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'/how-to/how-to-create-api-tokens', from: [ '/user_guide/api-token', '/deploy/user_guide/api-token', ], }, { from: '/advanced/audit_log', to: '/reference/event-log', }, { from: '/api/open_api', to: '/reference/api/unleash', }, { from: '/advanced/api_access', to: '/how-to/how-to-use-the-admin-api', }, { from: '/advanced/archived_toggles', to: '/reference/archived-toggles', }, { from: [ '/advanced/custom-activation-strategy', '/advanced/custom_activation_strategy', ], to: '/reference/custom-activation-strategies', }, { from: '/advanced/feature_toggle_types', to: '/reference/feature-toggle-types', }, { from: [ '/toggle_variants', '/advanced/feature_toggle_variants', '/advanced/toggle_variants', ], to: '/reference/feature-toggle-variants', }, { from: [ '/advanced/impression-data', '/advanced/impression_data', ], to: '/reference/impression-data', }, { from: '/advanced/stickiness', to: '/reference/stickiness', }, { from: '/advanced/sso-google', to: '/how-to/how-to-add-sso-google', }, { from: 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'/tutorials/unleash-overview', '/user_guide/unleash_overview', ], to: '/understanding-unleash/unleash-overview', }, { from: [ '/tutorials/managing-constraints', '/topics/managing-constraints', ], to: '/understanding-unleash/managing-constraints', }, { from: [ '/tutorials/the-anatomy-of-unleash', '/topics/the-anatomy-of-unleash', ], to: '/understanding-unleash/the-anatomy-of-unleash', }, { from: [ '/tutorials/proxy-hosting', '/topics/proxy-hosting', ], to: '/understanding-unleash/proxy-hosting', }, { from: [ '/tutorials/data-collection', '/topics/data-collection', ], to: '/understanding-unleash/data-collection', }, { from: '/how-to/how-to-troubleshoot-flag-exposure', to: '/using-unleash/troubleshooting/flag-exposure', }, { from: '/how-to/how-to-troubleshoot-flag-not-returned', to: '/using-unleash/troubleshooting/flag-not-returned', }, { from: '/how-to/how-to-troubleshoot-cors', to: '/using-unleash/troubleshooting/cors', }, { from: '/how-to/how-to-troubleshoot-https', to: '/using-unleash/troubleshooting/https', }, { from: '/how-to/how-to-troubleshoot-feature-not-available', to: '/using-unleash/troubleshooting/feature-not-available', }, { from: ['/reference/deploy', '/deploy'], to: '/using-unleash/deploy', }, { from: [ '/reference/deploy/getting-started', '/deploy/getting_started', ], to: '/using-unleash/deploy/getting-started', }, { from: [ '/reference/deploy/configuring-unleash', '/deploy/configuring_unleash', ], to: '/using-unleash/deploy/configuring-unleash', }, { from: [ '/reference/deploy/configuring-unleash-v3', '/deploy/configuring_unleash_v3', ], to: '/using-unleash/deploy/configuring-unleash-v3', }, { from: [ '/reference/deploy/database-setup', '/deploy/database-setup', ], to: '/using-unleash/deploy/database-setup', }, { from: [ '/reference/deploy/database-backup', '/deploy/database-backup', ], to: '/using-unleash/deploy/database-backup', }, { from: [ '/reference/deploy/email-service', '/deploy/email', ], to: 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