import { Response } from 'express'; import Controller from '../../routes/controller'; import { OpenApiService } from '../../services'; import { IFlagResolver, IUnleashConfig, IUnleashServices, NONE, UPDATE_FEATURE, } from '../../types'; import { Logger } from '../../logger'; import { CreateDependentFeatureSchema, createRequestSchema, createResponseSchema, emptyResponse, getStandardResponses, ParentFeatureOptionsSchema, } from '../../openapi'; import { IAuthRequest } from '../../routes/unleash-types'; import { InvalidOperationError } from '../../error'; import { DependentFeaturesService } from './dependent-features-service'; import { TransactionCreator, UnleashTransaction } from '../../db/transaction'; import { extractUsernameFromUser } from '../../util'; interface ProjectParams { projectId: string; } interface FeatureParams extends ProjectParams { child: string; } interface DeleteDependencyParams extends ProjectParams { child: string; parent: string; } const PATH = '/:projectId/features'; const PATH_FEATURE = `${PATH}/:child`; const PATH_DEPENDENCIES = `${PATH_FEATURE}/dependencies`; const PATH_PARENTS = `${PATH_FEATURE}/parents`; const PATH_DEPENDENCY = `${PATH_FEATURE}/dependencies/:parent`; type DependentFeaturesServices = Pick< IUnleashServices, | 'transactionalDependentFeaturesService' | 'dependentFeaturesService' | 'openApiService' >; export default class DependentFeaturesController extends Controller { private transactionalDependentFeaturesService: ( db: UnleashTransaction, ) => DependentFeaturesService; private dependentFeaturesService: DependentFeaturesService; private readonly startTransaction: TransactionCreator; private openApiService: OpenApiService; private flagResolver: IFlagResolver; private readonly logger: Logger; constructor( config: IUnleashConfig, { transactionalDependentFeaturesService, dependentFeaturesService, openApiService, }: DependentFeaturesServices, startTransaction: TransactionCreator, ) { super(config); this.transactionalDependentFeaturesService = transactionalDependentFeaturesService; this.dependentFeaturesService = dependentFeaturesService; this.openApiService = openApiService; this.flagResolver = config.flagResolver; this.startTransaction = startTransaction; this.logger = config.getLogger( '/dependent-features/dependent-feature-service.ts', ); this.route({ method: 'post', path: PATH_DEPENDENCIES, handler: this.addFeatureDependency, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Features'], summary: 'Add a feature dependency.', description: 'Add a dependency to a parent feature. Each environment will resolve corresponding dependency independently.', operationId: 'addFeatureDependency', requestBody: createRequestSchema( 'createDependentFeatureSchema', ), responses: { 200: emptyResponse, ...getStandardResponses(401, 403, 404), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'delete', path: PATH_DEPENDENCY, handler: this.deleteFeatureDependency, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE, acceptAnyContentType: true, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Features'], summary: 'Deletes a feature dependency.', description: 'Remove a dependency to a parent feature.', operationId: 'deleteFeatureDependency', responses: { 200: emptyResponse, ...getStandardResponses(401, 403, 404), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'delete', path: PATH_DEPENDENCIES, handler: this.deleteFeatureDependencies, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE, acceptAnyContentType: true, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Features'], summary: 'Deletes feature dependencies.', description: 'Remove dependencies to all parent features.', operationId: 'deleteFeatureDependencies', responses: { 200: emptyResponse, ...getStandardResponses(401, 403, 404), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'get', path: PATH_PARENTS, handler: this.getParentOptions, permission: NONE, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Features'], summary: 'List parent options.', description: 'List available parents who have no transitive dependencies.', operationId: 'listParentOptions', responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('parentFeatureOptionsSchema'), ...getStandardResponses(401, 403, 404), }, }), ], }); } async addFeatureDependency( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { child, projectId } = req.params; const { variants, enabled, feature } = req.body; if (this.config.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { await this.startTransaction(async (tx) => this.transactionalDependentFeaturesService( tx, ).upsertFeatureDependency( { child, projectId }, { variants, enabled, feature, }, extractUsernameFromUser(req.user), ), ); res.status(200).end(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'Dependent features are not enabled', ); } } async deleteFeatureDependency( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { child, parent, projectId } = req.params; if (this.config.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { await this.dependentFeaturesService.deleteFeatureDependency( { parent, child, }, projectId, extractUsernameFromUser(req.user), ); res.status(200).end(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'Dependent features are not enabled', ); } } async deleteFeatureDependencies( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { child, projectId } = req.params; if (this.config.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { await this.dependentFeaturesService.deleteFeatureDependencies( child, projectId, extractUsernameFromUser(req.user), ); res.status(200).end(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'Dependent features are not enabled', ); } } async getParentOptions( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response, ): Promise { const { child } = req.params; if (this.config.flagResolver.isEnabled('dependentFeatures')) { const parentOptions = await this.dependentFeaturesService.getParentOptions(child); res.send(parentOptions); } else { throw new InvalidOperationError( 'Dependent features are not enabled', ); } } }