import supertest from 'supertest'; import createStores from '../../../test/fixtures/store'; import permissions from '../../../test/fixtures/permissions'; import getApp from '../../app'; import { createTestConfig } from '../../../test/config/test-config'; import { createServices } from '../../services'; async function getSetup() { const stores = createStores(); const perms = permissions(); const config = createTestConfig({ preRouterHook: perms.hook, }); const services = createServices(stores, config); const app = await getApp(config, stores, services); return { request: supertest(app), stores, perms, config, destroy: () => { services.versionService.destroy(); services.clientInstanceService.destroy(); }, }; } let stores; let request; let destroy; beforeEach(async () => { const setup = await getSetup(); stores = setup.stores; request = setup.request; destroy = setup.destroy; }); afterEach(() => { destroy(); }); test('/api/admin/metrics/seen-toggles is deprecated', () => { return request.get('/api/admin/metrics/seen-toggles').expect(410); }); test('/api/admin/metrics/feature-toggles is deprecated', () => { return request.get('/api/admin/metrics/feature-toggles').expect(410); }); test('should return empty list of client applications', () => { return request .get('/api/admin/metrics/applications') .expect(200) .expect((res) => { expect(res.body.applications.length === 0).toBe(true); }); }); test('should return applications', () => { expect.assertions(2); const appName = '123!23'; stores.clientApplicationsStore.upsert({ appName }); return request .get('/api/admin/metrics/applications/') .expect(200) .expect((res) => { const metrics = res.body; expect(metrics.applications.length === 1).toBe(true); expect(metrics.applications[0].appName === appName).toBe(true); }); }); test('should store application', () => { expect.assertions(0); const appName = '123!23'; return request .post(`/api/admin/metrics/applications/${appName}`) .send({ appName, strategies: ['default'] }) .expect(202); }); test('should store application details without strategies', () => { expect.assertions(0); const appName = '123!23'; return request .post(`/api/admin/metrics/applications/${appName}`) .send({ appName, url: 'htto://' }) .expect(202); }); test('should accept a delete call to unknown application', () => { expect.assertions(0); const appName = 'unknown'; return request .delete(`/api/admin/metrics/applications/${appName}`) .expect(200); }); test('should delete application', () => { expect.assertions(0); const appName = 'deletable-test'; stores.clientApplicationsStore.upsert({ appName }); return request .delete(`/api/admin/metrics/applications/${appName}`) .expect(200); });