import { CREATE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, EnvironmentVariantEvent, FEATURE_UPDATED, FeatureArchivedEvent, FeatureChangeProjectEvent, FeatureCreatedEvent, FeatureDeletedEvent, FeatureEnvironmentEvent, FeatureMetadataUpdateEvent, FeatureRevivedEvent, FeatureStaleEvent, FeatureStrategyAddEvent, FeatureStrategyRemoveEvent, FeatureStrategyUpdateEvent, FeatureToggle, FeatureToggleDTO, FeatureToggleLegacy, FeatureToggleWithDependencies, FeatureToggleWithEnvironment, FeatureVariantEvent, IConstraint, IDependency, IFeatureEnvironmentInfo, IFeatureEnvironmentStore, IFeatureNaming, IFeatureOverview, IFeatureStrategy, IFeatureTagStore, IFeatureToggleClient, IFeatureToggleClientStore, IFeatureToggleQuery, IFeatureToggleStore, IFlagResolver, IProjectStore, ISegment, IStrategyConfig, IStrategyStore, IUnleashConfig, IUnleashStores, IVariant, PotentiallyStaleOnEvent, Saved, SKIP_CHANGE_REQUEST, StrategiesOrderChangedEvent, StrategyIds, Unsaved, WeightType, } from '../../types'; import { Logger } from '../../logger'; import { ForbiddenError, FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION, OperationDeniedError, PatternError, PermissionError, } from '../../error'; import BadDataError from '../../error/bad-data-error'; import NameExistsError from '../../error/name-exists-error'; import InvalidOperationError from '../../error/invalid-operation-error'; import { constraintSchema, featureMetadataSchema, nameSchema, variantsArraySchema, } from '../../schema/feature-schema'; import NotFoundError from '../../error/notfound-error'; import { FeatureConfigurationClient, IFeatureStrategiesStore, } from './types/feature-toggle-strategies-store-type'; import { DATE_OPERATORS, DEFAULT_ENV, extractUsernameFromUser, NUM_OPERATORS, SEMVER_OPERATORS, STRING_OPERATORS, } from '../../util'; import { applyPatch, deepClone, Operation } from 'fast-json-patch'; import { validateDate, validateLegalValues, validateNumber, validateSemver, validateString, } from '../../util/validators/constraint-types'; import { IContextFieldStore } from 'lib/types/stores/context-field-store'; import { SetStrategySortOrderSchema } from 'lib/openapi/spec/set-strategy-sort-order-schema'; import { getDefaultStrategy, getProjectDefaultStrategy, } from '../playground/feature-evaluator/helpers'; import { AccessService } from '../../services/access-service'; import { User } from '../../server-impl'; import { IFeatureProjectUserParams } from './feature-toggle-controller'; import { unique } from '../../util/unique'; import { ISegmentService } from 'lib/segments/segment-service-interface'; import { IChangeRequestAccessReadModel } from '../change-request-access-service/change-request-access-read-model'; import { checkFeatureFlagNamesAgainstPattern } from '../feature-naming-pattern/feature-naming-validation'; import { IPrivateProjectChecker } from '../private-project/privateProjectCheckerType'; import { IDependentFeaturesReadModel } from '../dependent-features/dependent-features-read-model-type'; import EventService from '../../services/event-service'; import { DependentFeaturesService } from '../dependent-features/dependent-features-service'; import isEqual from 'lodash.isequal'; import { deepDiff } from './deep-diff'; interface IFeatureContext { featureName: string; projectId: string; } interface IFeatureStrategyContext extends IFeatureContext { environment: string; } export interface IGetFeatureParams { featureName: string; archived?: boolean; projectId?: string; environmentVariants?: boolean; userId?: number; } export type FeatureNameCheckResultWithFeaturePattern = | { state: 'valid' } | { state: 'invalid'; invalidNames: Set; featureNaming: IFeatureNaming; }; const oneOf = (values: string[], match: string) => { return values.some((value) => value === match); }; class FeatureToggleService { private logger: Logger; private featureStrategiesStore: IFeatureStrategiesStore; private strategyStore: IStrategyStore; private featureToggleStore: IFeatureToggleStore; private clientFeatureToggleStore: IFeatureToggleClientStore; private tagStore: IFeatureTagStore; private featureEnvironmentStore: IFeatureEnvironmentStore; private projectStore: IProjectStore; private contextFieldStore: IContextFieldStore; private segmentService: ISegmentService; private accessService: AccessService; private eventService: EventService; private flagResolver: IFlagResolver; private changeRequestAccessReadModel: IChangeRequestAccessReadModel; private privateProjectChecker: IPrivateProjectChecker; private dependentFeaturesReadModel: IDependentFeaturesReadModel; private dependentFeaturesService: DependentFeaturesService; constructor( { featureStrategiesStore, featureToggleStore, clientFeatureToggleStore, projectStore, featureTagStore, featureEnvironmentStore, contextFieldStore, strategyStore, }: Pick< IUnleashStores, | 'featureStrategiesStore' | 'featureToggleStore' | 'clientFeatureToggleStore' | 'projectStore' | 'featureTagStore' | 'featureEnvironmentStore' | 'contextFieldStore' | 'strategyStore' >, { getLogger, flagResolver, }: Pick, segmentService: ISegmentService, accessService: AccessService, eventService: EventService, changeRequestAccessReadModel: IChangeRequestAccessReadModel, privateProjectChecker: IPrivateProjectChecker, dependentFeaturesReadModel: IDependentFeaturesReadModel, dependentFeaturesService: DependentFeaturesService, ) { this.logger = getLogger('services/feature-toggle-service.ts'); this.featureStrategiesStore = featureStrategiesStore; this.strategyStore = strategyStore; this.featureToggleStore = featureToggleStore; this.clientFeatureToggleStore = clientFeatureToggleStore; this.tagStore = featureTagStore; this.projectStore = projectStore; this.featureEnvironmentStore = featureEnvironmentStore; this.contextFieldStore = contextFieldStore; this.segmentService = segmentService; this.accessService = accessService; this.eventService = eventService; this.flagResolver = flagResolver; this.changeRequestAccessReadModel = changeRequestAccessReadModel; this.privateProjectChecker = privateProjectChecker; this.dependentFeaturesReadModel = dependentFeaturesReadModel; this.dependentFeaturesService = dependentFeaturesService; } async validateFeaturesContext( featureNames: string[], projectId: string, ): Promise { const features = await this.featureToggleStore.getAllByNames( featureNames, ); const invalidProjects = unique( features .map((feature) => feature.project) .filter((project) => project !== projectId), ); if (invalidProjects.length > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationError( `The operation could not be completed. The features exist, but the provided project ids ("${invalidProjects.join( ',', )}") does not match the project provided in request URL ("${projectId}").`, ); } } async validateFeatureBelongsToProject({ featureName, projectId, }: IFeatureContext): Promise { const id = await this.featureToggleStore.getProjectId(featureName); if (id !== projectId) { throw new NotFoundError( `There's no feature named "${featureName}" in project "${projectId}"${ id === undefined ? '.' : `, but there's a feature with that name in project "${id}"` }`, ); } } async validateNoChildren(featureName: string): Promise { if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { const children = await this.dependentFeaturesReadModel.getChildren([ featureName, ]); if (children.length > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'You can not archive/delete this feature since other features depend on it.', ); } } } async validateNoOrphanParents(featureNames: string[]): Promise { if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { if (featureNames.length === 0) return; const parents = await this.dependentFeaturesReadModel.getOrphanParents( featureNames, ); if (parents.length > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationError( featureNames.length > 1 ? `You can not archive/delete those features since other features depend on them.` : `You can not archive/delete this feature since other features depend on it.`, ); } } } validateUpdatedProperties( { featureName, projectId }: IFeatureContext, existingStrategy: IFeatureStrategy, ): void { if (existingStrategy.projectId !== projectId) { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'You can not change the projectId for an activation strategy.', ); } if (existingStrategy.featureName !== featureName) { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'You can not change the featureName for an activation strategy.', ); } if ( existingStrategy.parameters && 'stickiness' in existingStrategy.parameters && existingStrategy.parameters.stickiness === '' ) { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'You can not have an empty string for stickiness.', ); } } async validateProjectCanAccessSegments( projectId: string, segmentIds?: number[], ): Promise { if (segmentIds && segmentIds.length > 0) { await Promise.all( => this.segmentService.get(segmentId), ), ).then((segments) => => { if (segment.project && segment.project !== projectId) { throw new BadDataError( `The segment "${}" with id ${} does not belong to project "${projectId}".`, ); } }), ); } } async validateStrategyType( strategyName: string | undefined, ): Promise { if (strategyName !== undefined) { const exists = await this.strategyStore.exists(strategyName); if (!exists) { throw new BadDataError( `Could not find strategy type with name ${strategyName}`, ); } } } async validateConstraints( constraints: IConstraint[], ): Promise { const validations = => { return this.validateConstraint(constraint); }); return Promise.all(validations); } async validateConstraint(input: IConstraint): Promise { const constraint = await constraintSchema.validateAsync(input); const { operator } = constraint; const contextDefinition = await this.contextFieldStore.get( constraint.contextName, ); if (oneOf(NUM_OPERATORS, operator)) { await validateNumber(constraint.value); } if (oneOf(STRING_OPERATORS, operator)) { await validateString(constraint.values); } if (oneOf(SEMVER_OPERATORS, operator)) { // Semver library is not asynchronous, so we do not // need to await here. validateSemver(constraint.value); } if (oneOf(DATE_OPERATORS, operator)) { await validateDate(constraint.value); } if ( contextDefinition?.legalValues && contextDefinition.legalValues.length > 0 ) { const valuesToValidate = oneOf( [...DATE_OPERATORS, ...SEMVER_OPERATORS, ...NUM_OPERATORS], operator, ) ? constraint.value : constraint.values; validateLegalValues( contextDefinition.legalValues, valuesToValidate, ); } return constraint; } async patchFeature( project: string, featureName: string, createdBy: string, operations: Operation[], ): Promise { const featureToggle = await this.getFeatureMetadata(featureName); if (operations.some((op) => op.path.indexOf('/variants') >= 0)) { throw new OperationDeniedError( `Changing variants is done via PATCH operation to /api/admin/projects/:project/features/:feature/variants`, ); } const { newDocument } = applyPatch( deepClone(featureToggle), operations, ); const updated = await this.updateFeatureToggle( project, newDocument, createdBy, featureName, ); if (featureToggle.stale !== newDocument.stale) { await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureStaleEvent({ stale: newDocument.stale, project, featureName, createdBy, }), ); } return updated; } featureStrategyToPublic( featureStrategy: IFeatureStrategy, segments: ISegment[] = [], ): Saved { const result: Saved = { id:, name: featureStrategy.strategyName, title: featureStrategy.title, disabled: featureStrategy.disabled, constraints: featureStrategy.constraints || [], parameters: featureStrategy.parameters, variants: featureStrategy.variants || [], sortOrder: featureStrategy.sortOrder, segments: => ?? [], }; return result; } async updateStrategiesSortOrder( context: IFeatureStrategyContext, sortOrders: SetStrategySortOrderSchema, createdBy: string, user?: User, ): Promise> { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled( context.projectId, context.environment, user, ); return this.unprotectedUpdateStrategiesSortOrder( context, sortOrders, createdBy, ); } async unprotectedUpdateStrategiesSortOrder( context: IFeatureStrategyContext, sortOrders: SetStrategySortOrderSchema, createdBy: string, ): Promise> { const { featureName, environment, projectId: project } = context; const existingOrder = ( await this.getStrategiesForEnvironment( project, featureName, environment, ) ) .sort((strategy1, strategy2) => { if ( typeof strategy1.sortOrder === 'number' && typeof strategy2.sortOrder === 'number' ) { return strategy1.sortOrder - strategy2.sortOrder; } return 0; }) .map((strategy) =>; const eventPreData: StrategyIds = { strategyIds: existingOrder }; await Promise.all( ({ id, sortOrder }) => { await this.featureStrategiesStore.updateSortOrder( id, sortOrder, ); }), ); const newOrder = ( await this.getStrategiesForEnvironment( project, featureName, environment, ) ) .sort((strategy1, strategy2) => { if ( typeof strategy1.sortOrder === 'number' && typeof strategy2.sortOrder === 'number' ) { return strategy1.sortOrder - strategy2.sortOrder; } return 0; }) .map((strategy) =>; const eventData: StrategyIds = { strategyIds: newOrder }; const event = new StrategiesOrderChangedEvent({ featureName, environment, project, createdBy, preData: eventPreData, data: eventData, }); await this.eventService.storeEvent(event); } async createStrategy( strategyConfig: Unsaved, context: IFeatureStrategyContext, createdBy: string, user?: User, ): Promise> { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled( context.projectId, context.environment, user, ); return this.unprotectedCreateStrategy( strategyConfig, context, createdBy, ); } async unprotectedCreateStrategy( strategyConfig: Unsaved, context: IFeatureStrategyContext, createdBy: string, ): Promise> { const { featureName, projectId, environment } = context; await this.validateFeatureBelongsToProject(context); await this.validateStrategyType(; await this.validateProjectCanAccessSegments( projectId, strategyConfig.segments, ); if ( strategyConfig.constraints && strategyConfig.constraints.length > 0 ) { strategyConfig.constraints = await this.validateConstraints( strategyConfig.constraints, ); } if ( strategyConfig.parameters && 'stickiness' in strategyConfig.parameters && strategyConfig.parameters.stickiness === '' ) { strategyConfig.parameters.stickiness = 'default'; } if (strategyConfig.variants && strategyConfig.variants.length > 0) { await variantsArraySchema.validateAsync(strategyConfig.variants); const fixedVariants = this.fixVariantWeights( strategyConfig.variants, ); strategyConfig.variants = fixedVariants; } try { const newFeatureStrategy = await this.featureStrategiesStore.createStrategyFeatureEnv({ strategyName:, title: strategyConfig.title, disabled: strategyConfig.disabled, constraints: strategyConfig.constraints || [], variants: strategyConfig.variants || [], parameters: strategyConfig.parameters || {}, sortOrder: strategyConfig.sortOrder, projectId, featureName, environment, }); if ( strategyConfig.segments && Array.isArray(strategyConfig.segments) ) { await this.segmentService.updateStrategySegments(, strategyConfig.segments, ); } const segments = await this.segmentService.getByStrategy(, ); const strategy = this.featureStrategyToPublic( newFeatureStrategy, segments, ); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureStrategyAddEvent({ project: projectId, featureName, createdBy, environment, data: strategy, }), ); return strategy; } catch (e) { if (e.code === FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION) { throw new BadDataError( 'You have not added the current environment to the project', ); } throw e; } } /** * PUT /api/admin/projects/:projectId/features/:featureName/strategies/:strategyId ? * { * * } * @param id * @param updates * @param context - Which context does this strategy live in (projectId, featureName, environment) * @param userName - Human readable id of the user performing the update * @param user - Optional User object performing the action */ async updateStrategy( id: string, updates: Partial, context: IFeatureStrategyContext, userName: string, user?: User, ): Promise> { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled( context.projectId, context.environment, user, ); return this.unprotectedUpdateStrategy(id, updates, context, userName); } async optionallyDisableFeature( featureName: string, environment: string, projectId: string, userName: string, ): Promise { const feature = await this.getFeature({ featureName }); const env = feature.environments.find((e) => === environment); const hasOnlyDisabledStrategies = env?.strategies.every( (strategy) => strategy.disabled, ); if (hasOnlyDisabledStrategies) { await this.unprotectedUpdateEnabled( projectId, featureName, environment, false, userName, ); } } async unprotectedUpdateStrategy( id: string, updates: Partial, context: IFeatureStrategyContext, userName: string, ): Promise> { const { projectId, environment, featureName } = context; const existingStrategy = await this.featureStrategiesStore.get(id); this.validateUpdatedProperties(context, existingStrategy); await this.validateStrategyType(; await this.validateProjectCanAccessSegments( projectId, updates.segments, ); const existingSegments = await this.segmentService.getByStrategy(id); if ( === id) { if (updates.constraints && updates.constraints.length > 0) { updates.constraints = await this.validateConstraints( updates.constraints, ); } if (updates.variants && updates.variants.length > 0) { await variantsArraySchema.validateAsync(updates.variants); const fixedVariants = this.fixVariantWeights(updates.variants); updates.variants = fixedVariants; } const strategy = await this.featureStrategiesStore.updateStrategy( id, updates, ); if (updates.segments && Array.isArray(updates.segments)) { await this.segmentService.updateStrategySegments(, updates.segments, ); } const segments = await this.segmentService.getByStrategy(, ); // Store event! const data = this.featureStrategyToPublic(strategy, segments); const preData = this.featureStrategyToPublic( existingStrategy, existingSegments, ); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureStrategyUpdateEvent({ project: projectId, featureName, environment, createdBy: userName, data, preData, }), ); await this.optionallyDisableFeature( featureName, environment, projectId, userName, ); return data; } throw new NotFoundError(`Could not find strategy with id ${id}`); } async updateStrategyParameter( id: string, name: string, value: string | number, context: IFeatureStrategyContext, userName: string, ): Promise> { const { projectId, environment, featureName } = context; const existingStrategy = await this.featureStrategiesStore.get(id); this.validateUpdatedProperties(context, existingStrategy); if ( === id) { existingStrategy.parameters[name] = String(value); const existingSegments = await this.segmentService.getByStrategy( id, ); const strategy = await this.featureStrategiesStore.updateStrategy( id, existingStrategy, ); const segments = await this.segmentService.getByStrategy(, ); const data = this.featureStrategyToPublic(strategy, segments); const preData = this.featureStrategyToPublic( existingStrategy, existingSegments, ); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureStrategyUpdateEvent({ featureName, project: projectId, environment, createdBy: userName, data, preData, }), ); return data; } throw new NotFoundError(`Could not find strategy with id ${id}`); } /** * DELETE /api/admin/projects/:projectId/features/:featureName/environments/:environmentName/strategies/:strategyId * { * * } * @param id - strategy id * @param context - Which context does this strategy live in (projectId, featureName, environment) * @param createdBy - Which user does this strategy belong to * @param user */ async deleteStrategy( id: string, context: IFeatureStrategyContext, createdBy: string, user?: User, ): Promise { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled( context.projectId, context.environment, user, ); return this.unprotectedDeleteStrategy(id, context, createdBy); } async unprotectedDeleteStrategy( id: string, context: IFeatureStrategyContext, createdBy: string, ): Promise { const existingStrategy = await this.featureStrategiesStore.get(id); const { featureName, projectId, environment } = context; this.validateUpdatedProperties(context, existingStrategy); await this.featureStrategiesStore.delete(id); const featureStrategies = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getStrategiesForFeatureEnv( projectId, featureName, environment, ); const hasOnlyDisabledStrategies = featureStrategies.every( (strategy) => strategy.disabled, ); if (hasOnlyDisabledStrategies) { // Disable the feature in the environment if it only has disabled strategies await this.unprotectedUpdateEnabled( projectId, featureName, environment, false, createdBy, ); } const preData = this.featureStrategyToPublic(existingStrategy); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureStrategyRemoveEvent({ featureName, project: projectId, environment, createdBy, preData, }), ); // If there are no strategies left for environment disable it await this.featureEnvironmentStore.disableEnvironmentIfNoStrategies( featureName, environment, ); } async getStrategiesForEnvironment( project: string, featureName: string, environment: string = DEFAULT_ENV, ): Promise[]> { this.logger.debug('getStrategiesForEnvironment'); const hasEnv = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.featureHasEnvironment( environment, featureName, ); if (hasEnv) { const featureStrategies = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getStrategiesForFeatureEnv( project, featureName, environment, ); const result: Saved[] = []; for (const strat of featureStrategies) { const segments = (await this.segmentService.getByStrategy( (segment) =>, ) ?? []; result.push({ id:, name: strat.strategyName, constraints: strat.constraints, parameters: strat.parameters, variants: strat.variants, title: strat.title, disabled: strat.disabled, sortOrder: strat.sortOrder, segments, }); } return result; } throw new NotFoundError( `Feature ${featureName} does not have environment ${environment}`, ); } /** * GET /api/admin/projects/:project/features/:featureName * @param featureName * @param archived - return archived or non archived toggles * @param projectId - provide if you're requesting the feature in the context of a specific project. * @param userId */ async getFeature({ featureName, archived, projectId, environmentVariants, userId, }: IGetFeatureParams): Promise { if (projectId) { await this.validateFeatureBelongsToProject({ featureName, projectId, }); } let dependencies: IDependency[] = []; let children: string[] = []; if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { [dependencies, children] = await Promise.all([ this.dependentFeaturesReadModel.getParents(featureName), this.dependentFeaturesReadModel.getChildren([featureName]), ]); } if (environmentVariants) { const result = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureToggleWithVariantEnvs( featureName, userId, archived, ); return { ...result, dependencies, children }; } else { const result = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureToggleWithEnvs( featureName, userId, archived, ); return { ...result, dependencies, children }; } } /** * GET /api/admin/projects/:project/features/:featureName/variants * @deprecated - Variants should be fetched from FeatureEnvironmentStore (since variants are now; since 4.18, connected to environments) * @param featureName * @return The list of variants */ async getVariants(featureName: string): Promise { return this.featureToggleStore.getVariants(featureName); } async getVariantsForEnv( featureName: string, environment: string, ): Promise { const featureEnvironment = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.get({ featureName, environment, }); return featureEnvironment.variants || []; } async getFeatureMetadata(featureName: string): Promise { return this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); } async getClientFeatures( query?: IFeatureToggleQuery, ): Promise { const result = await this.clientFeatureToggleStore.getClient( query || {}, ); return ({ name, type, enabled, project, stale, strategies, variants, description, impressionData, dependencies, }) => ({ name, type, enabled, project, stale, strategies, variants, description, impressionData, dependencies, }), ); } async getPlaygroundFeatures( query?: IFeatureToggleQuery, ): Promise { // Remove with with feature flag const [featuresFromClientStore, featuresFromFeatureToggleStore] = await Promise.all([ await this.clientFeatureToggleStore.getPlayground(query || {}), await this.featureToggleStore.getPlaygroundFeatures(query), ]); const equal = isEqual( featuresFromClientStore, featuresFromFeatureToggleStore, ); if (!equal) { const difference = deepDiff( featuresFromClientStore, featuresFromFeatureToggleStore, ); this.logger.warn( 'getPlaygroundFeatures: features from client-feature-toggle-store is not equal to features from feature-toggle-store', difference, ); } const features = this.flagResolver.isEnabled('separateAdminClientApi') ? featuresFromFeatureToggleStore : featuresFromClientStore; return features as FeatureConfigurationClient[]; } /** * @deprecated Legacy! * * Used to retrieve metadata of all feature toggles defined in Unleash. * @param query - Allow you to limit search based on criteria such as project, tags, namePrefix. See @IFeatureToggleQuery * @param archived - Return archived or active toggles * @returns */ async getFeatureToggles( query?: IFeatureToggleQuery, userId?: number, archived: boolean = false, ): Promise { // Remove with with feature flag const [featuresFromClientStore, featuresFromFeatureToggleStore] = await Promise.all([ (await this.clientFeatureToggleStore.getAdmin({ featureQuery: query, userId: userId, archived: false, })) as FeatureToggle[], await this.featureToggleStore.getFeatureToggleList( query, userId, archived, ), ]); const equal = isEqual( featuresFromClientStore, featuresFromFeatureToggleStore, ); if (!equal) { const difference = deepDiff( featuresFromClientStore, featuresFromFeatureToggleStore, ); this.logger.warn( 'getFeatureToggles: features from client-feature-toggle-store is not equal to features from feature-toggle-store diff', difference, ); } const features = this.flagResolver.isEnabled('separateAdminClientApi') ? featuresFromFeatureToggleStore : featuresFromClientStore; if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('privateProjects') && userId) { const projectAccess = await this.privateProjectChecker.getUserAccessibleProjects( userId, ); return projectAccess.mode === 'all' ? features : features.filter((f) => projectAccess.projects.includes(f.project), ); } return features; } async getFeatureOverview( params: IFeatureProjectUserParams, ): Promise { return this.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureOverview(params); } async getFeatureToggle( featureName: string, ): Promise { return this.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureToggleWithEnvs( featureName, ); } async createFeatureToggle( projectId: string, value: FeatureToggleDTO, createdBy: string, isValidated: boolean = false, ): Promise {`${createdBy} creates feature toggle ${}`); await this.validateName(; await this.validateFeatureFlagNameAgainstPattern(, projectId); const exists = await this.projectStore.hasProject(projectId); if (await this.projectStore.isFeatureLimitReached(projectId)) { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'You have reached the maximum number of feature toggles for this project.', ); } if (exists) { let featureData; if (isValidated) { featureData = value; } else { featureData = await featureMetadataSchema.validateAsync(value); } const featureName =; const createdToggle = await this.featureToggleStore.create( projectId, featureData, ); await this.featureEnvironmentStore.connectFeatureToEnvironmentsForProject( featureName, projectId, ); if (value.variants && value.variants.length > 0) { const environments = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.getEnvironmentsForFeature( featureName, ); await this.featureEnvironmentStore.setVariantsToFeatureEnvironments( featureName, => env.environment), value.variants, ); } await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureCreatedEvent({ featureName, createdBy, project: projectId, data: createdToggle, }), ); return createdToggle; } throw new NotFoundError(`Project with id ${projectId} does not exist`); } async checkFeatureFlagNamesAgainstProjectPattern( projectId: string, featureNames: string[], ): Promise { if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('featureNamingPattern')) { const project = await this.projectStore.get(projectId); const patternData = project.featureNaming; const namingPattern = patternData?.pattern; if (namingPattern) { const result = checkFeatureFlagNamesAgainstPattern( featureNames, namingPattern, ); if (result.state === 'invalid') { return { ...result, featureNaming: patternData }; } } } return { state: 'valid' }; } async validateFeatureFlagNameAgainstPattern( featureName: string, projectId?: string, ): Promise { if (projectId) { const result = await this.checkFeatureFlagNamesAgainstProjectPattern( projectId, [featureName], ); if (result.state === 'invalid') { const namingPattern = result.featureNaming.pattern; const namingExample = result.featureNaming.example; const namingDescription = result.featureNaming.description; const error = `The feature flag name "${featureName}" does not match the project's naming pattern: "${namingPattern}".`; const example = namingExample ? ` Here's an example of a name that does match the pattern: "${namingExample}"."` : ''; const description = namingDescription ? ` The pattern's description is: "${namingDescription}"` : ''; throw new PatternError(`${error}${example}${description}`, [ `The flag name does not match the pattern.`, ]); } } } async cloneFeatureToggle( featureName: string, projectId: string, newFeatureName: string, userName: string, replaceGroupId: boolean = true, ): Promise { const changeRequestEnabled = await this.changeRequestAccessReadModel.isChangeRequestsEnabledForProject( projectId, ); if (changeRequestEnabled) { throw new ForbiddenError( `Cloning not allowed. Project ${projectId} has change requests enabled.`, ); } `${userName} clones feature toggle ${featureName} to ${newFeatureName}`, ); await this.validateName(newFeatureName); const cToggle = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureToggleWithVariantEnvs( featureName, ); const newToggle = { ...cToggle, name: newFeatureName, variants: undefined, }; const created = await this.createFeatureToggle( projectId, newToggle, userName, ); const variantTasks = => { return this.featureEnvironmentStore.addVariantsToFeatureEnvironment(,, e.variants, ); }); const strategyTasks = newToggle.environments.flatMap((e) => => { if ( replaceGroupId && s.parameters && Object.hasOwn(s.parameters, 'groupId') ) { s.parameters.groupId = newFeatureName; } const context = { projectId, featureName: newFeatureName, environment:, }; return this.createStrategy(s, context, userName); }), ); if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { const cloneDependencies = this.dependentFeaturesService.cloneDependencies( { featureName, newFeatureName, projectId }, userName, ); await Promise.all([ ...strategyTasks, ...variantTasks, cloneDependencies, ]); } else { await Promise.all([...strategyTasks, ...variantTasks]); } return created; } async updateFeatureToggle( projectId: string, updatedFeature: FeatureToggleDTO, userName: string, featureName: string, ): Promise { await this.validateFeatureBelongsToProject({ featureName, projectId });`${userName} updates feature toggle ${featureName}`); const featureData = await featureMetadataSchema.validateAsync( updatedFeature, ); const preData = await this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); const featureToggle = await this.featureToggleStore.update(projectId, { ...featureData, name: featureName, }); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureMetadataUpdateEvent({ createdBy: userName, data: featureToggle, preData, featureName, project: projectId, }), ); return featureToggle; } async getFeatureCountForProject(projectId: string): Promise { return this.featureToggleStore.count({ archived: false, project: projectId, }); } async removeAllStrategiesForEnv( toggleName: string, environment: string = DEFAULT_ENV, ): Promise { await this.featureStrategiesStore.removeAllStrategiesForFeatureEnv( toggleName, environment, ); } async getStrategy(strategyId: string): Promise> { const strategy = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getStrategyById( strategyId, ); const segments = await this.segmentService.getByStrategy(strategyId); let result: Saved = { id:, name: strategy.strategyName, constraints: strategy.constraints || [], parameters: strategy.parameters, variants: strategy.variants || [], segments: [], title: strategy.title, disabled: strategy.disabled, sortOrder: strategy.sortOrder, }; if (segments && segments.length > 0) { result = { ...result, segments: =>, }; } return result; } async getEnvironmentInfo( project: string, environment: string, featureName: string, ): Promise { const envMetadata = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.getEnvironmentMetaData( environment, featureName, ); const strategies = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getStrategiesForFeatureEnv( project, featureName, environment, ); const defaultStrategy = await this.projectStore.getDefaultStrategy( project, environment, ); return { name: featureName, environment, enabled: envMetadata.enabled, strategies, defaultStrategy, }; } // todo: store events for this change. async deleteEnvironment( projectId: string, environment: string, ): Promise { await this.featureStrategiesStore.deleteConfigurationsForProjectAndEnvironment( projectId, environment, ); await this.projectStore.deleteEnvironmentForProject( projectId, environment, ); } /** Validations */ async validateName(name: string): Promise { await nameSchema.validateAsync({ name }); await this.validateUniqueFeatureName(name); return name; } async validateUniqueFeatureName(name: string): Promise { let msg: string; try { const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.get(name); msg = feature.archived ? 'An archived toggle with that name already exists' : 'A toggle with that name already exists'; } catch (error) { return; } throw new NameExistsError(msg); } async hasFeature(name: string): Promise { return this.featureToggleStore.exists(name); } async updateStale( featureName: string, isStale: boolean, createdBy: string, ): Promise { const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); const { project } = feature; feature.stale = isStale; await this.featureToggleStore.update(project, feature); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureStaleEvent({ stale: isStale, project, featureName, createdBy, }), ); return feature; } async archiveToggle( featureName: string, user: User, projectId?: string, ): Promise { if (projectId) { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled( projectId, undefined, user, ); } await this.unprotectedArchiveToggle( featureName, extractUsernameFromUser(user), projectId, ); } async unprotectedArchiveToggle( featureName: string, createdBy: string, projectId?: string, ): Promise { const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); if (projectId) { await this.validateFeatureBelongsToProject({ featureName, projectId, }); await this.validateNoOrphanParents([featureName]); } await this.validateNoChildren(featureName); await this.featureToggleStore.archive(featureName); if (projectId) { await this.dependentFeaturesService.unprotectedDeleteFeaturesDependencies( [featureName], projectId, createdBy, ); } await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureArchivedEvent({ featureName, createdBy, project: feature.project, }), ); } async archiveToggles( featureNames: string[], user: User, projectId: string, ): Promise { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled(projectId, undefined, user); await this.unprotectedArchiveToggles( featureNames, extractUsernameFromUser(user), projectId, ); } async validateArchiveToggles(featureNames: string[]): Promise<{ hasDeletedDependencies: boolean; parentsWithChildFeatures: string[]; }> { const hasDeletedDependencies = await this.dependentFeaturesReadModel.haveDependencies( featureNames, ); const parentsWithChildFeatures = await this.dependentFeaturesReadModel.getOrphanParents( featureNames, ); return { hasDeletedDependencies, parentsWithChildFeatures, }; } async unprotectedArchiveToggles( featureNames: string[], createdBy: string, projectId: string, ): Promise { await Promise.all([ this.validateFeaturesContext(featureNames, projectId), this.validateNoOrphanParents(featureNames), ]); const features = await this.featureToggleStore.getAllByNames( featureNames, ); await this.featureToggleStore.batchArchive(featureNames); await this.dependentFeaturesService.unprotectedDeleteFeaturesDependencies( featureNames, projectId, createdBy, ); await this.eventService.storeEvents( (feature) => new FeatureArchivedEvent({ featureName:, createdBy, project: feature.project, }), ), ); } async setToggleStaleness( featureNames: string[], stale: boolean, createdBy: string, projectId: string, ): Promise { await this.validateFeaturesContext(featureNames, projectId); const features = await this.featureToggleStore.getAllByNames( featureNames, ); const relevantFeatures = features.filter( (feature) => feature.stale !== stale, ); const relevantFeatureNames = (feature) =>, ); await this.featureToggleStore.batchStale(relevantFeatureNames, stale); await this.eventService.storeEvents( (feature) => new FeatureStaleEvent({ stale: stale, project: projectId, featureName:, createdBy, }), ), ); } async bulkUpdateEnabled( project: string, featureNames: string[], environment: string, enabled: boolean, createdBy: string, user?: User, shouldActivateDisabledStrategies = false, ): Promise { await Promise.all( => this.updateEnabled( project, featureName, environment, enabled, createdBy, user, shouldActivateDisabledStrategies, ), ), ); } async updateEnabled( project: string, featureName: string, environment: string, enabled: boolean, createdBy: string, user?: User, shouldActivateDisabledStrategies = false, ): Promise { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled(project, environment, user); if (enabled) { await this.stopWhenCannotCreateStrategies( project, environment, featureName, user, ); } return this.unprotectedUpdateEnabled( project, featureName, environment, enabled, createdBy, shouldActivateDisabledStrategies, ); } async unprotectedUpdateEnabled( project: string, featureName: string, environment: string, enabled: boolean, createdBy: string, shouldActivateDisabledStrategies = false, ): Promise { const hasEnvironment = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.featureHasEnvironment( environment, featureName, ); if (!hasEnvironment) { throw new NotFoundError( `Could not find environment ${environment} for feature: ${featureName}`, ); } if (enabled) { const strategies = await this.getStrategiesForEnvironment( project, featureName, environment, ); const hasDisabledStrategies = strategies.some( (strategy) => strategy.disabled, ); if (hasDisabledStrategies && shouldActivateDisabledStrategies) { await Promise.all( => this.updateStrategy(, { disabled: false }, { environment, projectId: project, featureName, }, createdBy, ), ), ); } const hasOnlyDisabledStrategies = strategies.every( (strategy) => strategy.disabled, ); const shouldCreate = hasOnlyDisabledStrategies && !shouldActivateDisabledStrategies; if (strategies.length === 0 || shouldCreate) { const projectEnvironmentDefaultStrategy = await this.projectStore.getDefaultStrategy( project, environment, ); const strategy = projectEnvironmentDefaultStrategy != null ? getProjectDefaultStrategy( projectEnvironmentDefaultStrategy, featureName, ) : getDefaultStrategy(featureName); await this.unprotectedCreateStrategy( strategy, { environment, projectId: project, featureName, }, createdBy, ); } } const updatedEnvironmentStatus = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.setEnvironmentEnabledStatus( environment, featureName, enabled, ); const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); if (updatedEnvironmentStatus > 0) { await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureEnvironmentEvent({ enabled, project, featureName, environment, createdBy, }), ); } return feature; } // @deprecated async storeFeatureUpdatedEventLegacy( featureName: string, createdBy: string, ): Promise { const feature = await this.getFeatureToggleLegacy(featureName); // Legacy event. Will not be used from v4.3. // We do not include 'preData' on purpose. await this.eventService.storeEvent({ type: FEATURE_UPDATED, createdBy, featureName, data: feature, project: feature.project, }); return feature; } // @deprecated async toggle( projectId: string, featureName: string, environment: string, userName: string, ): Promise { await this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); const isEnabled = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.isEnvironmentEnabled( featureName, environment, ); return this.updateEnabled( projectId, featureName, environment, !isEnabled, userName, ); } // @deprecated async getFeatureToggleLegacy( featureName: string, ): Promise { const feature = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureToggleWithEnvs( featureName, ); const { environments, ...legacyFeature } = feature; const defaultEnv = environments.find((e) => === DEFAULT_ENV); const strategies = defaultEnv?.strategies || []; const enabled = defaultEnv?.enabled || false; return { ...legacyFeature, enabled, strategies }; } async changeProject( featureName: string, newProject: string, createdBy: string, ): Promise { const changeRequestEnabled = await this.changeRequestAccessReadModel.isChangeRequestsEnabledForProject( newProject, ); if (changeRequestEnabled) { throw new ForbiddenError( `Changing project not allowed. Project ${newProject} has change requests enabled.`, ); } if ( await this.dependentFeaturesReadModel.haveDependencies([ featureName, ]) ) { throw new ForbiddenError( 'Changing project not allowed. Feature has dependencies.', ); } const feature = await this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); const oldProject = feature.project; feature.project = newProject; await this.featureToggleStore.update(newProject, feature); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureChangeProjectEvent({ createdBy, oldProject, newProject, featureName, }), ); } async getArchivedFeatures(): Promise { return this.getFeatureToggles({}, undefined, true); } // TODO: add project id. async deleteFeature(featureName: string, createdBy: string): Promise { await this.validateNoChildren(featureName); const toggle = await this.featureToggleStore.get(featureName); const tags = await this.tagStore.getAllTagsForFeature(featureName); await this.featureToggleStore.delete(featureName); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureDeletedEvent({ featureName, project: toggle.project, createdBy, preData: toggle, tags, }), ); } async deleteFeatures( featureNames: string[], projectId: string, createdBy: string, ): Promise { await this.validateFeaturesContext(featureNames, projectId); await this.validateNoOrphanParents(featureNames); const features = await this.featureToggleStore.getAllByNames( featureNames, ); const eligibleFeatures = features.filter( (toggle) => toggle.archivedAt !== null, ); const eligibleFeatureNames = (toggle) =>, ); const tags = await this.tagStore.getAllByFeatures(eligibleFeatureNames); await this.featureToggleStore.batchDelete(eligibleFeatureNames); await this.eventService.storeEvents( (feature) => new FeatureDeletedEvent({ featureName:, createdBy, project: feature.project, preData: feature, tags: tags .filter((tag) => tag.featureName === .map((tag) => ({ value: tag.tagValue, type: tag.tagType, })), }), ), ); } async reviveFeatures( featureNames: string[], projectId: string, createdBy: string, ): Promise { await this.validateFeaturesContext(featureNames, projectId); const features = await this.featureToggleStore.getAllByNames( featureNames, ); const eligibleFeatures = features.filter( (toggle) => toggle.archivedAt !== null, ); const eligibleFeatureNames = (toggle) =>, ); await this.featureToggleStore.batchRevive(eligibleFeatureNames); if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('disableEnvsOnRevive')) { await this.featureToggleStore.disableAllEnvironmentsForFeatures( eligibleFeatureNames, ); } await this.eventService.storeEvents( (feature) => new FeatureRevivedEvent({ featureName:, createdBy, project: feature.project, }), ), ); } // TODO: add project id. async reviveFeature(featureName: string, createdBy: string): Promise { const toggle = await this.featureToggleStore.revive(featureName); if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('disableEnvsOnRevive')) { await this.featureToggleStore.disableAllEnvironmentsForFeatures([ featureName, ]); } await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureRevivedEvent({ createdBy, featureName, project: toggle.project, }), ); } async getAllArchivedFeatures( archived: boolean, userId: number, ): Promise { let features; if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('useLastSeenRefactor')) { features = await this.featureToggleStore.getArchivedFeatures(); } else { features = await this.featureToggleStore.getAll({ archived }); } if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('privateProjects')) { const projectAccess = await this.privateProjectChecker.getUserAccessibleProjects( userId, ); if (projectAccess.mode === 'all') { return features; } else { return features.filter((f) => projectAccess.projects.includes(f.project), ); } } return features; } async getArchivedFeaturesByProjectId( archived: boolean, project: string, ): Promise { if (this.flagResolver.isEnabled('useLastSeenRefactor')) { return this.featureToggleStore.getArchivedFeatures(project); } else { return this.featureToggleStore.getAll({ archived, project }); } } async getProjectId(name: string): Promise { return this.featureToggleStore.getProjectId(name); } async updateFeatureStrategyProject( featureName: string, newProjectId: string, ): Promise { await this.featureStrategiesStore.setProjectForStrategiesBelongingToFeature( featureName, newProjectId, ); } async updateVariants( featureName: string, project: string, newVariants: Operation[], user: User, ): Promise { const ft = await this.featureStrategiesStore.getFeatureToggleWithVariantEnvs( featureName, ); const promises = => this.updateVariantsOnEnv( featureName, project,, newVariants, user, ).then((resultingVariants) => { env.variants = resultingVariants; }), ); await Promise.all(promises); ft.variants = ft.environments[0].variants; return ft; } async updateVariantsOnEnv( featureName: string, project: string, environment: string, newVariants: Operation[], user: User, ): Promise { const oldVariants = await this.getVariantsForEnv( featureName, environment, ); const { newDocument } = await applyPatch( deepClone(oldVariants), newVariants, ); return this.crProtectedSaveVariantsOnEnv( project, featureName, environment, newDocument, user, oldVariants, ); } async saveVariants( featureName: string, project: string, newVariants: IVariant[], createdBy: string, ): Promise { await variantsArraySchema.validateAsync(newVariants); const fixedVariants = this.fixVariantWeights(newVariants); const oldVariants = await this.featureToggleStore.getVariants( featureName, ); const featureToggle = await this.featureToggleStore.saveVariants( project, featureName, fixedVariants, ); await this.eventService.storeEvent( new FeatureVariantEvent({ project, featureName, createdBy, oldVariants, newVariants: featureToggle.variants as IVariant[], }), ); return featureToggle; } async saveVariantsOnEnv( projectId: string, featureName: string, environment: string, newVariants: IVariant[], user: User, oldVariants?: IVariant[], ): Promise { await variantsArraySchema.validateAsync(newVariants); const fixedVariants = this.fixVariantWeights(newVariants); const theOldVariants: IVariant[] = oldVariants || ( await this.featureEnvironmentStore.get({ featureName, environment, }) ).variants || []; await this.eventService.storeEvent( new EnvironmentVariantEvent({ featureName, environment, project: projectId, createdBy: user, oldVariants: theOldVariants, newVariants: fixedVariants, }), ); await this.featureEnvironmentStore.setVariantsToFeatureEnvironments( featureName, [environment], fixedVariants, ); return fixedVariants; } async crProtectedSaveVariantsOnEnv( projectId: string, featureName: string, environment: string, newVariants: IVariant[], user: User, oldVariants?: IVariant[], ): Promise { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled(projectId, environment, user); return this.saveVariantsOnEnv( projectId, featureName, environment, newVariants, user, oldVariants, ); } async crProtectedSetVariantsOnEnvs( projectId: string, featureName: string, environments: string[], newVariants: IVariant[], user: User, ): Promise { for (const env of environments) { await this.stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled(projectId, env); } return this.setVariantsOnEnvs( projectId, featureName, environments, newVariants, user, ); } async setVariantsOnEnvs( projectId: string, featureName: string, environments: string[], newVariants: IVariant[], user: User, ): Promise { await variantsArraySchema.validateAsync(newVariants); const fixedVariants = this.fixVariantWeights(newVariants); const oldVariants: { [env: string]: IVariant[] } = {}; for (const env of environments) { const featureEnv = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.get({ featureName, environment: env, }); oldVariants[env] = featureEnv.variants || []; } await this.eventService.storeEvents( (environment) => new EnvironmentVariantEvent({ featureName, environment, project: projectId, createdBy: user, oldVariants: oldVariants[environment], newVariants: fixedVariants, }), ), ); await this.featureEnvironmentStore.setVariantsToFeatureEnvironments( featureName, environments, fixedVariants, ); return fixedVariants; } fixVariantWeights(variants: IVariant[]): IVariant[] { let variableVariants = variants.filter((x) => { return x.weightType === WeightType.VARIABLE; }); if (variants.length > 0 && variableVariants.length === 0) { throw new BadDataError( 'There must be at least one "variable" variant', ); } const fixedVariants = variants.filter((x) => { return x.weightType === WeightType.FIX; }); const fixedWeights = fixedVariants.reduce((a, v) => a + v.weight, 0); if (fixedWeights > 1000) { throw new BadDataError( 'The traffic distribution total must equal 100%', ); } const averageWeight = Math.floor( (1000 - fixedWeights) / variableVariants.length, ); let remainder = (1000 - fixedWeights) % variableVariants.length; variableVariants = => { x.weight = averageWeight; if (remainder > 0) { x.weight += 1; remainder--; } return x; }); return variableVariants .concat(fixedVariants) .sort((a, b) =>; } private async stopWhenChangeRequestsEnabled( project: string, environment?: string, user?: User, ) { const canBypass = environment ? await this.changeRequestAccessReadModel.canBypassChangeRequest( project, environment, user, ) : await this.changeRequestAccessReadModel.canBypassChangeRequestForProject( project, user, ); if (!canBypass) { throw new PermissionError(SKIP_CHANGE_REQUEST); } } private async stopWhenCannotCreateStrategies( project: string, environment: string, featureName: string, user?: User, ) { const hasEnvironment = await this.featureEnvironmentStore.featureHasEnvironment( environment, featureName, ); if (hasEnvironment) { const strategies = await this.getStrategiesForEnvironment( project, featureName, environment, ); if (strategies.length === 0) { const canAddStrategies = user && (await this.accessService.hasPermission( user, CREATE_FEATURE_STRATEGY, project, environment, )); if (!canAddStrategies) { throw new PermissionError(CREATE_FEATURE_STRATEGY); } } } } async updatePotentiallyStaleFeatures(): Promise { const potentiallyStaleFeatures = await this.featureToggleStore.updatePotentiallyStaleFeatures(); if (potentiallyStaleFeatures.length > 0) { return this.eventService.storeEvents( potentiallyStaleFeatures .filter((feature) => feature.potentiallyStale) .map( ({ name, project }) => new PotentiallyStaleOnEvent({ featureName: name, project, }), ), ); } } } export default FeatureToggleService;