import React, { useMemo } from 'react'; import { getBasePath } from 'utils/formatPath'; import { createPersistentGlobalStateHook } from './usePersistentGlobalState'; import { expired, getDiffInDays, toggleExpiryByTypeMap, } from 'component/Reporting/utils'; import { FeatureSchema } from 'openapi'; export type FeaturesSortType = | 'name' | 'expired' | 'type' | 'enabled' | 'stale' | 'created' | 'last-seen' | 'status' | 'project'; export interface IFeaturesSort { type: FeaturesSortType; desc?: boolean; } export interface IFeaturesSortOutput { sort: IFeaturesSort; sorted: FeatureSchema[]; setSort: React.Dispatch>; } export interface IFeaturesFilterSortOption { type: FeaturesSortType; name: string; } // Store the features sort state globally, and in localStorage. // When changing the format of IFeaturesSort, change the version as well. const useFeaturesSortState = createPersistentGlobalStateHook( `${getBasePath()}:useFeaturesSort:v1`, { type: 'name' } ); export const useFeaturesSort = ( features: FeatureSchema[] ): IFeaturesSortOutput => { const [sort, setSort] = useFeaturesSortState(); const sorted = useMemo(() => { return sortFeatures(features, sort); }, [features, sort]); return { setSort, sort, sorted, }; }; export const createFeaturesFilterSortOptions = (): IFeaturesFilterSortOption[] => { return [ { type: 'name', name: 'Name' }, { type: 'type', name: 'Type' }, { type: 'enabled', name: 'Enabled' }, { type: 'stale', name: 'Stale' }, { type: 'created', name: 'Created' }, { type: 'last-seen', name: 'Last seen' }, { type: 'project', name: 'Project' }, ]; }; const sortAscendingFeatures = ( features: FeatureSchema[], sort: IFeaturesSort ): FeatureSchema[] => { switch (sort.type) { case 'enabled': return sortByEnabled(features); case 'stale': return sortByStale(features); case 'created': return sortByCreated(features); case 'last-seen': return sortByLastSeen(features); case 'name': return sortByName(features); case 'project': return sortByProject(features); case 'type': return sortByType(features); case 'expired': return sortByExpired(features); case 'status': return sortByStatus(features); default: console.error(`Unknown feature sort type: ${sort.type}`); return features; } }; const sortFeatures = ( features: FeatureSchema[], sort: IFeaturesSort ): FeatureSchema[] => { const sorted = sortAscendingFeatures(features, sort); if (sort.desc) { return [...sorted].reverse(); } return sorted; }; const sortByEnabled = ( features: Readonly ): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => a.enabled === b.enabled ? 0 : a.enabled ? -1 : 1 ); }; const sortByStale = (features: Readonly): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => a.stale === b.stale ? 0 : a.stale ? -1 : 1 ); }; const sortByLastSeen = ( features: Readonly ): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => a.lastSeenAt && b.lastSeenAt ? compareNullableDates(b.lastSeenAt, a.lastSeenAt) : a.lastSeenAt ? -1 : b.lastSeenAt ? 1 : compareNullableDates(b.createdAt, a.createdAt) ); }; const sortByCreated = ( features: Readonly ): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => compareNullableDates(b.createdAt, a.createdAt) ); }; const sortByName = (features: Readonly): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) =>; }; const sortByProject = ( features: Readonly ): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => a.project.localeCompare(b.project)); }; const sortByType = (features: Readonly): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => a.type && b.type ? a.type.localeCompare(b.type) : a.type ? 1 : b.type ? -1 : 0 ); }; const compareNullableDates = ( a: Date | null | undefined, b: Date | null | undefined ): number => { return a && b ? a.getTime() - b.getTime() : a ? 1 : b ? -1 : 0; }; const sortByExpired = ( features: Readonly ): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => { const now = new Date(); const dateA = a.createdAt!; const dateB = b.createdAt!; const diffA = getDiffInDays(dateA, now); const diffB = getDiffInDays(dateB, now); if (!expired(diffA, a.type!) && expired(diffB, b.type!)) { return 1; } if (expired(diffA, a.type!) && !expired(diffB, b.type!)) { return -1; } const expiration = toggleExpiryByTypeMap as Record; const expiredByA = a.type ? diffA - expiration[a.type] : 0; const expiredByB = b.type ? diffB - expiration[b.type] : 0; return expiredByB - expiredByA; }); }; const sortByStatus = (features: Readonly): FeatureSchema[] => { return [...features].sort((a, b) => { if (a.stale) { return 1; } else if (b.stale) { return -1; } else { return 0; } }); };