import { Knex } from 'knex'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import metricsHelper from '../../util/metrics-helper'; import { DB_TIME } from '../../metric-events'; import NotFoundError from '../../error/notfound-error'; import { Logger, LogProvider } from '../../logger'; import { FeatureToggle, FeatureToggleDTO, IFeatureToggleQuery, IVariant, } from '../../types/model'; import { IFeatureToggleStore } from './types/feature-toggle-store-type'; import { Db } from '../../db/db'; import { LastSeenInput } from '../metrics/last-seen/last-seen-service'; import { NameExistsError } from '../../error'; import { DEFAULT_ENV } from '../../../lib/util'; import { FeatureToggleListBuilder } from './query-builders/feature-toggle-list-builder'; import { FeatureConfigurationClient } from './types/feature-toggle-strategies-store-type'; import { ADMIN_TOKEN_USER, IFeatureTypeCount, IFlagResolver, } from '../../../lib/types'; import { FeatureToggleRowConverter } from './converters/feature-toggle-row-converter'; import { IFeatureProjectUserParams } from './feature-toggle-controller'; export type EnvironmentFeatureNames = { [key: string]: string[]; }; const FEATURE_COLUMNS = [ 'name', 'description', 'type', 'project', 'stale', 'created_at', 'impression_data', 'last_seen_at', 'archived_at', ]; export interface FeaturesTable { name: string; description: string; type: string; stale: boolean; project: string; last_seen_at?: Date; created_at?: Date; impression_data: boolean; archived?: boolean; archived_at?: Date; created_by_user_id?: number; } export interface FeatureToggleInsert extends Omit { createdByUserId: number; } interface VariantDTO { variants: IVariant[]; } const commonSelectColumns = [ ' as name', 'features.description as description', 'features.type as type', 'features.project as project', 'features.stale as stale', 'features.impression_data as impression_data', 'features.last_seen_at as last_seen_at', 'features.created_at as created_at', ]; const TABLE = 'features'; const FEATURE_ENVIRONMENTS_TABLE = 'feature_environments'; export default class FeatureToggleStore implements IFeatureToggleStore { private db: Db; private logger: Logger; private timer: Function; private featureToggleRowConverter: FeatureToggleRowConverter; private flagResolver: IFlagResolver; constructor( db: Db, eventBus: EventEmitter, getLogger: LogProvider, flagResolver: IFlagResolver, ) { this.db = db; this.logger = getLogger('feature-toggle-store.ts'); this.featureToggleRowConverter = new FeatureToggleRowConverter( flagResolver, ); this.flagResolver = flagResolver; this.timer = (action) => metricsHelper.wrapTimer(eventBus, DB_TIME, { store: 'feature-toggle', action, }); } async count( query: { archived?: boolean; project?: string; stale?: boolean; } = { archived: false }, ): Promise { const { archived, } = query; return this.db .from(TABLE) .count('*') .where(rest) .modify(FeatureToggleStore.filterByArchived, archived) .then((res) => Number(res[0].count)); } async deleteAll(): Promise { await this.db(TABLE).del(); } destroy(): void {} async get(name: string): Promise { return this.db .first(FEATURE_COLUMNS) .from(TABLE) .where({ name }) .then(this.rowToFeature); } private getBaseFeatureQuery = (archived: boolean, environment: string) => { const builder = new FeatureToggleListBuilder(this.db, [ ...commonSelectColumns, 'fe.variants as variants', 'fe.enabled as enabled', 'fe.environment as environment', ' as strategy_id', 'fs.strategy_name as strategy_name', 'fs.title as strategy_title', 'fs.disabled as strategy_disabled', 'fs.parameters as parameters', 'fs.constraints as constraints', 'fs.sort_order as sort_order', 'fs.variants as strategy_variants', ' as segment_id', 'segments.constraints as segment_constraints', ]); builder .query('features') .withArchived(archived) .withStrategies(environment) .withFeatureEnvironments(environment) .withFeatureStrategySegments() .withSegments(); return builder; }; async getFeatureToggleList( featureQuery?: IFeatureToggleQuery, userId?: number, archived: boolean = false, includeDisabledStrategies: boolean = false, ): Promise { const environment = featureQuery?.environment || DEFAULT_ENV; const builder = this.getBaseFeatureQuery( archived, environment, ).withFeatureTags(); builder.addSelectColumn('ft.tag_value as tag_value'); builder.addSelectColumn('ft.tag_type as tag_type'); builder.withLastSeenByEnvironment(archived); builder.addSelectColumn( 'last_seen_at_metrics.last_seen_at as env_last_seen_at', ); builder.addSelectColumn( 'last_seen_at_metrics.environment as last_seen_at_env', ); if (userId) { builder.withFavorites(userId); builder.addSelectColumn( this.db.raw( 'favorite_features.feature is not null as favorite', ), ); } const rows = await builder.getSelectColumns(), ); return this.featureToggleRowConverter.buildFeatureToggleListFromRows( rows, featureQuery, includeDisabledStrategies, ); } async getPlaygroundFeatures( featureQuery: IFeatureToggleQuery, ): Promise { const environment = featureQuery?.environment || DEFAULT_ENV; const archived = false; const builder = this.getBaseFeatureQuery(archived, environment); builder.withDependentFeatureToggles(); builder.addSelectColumn('df.parent as parent'); builder.addSelectColumn('df.variants as parent_variants'); builder.addSelectColumn('df.enabled as parent_enabled'); if (featureQuery?.project) { builder.forProject(featureQuery.project); } const rows = await builder.getSelectColumns(), ); return this.featureToggleRowConverter.buildPlaygroundFeaturesFromRows( rows, featureQuery, ); } async getAll( query: { archived?: boolean; project?: string; stale?: boolean; } = { archived: false }, ): Promise { const { archived, } = query; const rows = await this.db .select(FEATURE_COLUMNS) .from(TABLE) .where(rest) .modify(FeatureToggleStore.filterByArchived, archived); return; } async getArchivedFeatures(project?: string): Promise { const builder = new FeatureToggleListBuilder(this.db, [ ...commonSelectColumns, 'features.archived_at as archived_at', ]); const archived = true; builder.query('features').withLastSeenByEnvironment(archived); builder.addSelectColumn( 'last_seen_at_metrics.last_seen_at as env_last_seen_at', ); builder.addSelectColumn( 'last_seen_at_metrics.environment as last_seen_at_env', ); let rows: any[]; if (project) { rows = await builder.internalQuery .select(builder.getSelectColumns()) .where({ project }) .whereNotNull('archived_at'); } else { rows = await builder.internalQuery .select(builder.getSelectColumns()) .whereNotNull('archived_at'); } return this.featureToggleRowConverter.buildArchivedFeatureToggleListFromRows( rows, ); } async getFeatureTypeCounts({ projectId, archived, }: IFeatureProjectUserParams): Promise { const query = this.db(TABLE) .select('type') .count('type') .groupBy('type'); query .where({ project: projectId, }) .modify(FeatureToggleStore.filterByArchived, archived); const result = await query; return => ({ type: row.type, count: Number(row.count), })); } async getAllByNames(names: string[]): Promise { const query = this.db(TABLE).orderBy('name', 'asc'); query.whereIn('name', names); const rows = await query; return; } async countByDate(queryModifiers: { archived?: boolean; project?: string; date?: string; range?: string[]; dateAccessor: string; }): Promise { const { project, archived, dateAccessor } = queryModifiers; const query = this.db .count() .from(TABLE) .where({ project }) .modify(FeatureToggleStore.filterByArchived, archived); if ( { query.andWhere(dateAccessor, '>=',; } if (queryModifiers.range && queryModifiers.range.length === 2) { query.andWhereBetween(dateAccessor, [ queryModifiers.range[0], queryModifiers.range[1], ]); } const queryResult = await query.first(); return parseInt(queryResult.count || 0); } /** * Get projectId from feature filtered by name. Used by Rbac middleware * @deprecated * @param name */ async getProjectId(name: string): Promise { return this.db .first(['project']) .from(TABLE) .where({ name }) .then((r) => (r ? r.project : undefined)) .catch((e) => { this.logger.error(e); return undefined; }); } async exists(name: string): Promise { const result = await this.db.raw( 'SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM features WHERE name = ?) AS present', [name], ); const { present } = result.rows[0]; return present; } async setLastSeen(data: LastSeenInput[]): Promise { const now = new Date(); const environmentArrays = this.mapMetricDataToEnvBuckets(data); try { for (const env of Object.keys(environmentArrays)) { const toggleNames = environmentArrays[env].sort(); await this.db(FEATURE_ENVIRONMENTS_TABLE) .update({ last_seen_at: now }) .where('environment', env) .whereIn( 'feature_name', this.db(FEATURE_ENVIRONMENTS_TABLE) .select('feature_name') .whereIn('feature_name', toggleNames) .forUpdate() .skipLocked(), ); // Updating the toggle's last_seen_at also for backwards compatibility await this.db(TABLE) .update({ last_seen_at: now }) .whereIn( 'name', this.db(TABLE) .select('name') .whereIn('name', toggleNames) .forUpdate() .skipLocked(), ); } } catch (err) { this.logger.error('Could not update lastSeen, error: ', err); } } private mapMetricDataToEnvBuckets( data: LastSeenInput[], ): EnvironmentFeatureNames { return data.reduce( (acc: EnvironmentFeatureNames, feature: LastSeenInput) => { const { environment, featureName } = feature; if (!acc[environment]) { acc[environment] = []; } acc[environment].push(featureName); return acc; }, {}, ); } static filterByArchived: Knex.QueryCallbackWithArgs = ( queryBuilder: Knex.QueryBuilder, archived: boolean, ) => { return archived ? queryBuilder.whereNotNull('archived_at') : queryBuilder.whereNull('archived_at'); }; rowToFeature(row: FeaturesTable): FeatureToggle { if (!row) { throw new NotFoundError('No feature toggle found'); } return { name:, description: row.description, type: row.type, project: row.project, stale: row.stale, createdAt: row.created_at, lastSeenAt: row.last_seen_at, impressionData: row.impression_data, archivedAt: row.archived_at, archived: row.archived_at != null, }; } rowToEnvVariants(variantRows: VariantDTO[]): IVariant[] { if (!variantRows.length) { return []; } const sortedVariants = (variantRows[0].variants as unknown as IVariant[]) || []; sortedVariants.sort((a, b) =>; return sortedVariants; } insertToRow(project: string, data: FeatureToggleInsert): FeaturesTable { const row = { name:, description: data.description, type: data.type, project, archived_at: data.archived ? new Date() : null, stale: data.stale, created_at: data.createdAt, impression_data: data.impressionData, created_by_user_id: data.createdByUserId, }; if (!row.created_at) { delete row.created_at; } return row; } dtoToUpdateRow( project: string, data: FeatureToggleDTO, ): Omit { const row = { name:, description: data.description, type: data.type, project, archived_at: data.archived ? new Date() : null, stale: data.stale, impression_data: data.impressionData, }; return row; } async create( project: string, data: FeatureToggleInsert, ): Promise { try { const row = await this.db(TABLE) .insert(this.insertToRow(project, data)) .returning(FEATURE_COLUMNS); return this.rowToFeature(row[0]); } catch (err) { this.logger.error('Could not insert feature, error: ', err); if ( typeof err.detail === 'string' && err.detail.includes('already exists') ) { throw new NameExistsError( `Feature ${} already exists`, ); } throw err; } } async update( project: string, data: FeatureToggleDTO, ): Promise { const row = await this.db(TABLE) .where({ name: }) .update(this.dtoToUpdateRow(project, data)) .returning(FEATURE_COLUMNS); return this.rowToFeature(row[0]); } async archive(name: string): Promise { const now = new Date(); const row = await this.db(TABLE) .where({ name }) .update({ archived_at: now }) .returning(FEATURE_COLUMNS); return this.rowToFeature(row[0]); } async batchArchive(names: string[]): Promise { const now = new Date(); const rows = await this.db(TABLE) .whereIn('name', names) .update({ archived_at: now }) .returning(FEATURE_COLUMNS); return => this.rowToFeature(row)); } async batchStale( names: string[], stale: boolean, ): Promise { const rows = await this.db(TABLE) .whereIn('name', names) .update({ stale }) .returning(FEATURE_COLUMNS); return => this.rowToFeature(row)); } async delete(name: string): Promise { await this.db(TABLE) .where({ name }) // Feature toggle must be archived to allow deletion .whereNotNull('archived_at') .del(); } async batchDelete(names: string[]): Promise { await this.db(TABLE) .whereIn('name', names) .whereNotNull('archived_at') .del(); } async revive(name: string): Promise { const row = await this.db(TABLE) .where({ name }) .update({ archived_at: null }) .returning(FEATURE_COLUMNS); return this.rowToFeature(row[0]); } async batchRevive(names: string[]): Promise { const rows = await this.db(TABLE) .whereIn('name', names) .update({ archived_at: null }) .returning(FEATURE_COLUMNS); return => this.rowToFeature(row)); } async disableAllEnvironmentsForFeatures(names: string[]): Promise { await this.db(FEATURE_ENVIRONMENTS_TABLE) .whereIn('feature_name', names) .update({ enabled: false }); } async getVariants(featureName: string): Promise { if (!(await this.exists(featureName))) { throw new NotFoundError('No feature toggle found'); } const row = await this.db(`${TABLE} as f`) .select('fe.variants') .join( `${FEATURE_ENVIRONMENTS_TABLE} as fe`, 'fe.feature_name', '', ) .where({ name: featureName }) .limit(1); return this.rowToEnvVariants(row); } async getVariantsForEnv( featureName: string, environment: string, ): Promise { const row = await this.db(`${TABLE} as f`) .select('fev.variants') .join( `${FEATURE_ENVIRONMENTS_TABLE} as fev`, 'fev.feature_name', '', ) .where({ name: featureName }) .andWhere({ environment }); return this.rowToEnvVariants(row); } async saveVariants( project: string, featureName: string, newVariants: IVariant[], ): Promise { const variantsString = JSON.stringify(newVariants); await this.db('feature_environments') .update('variants', variantsString) .where('feature_name', featureName); const row = await this.db(TABLE).select(FEATURE_COLUMNS).where({ project: project, name: featureName, }); const toggle = this.rowToFeature(row[0]); toggle.variants = newVariants; return toggle; } async updatePotentiallyStaleFeatures(currentTime?: string): Promise< { name: string; potentiallyStale: boolean; project: string; }[] > { const query = this.db.raw( `SELECT name, project, potentially_stale, (? > (features.created_at + ((SELECT feature_types.lifetime_days FROM feature_types WHERE = features.type) * INTERVAL '1 day'))) as current_staleness FROM features WHERE NOT stale = true AND archived_at IS NULL`, [currentTime ||], ); const featuresToUpdate = (await query).rows .filter( ({ potentially_stale, current_staleness }) => (potentially_stale ?? false) !== (current_staleness ?? false), ) .map(({ current_staleness, name, project }) => ({ potentiallyStale: current_staleness ?? false, name, project, })); await this.db(TABLE) .update('potentially_stale', true) .whereIn( 'name', featuresToUpdate .filter((feature) => feature.potentiallyStale === true) .map((feature) =>, ); await this.db(TABLE) .update('potentially_stale', false) .whereIn( 'name', featuresToUpdate .filter((feature) => feature.potentiallyStale !== true) .map((feature) =>, ); return featuresToUpdate; } async isPotentiallyStale(featureName: string): Promise { const result = await this.db(TABLE) .first(['potentially_stale']) .from(TABLE) .where({ name: featureName }); return result?.potentially_stale ?? false; } async setCreatedByUserId(batchSize: number): Promise { const EVENTS_TABLE = 'events'; const USERS_TABLE = 'users'; const API_TOKEN_TABLE = 'api_tokens'; if (!this.flagResolver.isEnabled('createdByUserIdDataMigration')) { return undefined; } const toUpdate = await this.db(`${TABLE} as f`) .joinRaw(`JOIN ${EVENTS_TABLE} AS ev ON ev.feature_name =`) .joinRaw( `LEFT OUTER JOIN ${USERS_TABLE} AS u on ev.created_by = u.username OR ev.created_by =`, ) .joinRaw( `LEFT OUTER JOIN ${API_TOKEN_TABLE} AS t on ev.created_by = t.username`, ) .whereRaw( `f.created_by_user_id IS null AND ev.type = 'feature-created' AND ( IS NOT null OR t.username IS NOT null)`, ) .orderBy('f.created_at', 'desc') .limit(batchSize) .select(['f.*', 'ev.created_by', '', 't.username']); const updatePromises = => { const id = ||; return this.db(TABLE) .update({ created_by_user_id: id }) .where({ name: }); }); await Promise.all(updatePromises); return toUpdate.length; } } module.exports = FeatureToggleStore;