import dbInit from '../helpers/database-init'; import getLogger from '../../fixtures/no-logger'; import UserService from '../../../lib/services/user-service'; import { AccessService } from '../../../lib/services/access-service'; import UserStore from '../../../lib/db/user-store'; import ResetTokenService from '../../../lib/services/reset-token-service'; import { EmailService } from '../../../lib/services/email-service'; import { createTestConfig } from '../../config/test-config'; import SessionService from '../../../lib/services/session-service'; import NotFoundError from '../../../lib/error/notfound-error'; import { IRole } from '../../../lib/types/stores/access-store'; import { RoleName } from '../../../lib/types/model'; let db; let stores; let userService: UserService; let userStore: UserStore; let adminRole: IRole; let viewerRole: IRole; let sessionService: SessionService; beforeAll(async () => { db = await dbInit('user_service_serial', getLogger); stores = db.stores; const config = createTestConfig(); const accessService = new AccessService(stores, config); const resetTokenService = new ResetTokenService(stores, config); const emailService = new EmailService(undefined, config.getLogger); sessionService = new SessionService(stores, config); userService = new UserService(stores, config, { accessService, resetTokenService, emailService, sessionService, }); userStore = stores.userStore; const rootRoles = await accessService.getRootRoles(); adminRole = rootRoles.find((r) => === RoleName.ADMIN); viewerRole = rootRoles.find((r) => === RoleName.VIEWER); }); afterAll(async () => { await db.destroy(); }); afterEach(async () => { await userStore.deleteAll(); }); test('should create initial admin user', async () => { await userService.initAdminUser(); await expect(async () => userService.loginUser('admin', 'wrong-password'), ).rejects.toThrow(Error); await expect(async () => userService.loginUser('admin', 'unleash4all'), ).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should not init default user if we already have users', async () => { await userService.createUser({ username: 'test', password: 'A very strange P4ssw0rd_', rootRole:, }); await userService.initAdminUser(); const users = await userService.getAll(); expect(users).toHaveLength(1); expect(users[0].username).toBe('test'); await expect(async () => userService.loginUser('admin', 'unleash4all'), ).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); test('should not be allowed to create existing user', async () => { await userStore.insert({ username: 'test', name: 'Hans Mola' }); await expect(async () => userService.createUser({ username: 'test', rootRole: }), ).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); test('should create user with password', async () => { await userService.createUser({ username: 'test', password: 'A very strange P4ssw0rd_', rootRole:, }); const user = await userService.loginUser( 'test', 'A very strange P4ssw0rd_', ); expect(user.username).toBe('test'); }); test('should login for user _without_ password', async () => { const email = ''; await userService.createUser({ email, password: 'A very strange P4ssw0rd_', rootRole:, }); const user = await userService.loginUserWithoutPassword(email); expect(; }); test('should get user with root role', async () => { const email = ''; const u = await userService.createUser({ email, password: 'A very strange P4ssw0rd_', rootRole:, }); const user = await userService.getUser(; expect(; expect(; expect(user.rootRole).toBe(; }); test('should get user with root role by name', async () => { const email = ''; const u = await userService.createUser({ email, password: 'A very strange P4ssw0rd_', rootRole: RoleName.ADMIN, }); const user = await userService.getUser(; expect(; expect(; expect(user.rootRole).toBe(; }); test("deleting a user should delete the user's sessions", async () => { const email = ''; const user = await userService.createUser({ email, password: 'A very strange P4ssw0rd_', rootRole:, }); const testComSession = { sid: 'xyz321', sess: { cookie: { originalMaxAge: 2880000, expires: new Date( + 86400000).toDateString(), secure: false, httpOnly: true, path: '/', }, user, }, }; await sessionService.insertSession(testComSession); const userSessions = await sessionService.getSessionsForUser(; expect(userSessions.length).toBe(1); await userService.deleteUser(; await expect(async () => sessionService.getSessionsForUser(, ).rejects.toThrow(NotFoundError); }); test('should login and create user via SSO', async () => { const email = ''; const user = await userService.loginUserSSO({ email, rootRole: RoleName.VIEWER, name: 'some', autoCreate: true, }); const userWithRole = await userService.getUser(; expect(; expect('some'); expect('some'); expect(userWithRole.rootRole).toBe(; }); test('should throw if rootRole is wrong via SSO', async () => { expect.assertions(1); try { await userService.loginUserSSO({ email: '', rootRole: RoleName.MEMBER, name: 'some', autoCreate: true, }); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toBe('Could not find rootRole=Member'); } }); test('should update user name when signing in via SSO', async () => { const email = ''; const originalUser = await userService.createUser({ email, rootRole: RoleName.VIEWER, name: 'some', }); await userService.loginUserSSO({ email, rootRole: RoleName.ADMIN, name: 'New name!', autoCreate: true, }); const actualUser = await userService.getUser(; expect(; expect('New name!'); expect(actualUser.rootRole).toBe(; }); test('should update name if it is different via SSO', async () => { const email = ''; const originalUser = await userService.createUser({ email, rootRole: RoleName.VIEWER, name: 'some', }); await userService.loginUserSSO({ email, rootRole: RoleName.ADMIN, name: 'New name!', autoCreate: false, }); const actualUser = await userService.getUser(; expect(; expect('New name!'); expect(actualUser.rootRole).toBe(; }); test('should throw if autoCreate is false via SSO', async () => { expect.assertions(1); try { await userService.loginUserSSO({ email: '', rootRole: RoleName.MEMBER, name: 'some', autoCreate: false, }); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toBe('No user found'); } });