import dbInit, { ITestDb } from '../../helpers/database-init'; import { IUnleashTest, setupAppWithCustomConfig, } from '../../helpers/test-helper'; import getLogger from '../../../fixtures/no-logger'; import { DEFAULT_ENV } from '../../../../lib/util/constants'; import { FeatureToggleDTO, IStrategyConfig, IVariant, } from '../../../../lib/types/model'; import { randomId } from '../../../../lib/util/random-id'; import { UpdateTagsSchema } from '../../../../lib/openapi/spec/update-tags-schema'; let app: IUnleashTest; let db: ITestDb; const defaultStrategy = { name: 'default', parameters: {}, constraints: [], }; beforeAll(async () => { db = await dbInit('feature_api_serial', getLogger); app = await setupAppWithCustomConfig(db.stores, { experimental: { flags: { strictSchemaValidation: true, }, }, }); const createToggle = async ( toggle: FeatureToggleDTO, strategy: Omit = defaultStrategy, projectId: string = 'default', username: string = 'test', ) => { await projectId, toggle, username, ); await strategy, { projectId, featureName:, environment: DEFAULT_ENV }, username, ); }; const createVariants = async ( featureName: string, variants: IVariant[], projectId: string = 'default', username: string = 'test', ) => { await featureName, projectId, variants, username, ); }; await createToggle({ name: 'featureX', description: 'the #1 feature', }); await createToggle( { name: 'featureY', description: 'soon to be the #1 feature', }, { name: 'baz', constraints: [], parameters: { foo: 'bar', }, }, ); await createToggle( { name: 'featureZ', description: 'terrible feature', }, { name: 'baz', constraints: [], parameters: { foo: 'rab', }, }, ); await createToggle( { name: 'featureArchivedX', description: 'the #1 feature', }, { name: 'default', constraints: [], parameters: {}, }, ); await 'featureArchivedX', 'test', ); await createToggle( { name: 'featureArchivedY', description: 'soon to be the #1 feature', }, { name: 'baz', constraints: [], parameters: { foo: 'bar', }, }, ); await 'featureArchivedY', 'test', ); await createToggle( { name: 'featureArchivedZ', description: 'terrible feature', }, { name: 'baz', parameters: { foo: 'rab', }, constraints: [], }, ); await 'featureArchivedZ', 'test', ); await createToggle({ name: 'feature.with.variants', description: 'A feature toggle with variants', }); await createVariants('feature.with.variants', [ { name: 'control', weight: 50, weightType: 'variable', overrides: [], stickiness: 'default', }, { name: 'new', weight: 50, weightType: 'variable', overrides: [], stickiness: 'default', }, ]); }); afterAll(async () => { await app.destroy(); await db.destroy(); }); test('returns list of feature toggles', async () => app.request .get('/api/admin/features') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.features).toHaveLength(4); })); test('gets a feature by name', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .get('/api/admin/features/featureX') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); }); test('cant get feature that does not exist', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request.get('/api/admin/features/myfeature').expect(404); }); test('creates new feature toggle', async () => { expect.assertions(2); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'com.test.feature', enabled: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201) .expect((res) => { expect('com.test.feature'); expect(res.body.createdAt).toBeTruthy(); }); }); test('creates new feature toggle with variants', async () => { expect.assertions(1); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'com.test.variants', enabled: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], variants: [ { name: 'variant1', weight: 50 }, { name: 'variant2', weight: 50 }, ], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.variants).toHaveLength(2); }); }); test('fetch feature toggle with variants', async () => { expect.assertions(1); return app.request .get('/api/admin/features/feature.with.variants') .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.variants).toHaveLength(2); }); }); test('creates new feature toggle with createdBy unknown', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'com.test.Username', enabled: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }) .expect(201); await app.request.get('/api/admin/events').expect((res) => { expect([0].createdBy).toBe('unknown'); }); }); test('create new feature toggle with variant type json', async () => { return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'com.test.featureWithJson', variants: [ { name: 'variantTestJson', weight: 1, payload: { type: 'json', value: '{"test": true, "user": [{"jsonValid": 1}]}', }, weightType: 'variable', }, ], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); }); test('create new feature toggle with variant type string', async () => { return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'com.test.featureWithString', variants: [ { name: 'variantTestString', weight: 1, payload: { type: 'string', value: 'my string # here', }, weightType: 'variable', }, ], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); }); test('refuses to create a new feature toggle with variant when type is json but value provided is not a valid json', async () => { return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'com.test.featureInvalidValue', variants: [ { name: 'variantTest', weight: 1, payload: { type: 'json', value: 'this should be a # valid json', // <--- testing value }, weightType: 'variable', }, ], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(400) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.isJoi).toBe(true); expect(res.body.details[0].type).toBe('invalidJsonString'); expect(res.body.details[0].message).toBe( `'value' must be a valid json string when 'type' is json`, ); }); }); test('require new feature toggle to have a name', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: '' }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(400); }); test('should return 400 on invalid JSON data', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send(`{ invalid-json }`) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(400); }); test('can not change status of feature toggle that does not exist', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .put('/api/admin/features/should-not-exist') .send({ name: 'should-not-exist', enabled: false }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(404); }); test('can change status of feature toggle that does exist', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .put('/api/admin/features/featureY') .send({ name: 'featureY', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(200); }); test('cannot change project for feature toggle', async () => { await app.request .put('/api/admin/features/featureY') .send({ name: 'featureY', enabled: true, project: 'random', //will be ignored strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(200); const { body } = await app.request .get('/api/admin/features/featureY') .expect(200); expect(body.project).toBe('default'); }); test('can not toggle of feature that does not exist', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features/should-not-exist/toggle') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(404); }); test('can toggle a feature that does exist', async () => { expect.assertions(0); const featureName = 'existing.feature'; const username = 'toggle-feature'; const feature = await 'default', { name: featureName, }, 'test', ); await defaultStrategy, { projectId: 'default', featureName, environment: DEFAULT_ENV }, username, ); return app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${}/toggle`) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(200); }); test('archives a feature by name', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request.delete('/api/admin/features/featureX').expect(200); }); test('can not archive unknown feature', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request.delete('/api/admin/features/featureUnknown').expect(404); }); test('refuses to create a feature with an existing name', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'featureX' }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(409); }); test('refuses to validate a feature with an existing name', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features/validate') .send({ name: 'featureX' }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(409); }); test('new strategies api can add two strategies to a feature toggle', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .put('/api/admin/features/featureY') .send({ name: 'featureY', description: 'soon to be the #14 feature', enabled: false, strategies: [ { name: 'baz', parameters: { foo: 'bar' }, }, ], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(200); }); test('should not be possible to create archived toggle', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'featureArchivedX', enabled: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(409); }); test('creates new feature toggle with variant overrides', async () => { expect.assertions(0); return app.request .post('/api/admin/features') .send({ name: 'com.test.variants.overrieds', enabled: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], variants: [ { name: 'variant1', weight: 50, overrides: [ { contextName: 'userId', values: ['123'], }, ], }, { name: 'variant2', weight: 50 }, ], }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(201); }); test('creates new feature toggle without type', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: 'com.test.noType', enabled: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); return app.request .get('/api/admin/features/com.test.noType') .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.type).toBe('release'); }); }); test('creates new feature toggle with type', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: 'com.test.withType', type: 'killswitch', enabled: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); return app.request .get('/api/admin/features/com.test.withType') .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.type).toBe('killswitch'); }); }); test('tags feature with new tag', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: 'test.feature', type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); await app.request .post('/api/admin/features/test.feature/tags') .send({ value: 'TeamGreen', type: 'simple', }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return app.request .get('/api/admin/features/test.feature/tags') .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.tags[0].value).toBe('TeamGreen'); }); }); test('tagging a feature with an already existing tag should be a noop', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: 'test.feature', type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); await'/api/admin/features/test.feature/tags').send({ value: 'TeamGreen', type: 'simple', }); await'/api/admin/features/test.feature/tags').send({ value: 'TeamGreen', type: 'simple', }); return app.request .get('/api/admin/features/test.feature/tags') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.tags).toHaveLength(1); }); }); test('can untag feature', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const feature1Name = randomId(); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature1Name, type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); const tag = { value: randomId(), type: 'simple', }; await app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${feature1Name}/tags`) .send(tag) .expect(201); await app.request .delete( `/api/admin/features/${feature1Name}/tags/${tag.type}/${tag.value}`, ) .expect(200); return app.request .get(`/api/admin/features/${feature1Name}/tags`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.tags).toHaveLength(0); }); }); test('Can get features tagged by tag', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const feature1Name = randomId(); const feature2Name = randomId(); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature1Name, type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature2Name, type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); const tag = { value: randomId(), type: 'simple' }; await app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${feature1Name}/tags`) .send(tag) .expect(201); return app.request .get(`/api/admin/features?tag=${tag.type}:${tag.value}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.features).toHaveLength(1); expect(res.body.features[0].name).toBe(feature1Name); }); }); test('Can query for multiple tags using OR', async () => { expect.assertions(3); const feature1Name = randomId(); const feature2Name = randomId(); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature1Name, type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature2Name, type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); const tag = { value: randomId(), type: 'simple' }; const tag2 = { value: randomId(), type: 'simple' }; await app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${feature1Name}/tags`) .send(tag) .expect(201); await app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${feature2Name}/tags`) .send(tag2) .expect(201); return app.request .get( `/api/admin/features?tag[]=${tag.type}:${tag.value}&tag[]=${tag2.type}:${tag2.value}`, ) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.features).toHaveLength(2); expect(res.body.features.some((f) => === feature1Name)).toBe( true, ); expect(res.body.features.some((f) => === feature2Name)).toBe( true, ); }); }); test('Querying with multiple filters ANDs the filters', async () => { const feature1Name = `test.${randomId()}`; const feature2Name = randomId(); const feature3Name = `notestprefix.${randomId()}`; await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature1Name, type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature2Name, type: 'killswitch', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); await'/api/admin/features').send({ name: feature3Name, type: 'release', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }); const tag = { value: randomId(), type: 'simple' }; const tag2 = { value: randomId(), type: 'simple' }; await app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${feature1Name}/tags`) .send(tag) .expect(201); await app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${feature2Name}/tags`) .send(tag2) .expect(201); await app.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${feature3Name}/tags`) .send(tag) .expect(201); await app.request .get(`/api/admin/features?tag=${tag.type}:${tag.value}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .expect((res) => expect(res.body.features).toHaveLength(2)); await app.request .get(`/api/admin/features?namePrefix=test&tag=${tag.type}:${tag.value}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.features).toHaveLength(1); expect(res.body.features[0].name).toBe(feature1Name); }); }); test('marks feature toggle as stale', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await app.request .post('/api/admin/features/featureZ/stale/on') .set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return app.request.get('/api/admin/features/featureZ').expect((res) => { expect(res.body.stale).toBe(true); }); }); test('should not hit endpoints if disable configuration is set', async () => { const appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures = await setupAppWithCustomConfig( db.stores, { disableLegacyFeaturesApi: true, }, ); await appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures.request .get('/api/admin/features/featureX') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(404); await appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures.request .post(`/api/admin/features/featureZ/stale/on`) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(404); }); test('should hit validate and tags endpoint if legacy api is disabled', async () => { const appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures = await setupAppWithCustomConfig( db.stores, { disableLegacyFeaturesApi: true, }, ); const feature = { name: 'test.feature.disabled.api', type: 'killswitch', }; await appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures.request .post('/api/admin/projects/default/features') .send(feature); await appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures.request .post(`/api/admin/features/${}/tags`) .send({ value: 'TeamGreen', type: 'simple', }) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); await appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures.request .get(`/api/admin/features/${}/tags`) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.tags[0].value).toBe('TeamGreen'); }); await appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures.request .post('/api/admin/features/validate') .send({ name: 'validateThis' }) .expect(200); }); test('should have access to the get all features endpoint even if api is disabled', async () => { const appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures = await setupAppWithCustomConfig( db.stores, { disableLegacyFeaturesApi: true, }, ); await appWithDisabledLegacyFeatures.request .get('/api/admin/features') .expect(200); }); test('Can add and remove tags at the same time', async () => { const tag = { type: 'simple', value: 'addremove-first-tag' }; const secondTag = { type: 'simple', value: 'addremove-second-tag' }; await db.stores.tagStore.createTag(tag); await db.stores.tagStore.createTag(secondTag); const taggedWithFirst = await db.stores.featureToggleStore.create( 'default', { name: 'tagged-with-first-tag-1', }, ); const data: UpdateTagsSchema = { addedTags: [secondTag], removedTags: [tag], }; await db.stores.featureTagStore.tagFeature(, tag); await app.request .put(`/api/admin/features/${}/tags`) .send(data) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.tags).toHaveLength(1); }); });