import { Request, Response } from 'express'; import { IUnleashConfig } from '../../types/option'; import { IUnleashServices } from '../../types'; import Controller from '../controller'; import { extractUsername } from '../../util/extract-user'; import { DELETE_FEATURE, NONE, UPDATE_FEATURE } from '../../types/permissions'; import FeatureToggleService from '../../features/feature-toggle/feature-toggle-service'; import { IAuthRequest } from '../unleash-types'; import { featuresSchema, FeaturesSchema, } from '../../openapi/spec/features-schema'; import { serializeDates } from '../../types/serialize-dates'; import { OpenApiService } from '../../services/openapi-service'; import { createResponseSchema } from '../../openapi/util/create-response-schema'; import { emptyResponse, getStandardResponses, } from '../../openapi/util/standard-responses'; import { TransactionCreator, UnleashTransaction } from '../../db/transaction'; export default class ArchiveController extends Controller { private featureService: FeatureToggleService; private transactionalFeatureToggleService: ( db: UnleashTransaction, ) => FeatureToggleService; private readonly startTransaction: TransactionCreator<UnleashTransaction>; private openApiService: OpenApiService; constructor( config: IUnleashConfig, { transactionalFeatureToggleService, featureToggleServiceV2, openApiService, }: Pick< IUnleashServices, | 'transactionalFeatureToggleService' | 'featureToggleServiceV2' | 'openApiService' >, startTransaction: TransactionCreator<UnleashTransaction>, ) { super(config); this.featureService = featureToggleServiceV2; this.openApiService = openApiService; this.transactionalFeatureToggleService = transactionalFeatureToggleService; this.startTransaction = startTransaction; this.route({ method: 'get', path: '/features', handler: this.getArchivedFeatures, permission: NONE, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Archive'], summary: 'Get archived features', description: 'Retrieve a list of all [archived feature toggles](', operationId: 'getArchivedFeatures', responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featuresSchema'), ...getStandardResponses(401, 403), }, deprecated: true, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'get', path: '/features/:projectId', handler: this.getArchivedFeaturesByProjectId, permission: NONE, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Archive'], operationId: 'getArchivedFeaturesByProjectId', summary: 'Get archived features in project', description: 'Retrieves a list of archived features that belong to the provided project.', responses: { 200: createResponseSchema('featuresSchema'), ...getStandardResponses(401, 403), }, deprecated: true, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'delete', path: '/:featureName', acceptAnyContentType: true, handler: this.deleteFeature, permission: DELETE_FEATURE, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Archive'], description: 'This endpoint archives the specified feature.', summary: 'Archives a feature', operationId: 'deleteFeature', responses: { 200: emptyResponse, ...getStandardResponses(401, 403), }, }), ], }); this.route({ method: 'post', path: '/revive/:featureName', acceptAnyContentType: true, handler: this.reviveFeature, permission: UPDATE_FEATURE, middleware: [ openApiService.validPath({ tags: ['Archive'], description: 'This endpoint revives the specified feature from archive.', summary: 'Revives a feature', operationId: 'reviveFeature', responses: { 200: emptyResponse, ...getStandardResponses(400, 401, 403), }, }), ], }); } async getArchivedFeatures( req: IAuthRequest, res: Response<FeaturesSchema>, ): Promise<void> { const { user } = req; const features = await this.featureService.getMetadataForAllFeatures( true,, ); this.openApiService.respondWithValidation( 200, res, featuresSchema.$id, { version: 2, features: serializeDates(features) }, ); } async getArchivedFeaturesByProjectId( req: Request<{ projectId: string }, any, any, any>, res: Response<FeaturesSchema>, ): Promise<void> { const { projectId } = req.params; const features = await this.featureService.getMetadataForAllFeaturesByProjectId( true, projectId, ); this.openApiService.respondWithValidation( 200, res, featuresSchema.$id, { version: 2, features: serializeDates(features) }, ); } async deleteFeature( req: IAuthRequest<{ featureName: string }>, res: Response<void>, ): Promise<void> { const { featureName } = req.params; const user = extractUsername(req); await this.featureService.deleteFeature(featureName, user); res.status(200).end(); } async reviveFeature( req: IAuthRequest<{ featureName: string }>, res: Response<void>, ): Promise<void> { const userName = extractUsername(req); const { featureName } = req.params; await this.startTransaction(async (tx) => this.transactionalFeatureToggleService(tx).reviveFeature( featureName, userName, ), ); res.status(200).end(); } } module.exports = ArchiveController;