import { ReactComponent as ProPlanIcon } from 'assets/icons/pro-enterprise-feature-badge.svg';
import { ReactComponent as ProPlanIconLight } from 'assets/icons/pro-enterprise-feature-badge-light.svg';
import { Box, Button, Link, styled, Typography } from '@mui/material';
import { usePlausibleTracker } from 'hooks/usePlausibleTracker';
import { ConditionallyRender } from '../ConditionallyRender/ConditionallyRender';
import { ThemeMode } from '../ThemeMode/ThemeMode';
import { PageContent } from '../PageContent/PageContent';
import { PageHeader } from '../PageHeader/PageHeader';
const PremiumFeatureWrapper = styled(Box, {
shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== 'tooltip',
})<{ tooltip?: boolean }>(({ theme, tooltip }) => ({
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: tooltip ? 'start' : 'center',
textAlign: tooltip ? 'left' : 'center',
backgroundColor: tooltip
? 'transparent'
: theme.palette.background.elevation2,
borderRadius: tooltip ? 0 : theme.shape.borderRadiusLarge,
padding: tooltip ? theme.spacing(1, 0.5) : theme.spacing(7.5, 1),
const StyledTitle = styled(Typography)(({ theme }) => ({
display: 'inline-flex',
alignItems: 'center',
fontWeight: theme.fontWeight.bold,
gap: theme.spacing(1),
const StyledBody = styled('div', {
shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== 'tooltip',
})<{ tooltip?: boolean }>(({ theme, tooltip }) => ({
margin: tooltip ? theme.spacing(1, 0) : theme.spacing(3, 0, 5, 0),
const StyledTypography = styled(Typography)(({ theme }) => ({
fontSize: theme.fontSizes.smallBody,
const StyledButtonContainer = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({
display: 'flex',
gap: theme.spacing(1.5),
const StyledLink = styled(Link)(({ theme }) => ({
fontSize: theme.fontSizes.smallBody,
enum FeaturePlan {
PRO = 'Pro & Enterprise',
ENTERPRISE = 'Enterprise',
const PremiumFeatures = {
'adding-new-projects': {
plan: FeaturePlan.PRO,
url: '',
label: 'Adding new projects',
access: {
plan: FeaturePlan.PRO,
url: '',
label: 'Access',
'change-requests': {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Change Requests',
segments: {
plan: FeaturePlan.PRO,
url: '',
label: 'Segments',
'service-accounts': {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Service Accounts',
'project-roles': {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Project Roles',
'login-history': {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Login history',
groups: {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'User groups',
sso: {
plan: FeaturePlan.PRO,
url: '',
label: 'Single Sign-On',
'project-settings': {
plan: FeaturePlan.PRO,
url: '',
label: 'Project settings',
banners: {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Banners',
signals: {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Signals',
actions: {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Actions',
dashboard: {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '', // FIXME: url
label: 'Dashboard',
'inactive-users': {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Automatic clean-up of inactive users',
environments: {
plan: FeaturePlan.ENTERPRISE,
url: '',
label: 'Environments management',
type PremiumFeatureType = keyof typeof PremiumFeatures;
const UPGRADE_URL = '';
export interface PremiumFeatureProps {
feature: PremiumFeatureType;
tooltip?: boolean;
page?: boolean;
export const PremiumFeature = ({
}: PremiumFeatureProps) => {
const { url, plan, label } = PremiumFeatures[feature];
const tracker = usePlausibleTracker();
const trackUpgradePlan = () => {
tracker.trackEvent('upgrade_plan_clicked', {
props: { feature: label },
const trackReadAbout = () => {
tracker.trackEvent('read_about', {
props: { feature: label },
const featureLabel = url ? (
) : (
const featureMessage = (
{featureLabel} is a feature available for the{' '}
{plan}{' '}
{plan === FeaturePlan.PRO ? 'plans' : 'plan'}
const upgradeUrl = `${UPGRADE_URL}?feature=${feature}`;
const content = (
{`${plan} feature`}
{featureMessage}. You need to upgrade your plan
if you want to use it.
Compare plans
You need to upgrade your plan if you want to use
if (page) {
return (
return content;