports strategies and features from yaml file", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 91 }, "status": "passed", "title": "imports strategies and features from yaml file" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "import works for 3.17 json format", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 98 }, "status": "passed", "title": "import works for 3.17 json format" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "import works for 3.17 enterprise json format", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 105 }, "status": "passed", "title": "import works for 3.17 enterprise json format" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "import works for 4.0 enterprise format", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 111 }, "status": "passed", "title": "import works for 4.0 enterprise format" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "import for 4.1.2 enterprise format fails", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 118 }, "status": "passed", "title": "import for 4.1.2 enterprise format fails" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "import for 4.1.2 enterprise format fixed works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 127 }, "status": "passed", "title": "import for 4.1.2 enterprise format fixed works" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can roundtrip. I.e. export and then import", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 137 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can roundtrip. I.e. export and then import" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Roundtrip with tags works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 184 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Roundtrip with tags works" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Roundtrip with strategies in multiple environments works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 248 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Roundtrip with strategies in multiple environments works" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Importing version 2 replaces :global: environment with 'default'", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 312 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Importing version 2 replaces :global: environment with 'default'" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should import segments and connect them to feature strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 326 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should import segments and connect them to feature strategies" } ], "endTime": 1653037740892, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/state.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037739112, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns four feature toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 110 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns four feature toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns four feature toggles without createdAt", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 120 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns four feature toggles without createdAt" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets a feature by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 131 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets a feature by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns a feature toggles impression data", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 138 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns a feature toggles impression data" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns a false for impression data when not specified", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 147 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns a false for impression data when not specified" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cant get feature that does not exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 156 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cant get feature that does not exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can filter features by namePrefix", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 163 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can filter features by namePrefix" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get strategies for specific environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 174 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get strategies for specific environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can use multiple filters", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 228 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can use multiple filters" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns a feature toggles impression data for a different project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 278 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns a feature toggles impression data for a different project" } ], "endTime": 1653037741014, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/feature.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037738786, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Setting enabled to same as existing value returns 0", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Setting enabled to same as existing value returns 0" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Setting enabled to not existing value returns 1", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Setting enabled to not existing value returns 1" } ], "endTime": 1653037742270, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/feature-environment-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037740849, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns empty list of tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns empty list of tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new client token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 36 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new client token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new admin token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 53 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new admin token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new ADMIN token should fix casing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 72 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new ADMIN token should fix casing" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new admin token with expiry", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 90 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new admin token with expiry" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "update admin token with expiry", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 107 }, "status": "passed", "title": "update admin token with expiry" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates a lot of client tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 134 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates a lot of client tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "removes api token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 161 }, "status": "passed", "title": "removes api token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new client token: project & environment defaults to \"*\"", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 184 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new client token: project & environment defaults to \"*\"" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new client token with project & environment set", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 201 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new client token with project & environment set" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should prefix default token with \"*:*.\"", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 220 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should prefix default token with \"*:*.\"" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should prefix token with \"project:environment.\"", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 234 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should prefix token with \"project:environment.\"" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create token for invalid projectId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 250 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create token for invalid projectId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create token for invalid environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 267 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create token for invalid environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create token for invalid project & environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 284 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create token for invalid project & environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "admin token only supports ALL projects", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 297 }, "status": "passed", "title": "admin token only supports ALL projects" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "admin token only supports ALL environments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 310 }, "status": "passed", "title": "admin token only supports ALL environments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "client tokens cannot span all environments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 323 }, "status": "passed", "title": "client tokens cannot span all environments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create token for disabled environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 335 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create token for disabled environment" } ], "endTime": 1653037742257, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/api-token.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037740912, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets all context fields", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets all context fields" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "get the context field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 29 }, "status": "passed", "title": "get the context field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create context field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 40 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create context field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create context field with legalValues", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 52 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create context field with legalValues" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update context field with legalValues", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 76 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update context field with legalValues" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject string legalValues", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 100 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject string legalValues" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject empty legalValues", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 108 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject empty legalValues" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject legalValues without value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 116 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject legalValues without value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create context field with stickiness", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 124 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create context field with stickiness" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create context field when name is missing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 142 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create context field when name is missing" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "refuses to create a context field with an existing name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 153 }, "status": "passed", "title": "refuses to create a context field with an existing name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete context field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 162 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete context field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "refuses to create a context not url-friendly name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 167 }, "status": "passed", "title": "refuses to create a context not url-friendly name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate name to ok", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 176 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate name to ok" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate name to not ok", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 185 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate name to not ok" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate name to not ok for non url-friendly", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 194 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate name to not ok for non url-friendly" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update context field with stickiness", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 203 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update context field with stickiness" } ], "endTime": 1653037742358, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/context.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037741142, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Project with no stale toggles should have 100% health rating", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Project with no stale toggles should have 100% health rating" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Health rating endpoint yields stale, potentially stale and active count on top of health", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 57 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Health rating endpoint yields stale, potentially stale and active count on top of health" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Health rating endpoint does not include archived toggles when calculating potentially stale toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 100 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Health rating endpoint does not include archived toggles when calculating potentially stale toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Health rating endpoint correctly handles potentially stale toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 161 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Health rating endpoint correctly handles potentially stale toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Health report for non-existing project yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 213 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Health report for non-existing project yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Sorts environments by sort order", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 219 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Sorts environments by sort order" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Sorts environments correctly if sort order is equal", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 263 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Sorts environments correctly if sort order is equal" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Update update_at when setHealth runs", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 306 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Update update_at when setHealth runs" } ], "endTime": 1653037742681, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/project/project.health.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037741243, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns three archived toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 90 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns three archived toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "revives a feature by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 101 }, "status": "passed", "title": "revives a feature by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "archived feature is not accessible via /features/:featureName", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 108 }, "status": "passed", "title": "archived feature is not accessible via /features/:featureName" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "must set name when reviving toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 117 }, "status": "passed", "title": "must set name when reviving toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be allowed to reuse deleted toggle name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 122 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be allowed to reuse deleted toggle name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Deleting an unarchived toggle should not take effect", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 149 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Deleting an unarchived toggle should not take effect" } ], "endTime": 1653037743647, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/feature-archive.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037742360, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns list of tags", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns list of tags" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets a tag by type and value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 36 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets a tag by type and value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cannot get tag that does not exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 53 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cannot get tag that does not exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can create a tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 61 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can create a tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can validate a tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 72 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can validate a tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can delete a tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 90 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can delete a tag" } ], "endTime": 1653037743668, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/tags.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037742565, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should register client", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should register client" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow client to register multiple times", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 40 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow client to register multiple times" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should handle a massive bulk registration", "location": { "column": 6, "line": 69 }, "status": "pending", "title": "Should handle a massive bulk registration" } ], "endTime": 1653037744099, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/register.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037742466, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns list of tag-types", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns list of tag-types" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets a tag-type by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 30 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets a tag-type by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "querying a tag-type that does not exist yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "querying a tag-type that does not exist yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can create a new tag type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 48 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can create a new tag type" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Invalid tag types gets rejected", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Invalid tag types gets rejected" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can update a tag types description and icon", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 83 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can update a tag types description and icon" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Invalid updates gets rejected", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 100 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Invalid updates gets rejected" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Validation of tag-types returns 200 for valid tag-types", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 117 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Validation of tag-types returns 200 for valid tag-types" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Invalid tag-types get refused by validator", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 131 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Invalid tag-types get refused by validator" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can delete tag type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 148 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can delete tag type" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Non unique tag-types gets rejected", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 158 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Non unique tag-types gets rejected" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Only required argument should be name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 181 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Only required argument should be name" } ], "endTime": 1653037744040, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/tag-types.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037742856, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get empty features via admin", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get empty features via admin" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be allowed to reuse deleted toggle name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be allowed to reuse deleted toggle name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get archived toggles via admin", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 47 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get archived toggles via admin" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get archived toggles via project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 71 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get archived toggles via project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be able to revive toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 123 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be able to revive toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Reviving a non-existing toggle should yield 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 134 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Reviving a non-existing toggle should yield 404" } ], "endTime": 1653037745049, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/archive.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037743850, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets all strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets all strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets a strategy by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 30 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets a strategy by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cant get a strategy by name that does not exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 39 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cant get a strategy by name that does not exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates a new strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 48 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates a new strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "requires new strategies to have a name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 62 }, "status": "passed", "title": "requires new strategies to have a name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "refuses to create a strategy with an existing name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 72 }, "status": "passed", "title": "refuses to create a strategy with an existing name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "deletes a new strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 82 }, "status": "passed", "title": "deletes a new strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can't delete a strategy that dose not exist", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 90 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can't delete a strategy that dose not exist" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "updates a exiting strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 96 }, "status": "passed", "title": "updates a exiting strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cant update a unknown strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 110 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cant update a unknown strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "deprecating a strategy works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 120 }, "status": "passed", "title": "deprecating a strategy works" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can reactivate a deprecated strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 139 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can reactivate a deprecated strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "cannot deprecate default strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 168 }, "status": "passed", "title": "cannot deprecate default strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can update a exiting strategy with deprecated", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 177 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can update a exiting strategy with deprecated" } ], "endTime": 1653037745105, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/strategy.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037743829, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns feature toggle with \"default\" config", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 113 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns feature toggle with \"default\" config" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns feature toggle with testing environment config", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 135 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns feature toggle with testing environment config" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns feature toggle for project2", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 161 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns feature toggle for project2" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns feature toggle for all projects", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 181 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns feature toggle for all projects" } ], "endTime": 1653037745435, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/feature.token.access.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037744297, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get application details", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 59 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get application details" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get list of applications", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 70 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get list of applications" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete application", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 81 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete application" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "deleting an application should be idempotent, so expect 200", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 96 }, "status": "passed", "title": "deleting an application should be idempotent, so expect 200" } ], "endTime": 1653037745436, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/metrics.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037744271, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle with createdBy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 15 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle with createdBy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require authenticated user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require authenticated user" } ], "endTime": 1653037746352, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/feature.auth.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037745230, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require authenticated user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 21 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require authenticated user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "creates new feature toggle with createdBy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "creates new feature toggle with createdBy" } ], "endTime": 1653037746485, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/feature.custom-auth.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037745299, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not be possible to update feature toggle without permission", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 36 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not be possible to update feature toggle without permission" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be possible to update feature toggle with permission", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 58 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be possible to update feature toggle with permission" } ], "endTime": 1653037746731, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/project/features.auth.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037745626, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "editor users should only get client tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 25 }, "status": "passed", "title": "editor users should only get client tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "viewer users should not be allowed to fetch tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "viewer users should not be allowed to fetch tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Only token-admins should be allowed to create token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 103 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Only token-admins should be allowed to create token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Token-admin should be allowed to create token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 131 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Token-admin should be allowed to create token" } ], "endTime": 1653037746837, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/api-token.auth.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037745643, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return raw metrics, aggregated on key", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return raw metrics, aggregated on key" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should support the hoursBack query param for raw metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 98 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should support the hoursBack query param for raw metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return toggle summary", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 152 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return toggle summary" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should only include last hour of metrics return toggle summary", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 228 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should only include last hour of metrics return toggle summary" } ], "endTime": 1653037747733, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/client-metrics.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037746548, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns feature toggle for default env", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns feature toggle for default env" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns feature toggle for default env even if it is removed from project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 57 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns feature toggle for default env even if it is removed from project" } ], "endTime": 1653037747790, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/feature.env.disabled.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037746705, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "it creates feedback for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 44 }, "status": "passed", "title": "it creates feedback for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "it gives 400 when feedback is not present", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 58 }, "status": "passed", "title": "it gives 400 when feedback is not present" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "it updates feedback for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 72 }, "status": "passed", "title": "it updates feedback for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "it retrieves feedback for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 86 }, "status": "passed", "title": "it retrieves feedback for user" } ], "endTime": 1653037748021, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/feedback.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037746950, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "it updates splash for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 44 }, "status": "passed", "title": "it updates splash for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "it retrieves splash for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 57 }, "status": "passed", "title": "it retrieves splash for user" } ], "endTime": 1653037748078, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/splash.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037747011, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns events", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns events" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns events given a name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 30 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns events given a name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can filter by project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can filter by project" } ], "endTime": 1653037749086, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/event.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037747942, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets ui config", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets ui config" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets ui config with disablePasswordAuth", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 29 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets ui config with disablePasswordAuth" } ], "endTime": 1653037749105, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/config.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037748008, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be possible to send metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 34 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be possible to send metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require valid send metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require valid send metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept client metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 52 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept client metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should pick up environment from token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 68 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should pick up environment from token" } ], "endTime": 1653037749275, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/metricsV2.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037748229, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject invalid constraints", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject invalid constraints" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept valid constraints", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 27 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept valid constraints" } ], "endTime": 1653037749373, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/constraints.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037748281, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can list all existing environments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can list all existing environments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can update sort order", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 36 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can update sort order" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Sort order will fail on wrong data format", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Sort order will fail on wrong data format" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can update environment enabled status", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 78 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can update environment enabled status" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can update environment disabled status", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 90 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can update environment disabled status" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can not update non-existing environment enabled status", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 104 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can not update non-existing environment enabled status" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can not update non-existing environment disabled status", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 113 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can not update non-existing environment disabled status" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get specific environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 122 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get specific environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Getting a non existing environment yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 139 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Getting a non existing environment yields 404" } ], "endTime": 1653037750397, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/environment.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037749265, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "hitting a baseUri path returns HTML document", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "hitting a baseUri path returns HTML document" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "hitting an api path that does not exist returns 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "hitting an api path that does not exist returns 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "hitting an /admin/api returns HTML document", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 33 }, "status": "passed", "title": "hitting an /admin/api returns HTML document" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "hitting a non-api returns HTML document", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 41 }, "status": "passed", "title": "hitting a non-api returns HTML document" } ], "endTime": 1653037750433, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/routes/routes.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037749293, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should add environment to project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 35 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should add environment to project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should validate environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 56 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should validate environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should remove environment from project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 63 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should remove environment from project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not remove environment from project if project only has one environment enabled", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 89 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not remove environment from project if project only has one environment enabled" } ], "endTime": 1653037750602, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/project/environments.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037749478, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "gets all addons", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "gets all addons" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not be able to create invalid addon", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 34 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not be able to create invalid addon" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create addon configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 58 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete addon configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 80 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update addon configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not update with invalid addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 125 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not update with invalid addon configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not update unknown addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 140 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not update unknown addon configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 156 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get addon configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not get unknown addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 188 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not get unknown addon configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not delete unknown addon configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 194 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not delete unknown addon configuration" } ], "endTime": 1653037750699, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/addon.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037749571, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should enrich metrics with environment from api-token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should enrich metrics with environment from api-token" } ], "endTime": 1653037751709, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/metrics.e2e.access.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037750620, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should serve the OpenAPI UI", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should serve the OpenAPI UI" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should serve the OpenAPI spec", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should serve the OpenAPI spec" } ], "endTime": 1653037751745, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/openapi/openapi.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037750666, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get all defined feature types", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get all defined feature types" } ], "endTime": 1653037751994, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/feature-type.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037750859, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be possible to send metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be possible to send metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require valid send metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require valid send metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept empty client metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 35 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept empty client metrics" } ], "endTime": 1653037752058, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/client/metrics.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037750907, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "returns health good", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 17 }, "status": "passed", "title": "returns health good" } ], "endTime": 1653037752905, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/health.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037751882, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get my user data", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get my user data" } ], "endTime": 1653037753048, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/user.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037751923, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Using custom auth type without defining custom middleware causes default DENY ALL policy to take effect", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 12 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Using custom auth type without defining custom middleware causes default DENY ALL policy to take effect" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "If actually configuring a custom middleware should configure the middleware", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 29 }, "status": "passed", "title": "If actually configuring a custom middleware should configure the middleware" } ], "endTime": 1653037753254, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/custom-auth.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037752164, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should ONLY return default project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should ONLY return default project" } ], "endTime": 1653037753367, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/project/projects.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037752309, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can get all", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 32 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can get all" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can connect environment to project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can connect environment to project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can remove environment from project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 70 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can remove environment from project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Adding same environment twice should throw a NameExistsError", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 106 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Adding same environment twice should throw a NameExistsError" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Removing environment not connected to project should be a noop", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 125 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Removing environment not connected to project should be a noop" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to get an environment that does not exist throws NotFoundError", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 133 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to get an environment that does not exist throws NotFoundError" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Setting an override disables all other envs", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 140 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Setting an override disables all other envs" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Passing an empty override does nothing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 172 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Passing an empty override does nothing" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "When given overrides should remap projects to override environments", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 192 }, "status": "passed", "title": "When given overrides should remap projects to override environments" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Override works correctly when enabling default and disabling prod and dev", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 236 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Override works correctly when enabling default and disabling prod and dev" } ], "endTime": 1653037754264, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/environment-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037753239, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get ui-bootstrap data", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get ui-bootstrap data" } ], "endTime": 1653037754222, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/api/admin/bootstrap.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037753097, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have no users", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 17 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have no users" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should insert new user with email", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should insert new user with email" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not allow two users with same email", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 30 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not allow two users with same email" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should insert new user with email and return it", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 37 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should insert new user with email and return it" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should insert new user with username", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 44 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should insert new user with username" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should require email or username", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 51 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should require email or username" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should set password_hash for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 59 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should set password_hash for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not get password_hash for unknown userId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 68 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not get password_hash for unknown userId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update loginAttempts for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update loginAttempts for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not increment for user unknown user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 86 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not increment for user unknown user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reset user after successful login", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 96 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reset user after successful login" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should only update specified fields on user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 109 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should only update specified fields on user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should always lowercase emails on inserts", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 127 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should always lowercase emails on inserts" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should always lowercase emails on updates", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 141 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should always lowercase emails on updates" } ], "endTime": 1653037754373, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/user-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037753447, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have empty list of tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 60 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have empty list of tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create client token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 67 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create client token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create admin token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 83 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create admin token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should set expiry of token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 95 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should set expiry of token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update expiry of token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 110 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update expiry of token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should only return valid tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 129 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should only return valid tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create client token with project list", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 156 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create client token with project list" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should strip all other projects if ALL_PROJECTS is present", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 168 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should strip all other projects if ALL_PROJECTS is present" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return user with multiple projects", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 179 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return user with multiple projects" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not partially create token if projects are invalid", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 214 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not partially create token if projects are invalid" } ], "endTime": 1653037754547, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/api-token-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037753568, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should only return active addons", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 43 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should only return active addons" } ], "endTime": 1653037755306, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/addon-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037754357, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Project with no stale toggles should have 100% health rating", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 45 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Project with no stale toggles should have 100% health rating" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Project with two stale toggles and two non stale should have 50% health rating", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 68 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Project with two stale toggles and two non stale should have 50% health rating" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Project with one non-stale, one potentially stale and one stale should have 33% health rating", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 101 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Project with one non-stale, one potentially stale and one stale should have 33% health rating" } ], "endTime": 1653037755394, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/project-health-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037754449, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create feature toggle strategy configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 25 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create feature toggle strategy configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be able to update existing strategy configuration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 52 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be able to update existing strategy configuration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be able to get strategy by id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 86 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be able to get strategy by id" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should ignore name in the body when updating feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 113 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should ignore name in the body when updating feature toggle" } ], "endTime": 1653037755446, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/feature-toggle-service-v2.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037754442, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create userFeedback", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create userFeedback" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get userFeedback", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get userFeedback" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should exists", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 56 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should exists" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not exists", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 70 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not exists" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get all userFeedbacks", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 78 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get all userFeedbacks" } ], "endTime": 1653037755504, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/user-feedback-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037754632, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should list active sessions", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 71 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should list active sessions" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should list active sessions for user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 81 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should list active sessions for user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can delete sessions by user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 90 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can delete sessions by user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can delete session by sid", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 102 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can delete session by sid" } ], "endTime": 1653037756429, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/session-service.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037755386, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have default project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have default project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create new project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 29 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create new project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 46 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 62 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should give error when getting unknown project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 84 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should give error when getting unknown project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should import projects", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 92 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should import projects" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add environment to project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 118 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add environment to project" } ], "endTime": 1653037756482, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/project-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037755516, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should tag feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 32 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should tag feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "feature tag exits", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 46 }, "status": "passed", "title": "feature tag exits" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete feature tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 56 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete feature tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should untag feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 67 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should untag feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should throw if feature have tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 74 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should throw if feature have tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "get all feature tags", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 84 }, "status": "passed", "title": "get all feature tags" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should import feature tags", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 94 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should import feature tags" } ], "endTime": 1653037756523, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/feature-tag-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037755546, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have api secret stored", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 16 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have api secret stored" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should insert arbitrary value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 21 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should insert arbitrary value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update arbitrary value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update arbitrary value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete arbitrary value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete arbitrary value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should getAll", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 46 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should getAll" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should exists", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 54 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should exists" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete all", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 60 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete all" } ], "endTime": 1653037756552, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/setting-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037755602, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have 5 default types", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have 5 default types" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be possible to get by name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 25 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be possible to get by name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be possible to get by id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 30 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be possible to get by id" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be possible to delete by id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 35 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be possible to delete by id" } ], "endTime": 1653037757385, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/feature-type-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037756500, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should include id and createdAt when saving", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 27 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should include id and createdAt when saving" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should include empty tags array for new event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should include empty tags array for new event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be able to store multiple events at once", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be able to store multiple events at once" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get all stored events", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 114 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get all stored events" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should delete stored event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 132 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should delete stored event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should get stored event by id", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 154 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should get stored event by id" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should delete all stored events", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 174 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should delete all stored events" } ], "endTime": 1653037757435, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/event-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037756571, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not crash for unknown toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not crash for unknown toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not crash for undefined toggle name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not crash for undefined toggle name" } ], "endTime": 1653037757441, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/feature-toggle-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037756602, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can create new setting", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can create new setting" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can delete setting", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can delete setting" } ], "endTime": 1653037757471, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/services/setting-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037756624, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get all context definitions", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 46 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get all context definitions" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get context definition", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 59 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get context definition" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be allowed to use new context field name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 70 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be allowed to use new context field name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not be allowed reuse context field name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 79 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not be allowed reuse context field name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create a context field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 89 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create a context field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create a context field with legal values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 99 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create a context field with legal values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require name when creating a context field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 112 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require name when creating a context field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create a context field with existing name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 122 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create a context field with existing name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create a context field with duplicate legal values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 132 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create a context field with duplicate legal values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should update a context field with new legal values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 146 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should update a context field with new legal values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not delete a unknown context field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 164 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not delete a unknown context field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete a context field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 173 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete a context field" } ], "endTime": 1653037758204, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/context.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037757564, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create userSplash", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create userSplash" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get userSplash", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 39 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get userSplash" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should exists", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 52 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should exists" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not exists", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 65 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not exists" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get all userSplashs", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 73 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get all userSplashs" } ], "endTime": 1653037758336, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/user-splash-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037757450, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can successfully update project for all strategies belonging to feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 25 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can successfully update project for all strategies belonging to feature" } ], "endTime": 1653037758319, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/e2e/stores/feature-strategies-store.e2e.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037757508, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "add version numbers for /strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 39 }, "status": "passed", "title": "add version numbers for /strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "require a name when creating a new strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 50 }, "status": "passed", "title": "require a name when creating a new strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "require parameters array when creating a new strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 63 }, "status": "passed", "title": "require parameters array when creating a new strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "create a new strategy with empty parameters", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 76 }, "status": "passed", "title": "create a new strategy with empty parameters" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "not be possible to override name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 84 }, "status": "passed", "title": "not be possible to override name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "update strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 94 }, "status": "passed", "title": "update strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "not update unknown strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 105 }, "status": "passed", "title": "not update unknown strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "validate format when updating strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 114 }, "status": "passed", "title": "validate format when updating strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "editable=false will stop delete request", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 125 }, "status": "passed", "title": "editable=false will stop delete request" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "editable=false will stop edit request", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 132 }, "status": "passed", "title": "editable=false will stop edit request" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "editable=true will allow delete request", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 142 }, "status": "passed", "title": "editable=true will allow delete request" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "editable=true will allow edit request", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 153 }, "status": "passed", "title": "editable=true will allow edit request" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "deprecating a strategy works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 164 }, "status": "passed", "title": "deprecating a strategy works" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "deprecating a non-existent strategy yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 180 }, "status": "passed", "title": "deprecating a non-existent strategy yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "reactivating a strategy works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 188 }, "status": "passed", "title": "reactivating a strategy works" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "reactivating a non-existent strategy yields 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 204 }, "status": "passed", "title": "reactivating a non-existent strategy yields 404" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "deprecating 'default' strategy will yield 403", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 211 }, "status": "passed", "title": "deprecating 'default' strategy will yield 403" } ], "endTime": 1653037758251, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/strategy.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037757522, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should register client", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 36 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should register client" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should register client without sdkVersion", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 51 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should register client without sdkVersion" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require appName field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 65 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require appName field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require strategies field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 73 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require strategies field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow an no instanceId field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 87 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow an no instanceId field" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow an empty instanceId field", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 100 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow an empty instanceId field" } ], "endTime": 1653037758955, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/client-api/register.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037758406, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "/api/admin/metrics/seen-toggles is deprecated", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 44 }, "status": "passed", "title": "/api/admin/metrics/seen-toggles is deprecated" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "/api/admin/metrics/feature-toggles is deprecated", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 48 }, "status": "passed", "title": "/api/admin/metrics/feature-toggles is deprecated" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return empty list of client applications", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 52 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return empty list of client applications" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return applications", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 61 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return applications" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should store application", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 77 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should store application" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should store application details wihtout strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 87 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should store application details wihtout strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept a delete call to unknown application", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 97 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept a delete call to unknown application" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should delete application", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 106 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should delete application" } ], "endTime": 1653037759022, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/metrics.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037758417, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get empty getTags via admin", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 48 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get empty getTags via admin" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get all tags added", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 59 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get all tags added" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be able to get single tag by type and value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be able to get single tag by type and value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "trying to get non-existing tag by name and type should not be found", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 87 }, "status": "passed", "title": "trying to get non-existing tag by name and type should not be found" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be able to delete a tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 91 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be able to delete a tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get empty tags of type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 99 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get empty tags of type" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be able to filter by type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 110 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be able to filter by type" } ], "endTime": 1653037759024, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/tag.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037758440, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return current user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 35 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return current user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow user to change password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow user to change password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get my sessions", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 64 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get my sessions" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should deny if password and confirmPassword are not equal", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 83 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should deny if password and confirmPassword are not equal" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should deny if password does not fulfill owasp criteria", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 92 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should deny if password does not fulfill owasp criteria" } ], "endTime": 1653037759016, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/user.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037758359, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "api definition", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 41 }, "status": "passed", "title": "api definition" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "admin api defintion", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 61 }, "status": "passed", "title": "admin api defintion" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "client api defintion", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "client api defintion" } ], "endTime": 1653037759655, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/index.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037759211, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should give 500 when db is failing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 41 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should give 500 when db is failing" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should give 200 when db is not failing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 72 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should give 200 when db is not failing" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should give health=GOOD when db is not failing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 77 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should give health=GOOD when db is not failing" } ], "endTime": 1653037759743, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/health-check.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037759276, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call preHook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 58 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call preHook" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call preRouterHook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 71 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call preRouterHook" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call eventHook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 85 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call eventHook" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should auto-create server on start()", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 99 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should auto-create server on start()" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not create a server using create()", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 107 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not create a server using create()" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should shutdown the server when calling stop()", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 114 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should shutdown the server when calling stop()" } ], "endTime": 1653037759758, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/server-impl.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037759251, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate client metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 43 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate client metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept empty client metrics", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 50 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept empty client metrics" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept client metrics with yes/no", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 65 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept client metrics with yes/no" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept client metrics with yes/no with metricsV2", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 85 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept client metrics with yes/no with metricsV2" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept client metrics with variants", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 110 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept client metrics with variants" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept client metrics without yes/no", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 134 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept client metrics without yes/no" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "schema allow empty strings", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 154 }, "status": "passed", "title": "schema allow empty strings" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "schema allow yes=<string nbr>", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 170 }, "status": "passed", "title": "schema allow yes=<string nbr>" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should set lastSeen on toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 186 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should set lastSeen on toggle" } ], "endTime": 1653037759903, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/client-api/metrics.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037759233, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get empty getFeatures via client", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 50 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get empty getFeatures via client" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "if caching is enabled should memoize", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 61 }, "status": "passed", "title": "if caching is enabled should memoize" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "if caching is not enabled all calls goes to service", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 87 }, "status": "passed", "title": "if caching is not enabled all calls goes to service" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "fetch single feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 113 }, "status": "passed", "title": "fetch single feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "support name prefix", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 129 }, "status": "passed", "title": "support name prefix" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "support filtering on project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 148 }, "status": "passed", "title": "support filtering on project" } ], "endTime": 1653037760390, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/client-api/feature.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037759855, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should enable prometheus", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 8 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should enable prometheus" } ], "endTime": 1653037760433, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/backstage.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037759956, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get empty events list via admin", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 21 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get empty events list via admin" } ], "endTime": 1653037760532, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/events.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037760046, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return 401 when missing user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 34 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return 401 when missing user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return 200 when user exists", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 41 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return 200 when user exists" } ], "endTime": 1653037760620, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/middleware/oss-authentication.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037760098, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should use DATABASE_URL from env", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 5 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should use DATABASE_URL from env" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should use databaseURl from options", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 17 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should use databaseURl from options" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Actual config values takes precedence over environment variables", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 27 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Actual config values takes precedence over environment variables" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate getLogger", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate getLogger" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow setting pool size", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 46 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow setting pool size" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can set baseUriPath", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 69 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can set baseUriPath" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "can convert both upper and lowercase string to enum", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "can convert both upper and lowercase string to enum" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can set auth type programmatically with a string", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 90 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can set auth type programmatically with a string" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should use DATABASE_URL_FILE from env", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 100 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should use DATABASE_URL_FILE from env" } ], "endTime": 1653037760935, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/test/config/create-config.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037760784, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create new user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 21 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create new user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create default user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 61 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create default user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be a valid password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 92 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be a valid password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Password must be at least 10 chars", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 123 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Password must be at least 10 chars" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "The password must contain at least one uppercase letter.", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 155 }, "status": "passed", "title": "The password must contain at least one uppercase letter." }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "The password must contain at least one number", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 188 }, "status": "passed", "title": "The password must contain at least one number" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "The password must contain at least one special character", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 222 }, "status": "passed", "title": "The password must contain at least one special character" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be a valid password with special chars", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 255 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be a valid password with special chars" } ], "endTime": 1653037760989, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/user-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037760562, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not throw when valid config", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 16 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not throw when valid config" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call preHook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call preHook" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call preRouterHook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 33 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call preRouterHook" } ], "endTime": 1653037761136, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/app.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037760951, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should get ui config", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should get ui config" } ], "endTime": 1653037761102, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/config.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037760677, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should render html preview of template", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should render html preview of template" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should render text preview of template", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should render text preview of template" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Requesting a non-existing template should yield 404", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 50 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Requesting a non-existing template should yield 404" } ], "endTime": 1653037761109, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/admin-api/email.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037760661, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should redirect to \"/\" after logout", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 8 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should redirect to \"/\" after logout" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should redirect to \"/basePath\" after logout when baseUriPath is set", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 21 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should redirect to \"/basePath\" after logout when baseUriPath is set" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should set \"Clear-Site-Data\" header", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 34 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should set \"Clear-Site-Data\" header" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call destroy on session", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 47 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call destroy on session" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should redirect to alternative logoutUrl", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 65 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should redirect to alternative logoutUrl" } ], "endTime": 1653037761322, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/logout.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761027, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should load addon configurations", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 41 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should load addon configurations" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should load provider definitions", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should load provider definitions" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not allow addon-config for unknown provider", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 60 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not allow addon-config for unknown provider" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should trigger simple-addon eventHandler", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 77 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should trigger simple-addon eventHandler" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create simple-addon config", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 113 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create simple-addon config" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create tag type for simple-addon", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 134 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create tag type for simple-addon" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should store ADDON_CONFIG_CREATE event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 154 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should store ADDON_CONFIG_CREATE event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should store ADDON_CONFIG_UPDATE event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 177 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should store ADDON_CONFIG_UPDATE event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should store ADDON_CONFIG_REMOVE event", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 203 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should store ADDON_CONFIG_REMOVE event" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should hide sensitive fields when fetching", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 228 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should hide sensitive fields when fetching" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not overwrite masked values when updating", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 254 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not overwrite masked values when updating" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject addon config with missing required parameter when creating", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 284 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject addon config with missing required parameter when creating" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject updating addon config with missing required parameter", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 302 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject updating addon config with missing required parameter" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should reject addon config if a required parameter is just the empty string", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 327 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should reject addon config if a required parameter is just the empty string" } ], "endTime": 1653037761436, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/addon-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761161, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Multiple registrations of same appname and instanceid within same time period should only cause one registration", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 40 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Multiple registrations of same appname and instanceid within same time period should only cause one registration" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Multiple unique clients causes multiple registrations", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 89 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Multiple unique clients causes multiple registrations" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Same client registered outside of dedup interval will be registered twice", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 140 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Same client registered outside of dedup interval will be registered twice" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "No registrations during a time period will not call stores", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 196 }, "status": "passed", "title": "No registrations during a time period will not call stores" } ], "endTime": 1653037761491, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/client-metrics/instance-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761273, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should require password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 8 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should require password" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should login user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 25 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should login user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not login user with wrong password", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 59 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not login user with wrong password" } ], "endTime": 1653037761563, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/routes/auth/simple-password-provider.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761323, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should collect metrics for requests", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 40 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should collect metrics for requests" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should collect metrics for updated toggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 54 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should collect metrics for updated toggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should collect metrics for client metric reports", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should collect metrics for client metric reports" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should collect metrics for db query timings", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 84 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should collect metrics for db query timings" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should collect metrics for feature toggle size", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 97 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should collect metrics for feature toggle size" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should collect metrics for database", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 102 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should collect metrics for database" } ], "endTime": 1653037761649, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/metrics.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761476, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "yields current versions", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 16 }, "status": "passed", "title": "yields current versions" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "supports setting enterprise version as well", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 50 }, "status": "passed", "title": "supports setting enterprise version as well" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "if version check is not enabled should not make any calls", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 87 }, "status": "passed", "title": "if version check is not enabled should not make any calls" } ], "endTime": 1653037761665, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/version-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761385, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create default config", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 4 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create default config" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add initApiToken for admin token from options", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 21 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add initApiToken for admin token from options" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add initApiToken for client token from options", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 55 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add initApiToken for client token from options" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add initApiToken for admin token from env var", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 89 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add initApiToken for admin token from env var" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate initApiToken for admin token from env var", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 118 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate initApiToken for admin token from env var" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should validate initApiToken for client token from env var", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 128 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should validate initApiToken for client token from env var" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should merge initApiToken from options and env vars", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 138 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should merge initApiToken from options and env vars" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add initApiToken for client token from env var", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 169 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add initApiToken for client token from env var" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should handle cases where no env var specified for tokens", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 201 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should handle cases where no env var specified for tokens" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should load environment overrides from env var", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 228 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should load environment overrides from env var" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should yield an empty list when no environment overrides are specified", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 252 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should yield an empty list when no environment overrides are specified" } ], "endTime": 1653037761757, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/create-config.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761572, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should import a feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should import a feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not import an existing feature", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 47 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not import an existing feature" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not keep existing feature if drop-before-import", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 68 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not keep existing feature if drop-before-import" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should drop feature before import if specified", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 95 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should drop feature before import if specified" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should import a strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 117 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should import a strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not import an existing strategy", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 137 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not import an existing strategy" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should drop strategies before import if specified", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 157 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should drop strategies before import if specified" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should drop neither features nor strategies when neither is imported", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 178 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should drop neither features nor strategies when neither is imported" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not accept gibberish", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 189 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not accept gibberish" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should export featureToggles", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 207 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should export featureToggles" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "archived feature toggles should not be included", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 220 }, "status": "passed", "title": "archived feature toggles should not be included" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "featureStrategy connected to an archived feature toggle should not be included", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 232 }, "status": "passed", "title": "featureStrategy connected to an archived feature toggle should not be included" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "featureStrategy connected to a feature should be included", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 252 }, "status": "passed", "title": "featureStrategy connected to a feature should be included" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should export strategies", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 271 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should export strategies" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should import a tag and tag type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 285 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should import a tag and tag type" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not import an existing tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 304 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not import an existing tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not keep existing tags if drop-before-import", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 330 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not keep existing tags if drop-before-import" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should export tag, tagtypes but not feature tags if the feature is not exported", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 363 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should export tag, tagtypes but not feature tags if the feature is not exported" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should export tag, tagtypes, featureTags and features", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 401 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should export tag, tagtypes, featureTags and features" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should import a project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 445 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should import a project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should not import an existing project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 466 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should not import an existing project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should drop projects before import if specified", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 487 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should drop projects before import if specified" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should export projects", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 509 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should export projects" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "exporting to new format works", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 527 }, "status": "passed", "title": "exporting to new format works" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "featureStrategies can keep existing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 567 }, "status": "passed", "title": "featureStrategies can keep existing" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "featureStrategies should not keep existing if dropBeforeImport", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 613 }, "status": "passed", "title": "featureStrategies should not keep existing if dropBeforeImport" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Import v1 and exporting v2 should work", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 661 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Import v1 and exporting v2 should work" } ], "endTime": 1653037761764, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/state-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761502, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should init api token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 8 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should init api token" } ], "endTime": 1653037761794, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/api-token-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761673, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should reject token with projects and project", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 4 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should reject token with projects and project" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not have default project set if projects is present", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not have default project set if projects is present" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should have project set to default if projects is missing", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 29 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should have project set to default if projects is missing" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not have projects set if project is present", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 37 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not have projects set if project is present" } ], "endTime": 1653037761807, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/schema/api-token-schema.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761674, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "role schema rejects a role without a name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "role schema rejects a role without a name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "role schema allows a role with an empty description", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 16 }, "status": "passed", "title": "role schema allows a role with an empty description" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "role schema rejects a role with a broken permission list", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "role schema rejects a role with a broken permission list" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "role schema allows a role with an empty permission list", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 46 }, "status": "passed", "title": "role schema allows a role with an empty permission list" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "role schema allows a role with a null list", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 56 }, "status": "passed", "title": "role schema allows a role with a null list" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "role schema allows an undefined with a null list", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "role schema allows an undefined with a null list" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "role schema strips roleType if present", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "role schema strips roleType if present" } ], "endTime": 1653037761879, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/schema/role-schema.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761788, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not do anything if request does not contain a authorization", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not do anything if request does not contain a authorization" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not add user if unknown token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not add user if unknown token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add user if known token", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 59 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add user if known token" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not add user if not /api/client", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 88 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not add user if not /api/client" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not add user if disabled", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 122 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not add user if disabled" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call next if apiTokenService throws", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 157 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call next if apiTokenService throws" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should call next if apiTokenService throws x2", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 180 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should call next if apiTokenService throws x2" } ], "endTime": 1653037761928, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/middleware/api-token-middleware.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761815, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientRegisterSchema should allow empty (\"\") instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientRegisterSchema should allow empty (\"\") instanceId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientRegisterSchema should allow undefined instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 15 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientRegisterSchema should allow undefined instanceId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientRegisterSchema should allow null instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 26 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientRegisterSchema should allow null instanceId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientRegisterSchema should use instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 37 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientRegisterSchema should use instanceId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientMetricsSchema should allow null instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 48 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientMetricsSchema should allow null instanceId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientMetricsSchema should allow empty (\"\") instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 60 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientMetricsSchema should allow empty (\"\") instanceId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientMetricsSchema should allow undefined instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 72 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientMetricsSchema should allow undefined instanceId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "clientMetricsSchema should use instanceId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 84 }, "status": "passed", "title": "clientMetricsSchema should use instanceId" } ], "endTime": 1653037761943, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/client-metrics/schema.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761822, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add checkRbac to request", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add checkRbac to request" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should give api-user ADMIN permission", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should give api-user ADMIN permission" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not give api-user ADMIN permission", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 63 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not give api-user ADMIN permission" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not allow user to miss userId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 89 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not allow user to miss userId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return false for missing user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 111 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return false for missing user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should verify permission for root resource", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 130 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should verify permission for root resource" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should lookup projectId from params", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 159 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should lookup projectId from params" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should lookup projectId from feature toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 189 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should lookup projectId from feature toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should lookup projectId from data", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 224 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should lookup projectId from data" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Does not double check permission if not changing project when updating toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 259 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Does not double check permission if not changing project when updating toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "UPDATE_TAG_TYPE does not need projectId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 286 }, "status": "passed", "title": "UPDATE_TAG_TYPE does not need projectId" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "DELETE_TAG_TYPE does not need projectId", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 310 }, "status": "passed", "title": "DELETE_TAG_TYPE does not need projectId" } ], "endTime": 1653037761964, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/middleware/rbac-middleware.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761773, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require URL firendly name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require URL firendly name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be valid toggle name", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 15 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be valid toggle name" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should strip extra variant fields", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 27 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should strip extra variant fields" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow weightType=fix", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow weightType=fix" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should disallow weightType=unknown", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 73 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should disallow weightType=unknown" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should be possible to define variant overrides", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 97 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should be possible to define variant overrides" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "variant overrides must have corect shape", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 128 }, "status": "passed", "title": "variant overrides must have corect shape" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should keep constraints", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 158 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should keep constraints" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should not accept empty constraint values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 186 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should not accept empty constraint values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should accept empty list of constraint values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 213 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should accept empty list of constraint values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Filter queries should accept a list of tag values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 240 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Filter queries should accept a list of tag values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Filter queries should reject tag values with missing type prefix", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 248 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Filter queries should reject tag values with missing type prefix" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Filter queries should allow project names", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 258 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Filter queries should allow project names" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Filter queries should reject project names that are not alphanum", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 266 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Filter queries should reject project names that are not alphanum" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "constraint schema should only allow specified operators", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 276 }, "status": "passed", "title": "constraint schema should only allow specified operators" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "constraint schema should add a values array by default", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 293 }, "status": "passed", "title": "constraint schema should add a values array by default" } ], "endTime": 1653037762024, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/schema/feature-schema.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761883, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require a URLFriendly name but allow empty description and icon", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require a URLFriendly name but allow empty description and icon" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require a stringy description and icon", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 12 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require a stringy description and icon" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should validate if all requirements are fulfilled", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 24 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should validate if all requirements are fulfilled" } ], "endTime": 1653037762041, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/tag-type-schema.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761945, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "semver validation should throw with bad format", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 10 }, "status": "passed", "title": "semver validation should throw with bad format" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "semver valdiation should pass with correct format", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "semver valdiation should pass with correct format" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "semver validation should fail partial semver", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 36 }, "status": "passed", "title": "semver validation should fail partial semver" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "semver validation should fail with leading v", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 49 }, "status": "passed", "title": "semver validation should fail with leading v" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should fail validation if value does not exist in single legal value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 63 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should fail validation if value does not exist in single legal value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should pass validation if value exists in single legal value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 76 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should pass validation if value exists in single legal value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should fail validation if one of the values does not exist in multiple legal values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 89 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should fail validation if one of the values does not exist in multiple legal values" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should pass validation if all of the values exists in legal values", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 102 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should pass validation if all of the values exists in legal values" } ], "endTime": 1653037762055, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/util/validators/constraint-types.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761947, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can send reset email", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 5 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can send reset email" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can send welcome mail", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 31 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can send welcome mail" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Can supply additional SMTP transport options", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 52 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Can supply additional SMTP transport options" } ], "endTime": 1653037762081, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/email-service.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037761979, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should add dummy user object to all requests", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 6 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should add dummy user object to all requests" } ], "endTime": 1653037762116, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/middleware/no-authentication.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762029, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create user", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create user" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should create user, all fields", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 12 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should create user, all fields" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create user with only id defined", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 27 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create user with only id defined" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create user with only email defined", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 34 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create user with only email defined" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should require valid email", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 40 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should require valid email" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create user with only username defined", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 46 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create user with only username defined" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should create user with only username defined and undefined email", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 54 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should create user with only username defined and undefined email" } ], "endTime": 1653037762141, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/types/user.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762047, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require number", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 8 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require number" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow strings that can be parsed to a number", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 16 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow strings that can be parsed to a number" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow floating point numbers", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 20 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow floating point numbers" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow numbers", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 24 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow numbers" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should allow negative numbers", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should allow negative numbers" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require a list of strings", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 33 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require a list of strings" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should succeed with a list of strings", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 42 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should succeed with a list of strings" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should fail an invalid date", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 53 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should fail an invalid date" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should pass a valid date", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should pass a valid date" } ], "endTime": 1653037762153, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/schema/constraint-value-types.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762062, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to get events if db fails should yield empty list", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 13 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to get events if db fails should yield empty list" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Trying to get events by name if db fails should yield empty list", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Trying to get events by name if db fails should yield empty list" } ], "endTime": 1653037762189, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/db/event-store.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762121, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require url friendly type if defined", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require url friendly type if defined" } ], "endTime": 1653037762201, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/services/tag-schema.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762100, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should handle event without \"bodyTemplate\"", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 34 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should handle event without \"bodyTemplate\"" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should format event with \"bodyTemplate\"", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 59 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should format event with \"bodyTemplate\"" } ], "endTime": 1653037762215, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/addons/webhook.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762158, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call teams webhook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 39 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call teams webhook" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call teams webhook for archived toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 67 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call teams webhook for archived toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call teams webhook for toggled environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 93 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call teams webhook for toggled environment" } ], "endTime": 1653037762225, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/addons/teams.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762147, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require custom logger to implement info", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require custom logger to implement info" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should require custom logger to implement error", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 16 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should require custom logger to implement error" } ], "endTime": 1653037762271, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/logger.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762196, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should invoke hook on feature-created", "location": { "column": 9, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should invoke hook on feature-created" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should invoke hook on feature-updated", "location": { "column": 9, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should invoke hook on feature-updated" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should invoke hook on feature-archived", "location": { "column": 9, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should invoke hook on feature-archived" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should invoke hook on feature-revived", "location": { "column": 9, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should invoke hook on feature-revived" } ], "endTime": 1653037762274, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/event-hook.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762216, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "arraysHaveSameItems", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "arraysHaveSameItems" } ], "endTime": 1653037762286, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/util/arraysHaveSameItems.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762236, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call datadog webhook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call datadog webhook" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call datadog webhook for archived toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call datadog webhook for archived toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call datadog webhook for toggled environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 92 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call datadog webhook for toggled environment" } ], "endTime": 1653037762275, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/addons/datadog.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762225, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path is the right format", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path is the right format" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path lacking initial slash", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 8 }, "status": "passed", "title": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path lacking initial slash" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path has both initial and trailing slash", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 13 }, "status": "passed", "title": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path has both initial and trailing slash" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path has only trailing slash", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 18 }, "status": "passed", "title": "formatBaseUri returns the correct path when the path has only trailing slash" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "formatBaseUri returns empty string when called without input", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 23 }, "status": "passed", "title": "formatBaseUri returns empty string when called without input" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "formatBaseUri handles levels of paths", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 28 }, "status": "passed", "title": "formatBaseUri handles levels of paths" } ], "endTime": 1653037762318, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/util/format-base-uri.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762286, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return snake case from camelCase", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 3 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return snake case from camelCase" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should return object with snake case keys", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 11 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should return object with snake case keys" } ], "endTime": 1653037762331, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/util/snakeCase.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762276, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call slack webhook", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call slack webhook" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call slack webhook for archived toggle", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 68 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call slack webhook for archived toggle" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should call webhook for toggled environment", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 94 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should call webhook for toggled environment" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should use default channel", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 123 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should use default channel" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should override default channel with data from tag", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 153 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should override default channel with data from tag" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should post to all channels in tags", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 189 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should post to all channels in tags" } ], "endTime": 1653037762332, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/addons/slack.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762289, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "should calculate the correct time in seconds", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 12 }, "status": "passed", "title": "should calculate the correct time in seconds" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "timer should track the time", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 19 }, "status": "passed", "title": "timer should track the time" } ], "endTime": 1653037762347, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/util/timer.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762296, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Content-type middleware should by default only support application/json", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 31 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Content-type middleware should by default only support application/json" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Content-type middleware should by default only support application/json with charset", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 41 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Content-type middleware should by default only support application/json with charset" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Content-type middleware should allow adding custom supported types", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 55 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Content-type middleware should allow adding custom supported types" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "adding custom supported types no longer supports default type", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 66 }, "status": "passed", "title": "adding custom supported types no longer supports default type" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "Should be able to add multiple content-types supported", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 75 }, "status": "passed", "title": "Should be able to add multiple content-types supported" } ], "endTime": 1653037762361, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/middleware/content_type_checker.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762323, "status": "passed", "summary": "" }, { "assertionResults": [ { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "rewriteHTML substitutes meta tag with existing rewrite value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 8 }, "status": "passed", "title": "rewriteHTML substitutes meta tag with existing rewrite value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "rewriteHTML substitutes meta tag with empty value", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 15 }, "status": "passed", "title": "rewriteHTML substitutes meta tag with empty value" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "rewriteHTML substitutes asset paths correctly with baseUriPath", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 22 }, "status": "passed", "title": "rewriteHTML substitutes asset paths correctly with baseUriPath" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "rewriteHTML substitutes asset paths correctly without baseUriPath", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 31 }, "status": "passed", "title": "rewriteHTML substitutes asset paths correctly without baseUriPath" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "rewriteHTML substitutes asset paths correctly with cdnPrefix", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 38 }, "status": "passed", "title": "rewriteHTML substitutes asset paths correctly with cdnPrefix" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "rewriteHTML swaps out faviconPath if cdnPrefix is set", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 47 }, "status": "passed", "title": "rewriteHTML swaps out faviconPath if cdnPrefix is set" }, { "ancestorTitles": [], "failureMessages": [], "fullName": "rewriteHTML sets favicon path to root", "location": { "column": 1, "line": 56 }, "status": "passed", "title": "rewriteHTML sets favicon path to root" } ], "endTime": 1653037762374, "message": "", "name": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/util/rewriteHTML.test.ts", "startTime": 1653037762338, "status": "passed", "summary": "" } ], "wasInterrupted": false, "coverageMap": { "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/migrator.ts": { "path": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/migrator.ts", "statementMap": { "0": { "start": { "line": 1, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 1, "column": 40 } }, "1": { "start": { "line": 2, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 2, "column": 41 } }, "2": { "start": { "line": 4, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 4, "column": 49 } }, "3": { "start": { "line": 6, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 6, "column": 25 } }, "4": { "start": { "line": 9, "column": 19 }, "end": { "line": 12, "column": 6 } }, "5": { "start": { "line": 14, "column": 16 }, "end": { "line": 18, "column": 6 } }, "6": { "start": { "line": 20, "column": 4 }, "end": { "line": 20, "column": 20 } }, "7": { 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"/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/db/index.ts": { "path": "/home/ivarconr/code/unleash/src/lib/db/index.ts", "statementMap": { "0": { "start": { "line": 5, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 5, "column": 39 } }, "1": { "start": { "line": 6, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 6, "column": 56 } }, "2": { "start": { "line": 7, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 7, "column": 52 } }, "3": { "start": { "line": 8, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 8, "column": 45 } }, "4": { "start": { "line": 9, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 9, "column": 58 } }, "5": { "start": { "line": 10, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 10, "column": 66 } }, "6": { "start": { "line": 11, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 11, "column": 54 } }, "7": { "start": { "line": 12, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 12, "column": 43 } }, "8": { "start": { "line": 13, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 13, "column": 37 } }, "9": { "start": { "line": 14, "column": 0 }, "end": { "line": 14, "column": 43 } }, "10": { "start": { "line": 15, "column": 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