import createStores from '../../test/fixtures/store'; import getLogger from '../../test/fixtures/no-logger'; import StateService from './state-service'; import { FEATURE_IMPORT, DROP_FEATURES, STRATEGY_IMPORT, DROP_STRATEGIES, TAG_TYPE_IMPORT, TAG_IMPORT, PROJECT_IMPORT, } from '../types/events'; import { GLOBAL_ENV } from '../types/environment'; const oldExportExample = require('./state-service-export-v1.json'); function getSetup() { const stores = createStores(); return { stateService: new StateService(stores, { getLogger, flagResolver: { isEnabled: () => true, getAll: () => ({}) }, }), stores, }; } async function setupV3VariantsCompatibilityScenario( variantsPerEnvironment: boolean, ) { const stores = createStores(); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'env-1', type: 'production', sortOrder: 3, }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'env-2', type: 'production', sortOrder: 1, }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'env-3', type: 'production', sortOrder: 2, }); await stores.featureToggleStore.create('some-project', { name: 'Feature-with-variants', }); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addEnvironmentToFeature( 'Feature-with-variants', 'env-1', true, ); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addEnvironmentToFeature( 'Feature-with-variants', 'env-2', true, ); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addEnvironmentToFeature( 'Feature-with-variants', 'env-3', true, ); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addVariantsToFeatureEnvironment( 'Feature-with-variants', 'env-1', [ { name: 'env-1-variant', stickiness: 'default', weight: 1000, weightType: 'variable', }, ], ); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addVariantsToFeatureEnvironment( 'Feature-with-variants', 'env-2', [ { name: 'env-2-variant', stickiness: 'default', weight: 1000, weightType: 'variable', }, ], ); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addVariantsToFeatureEnvironment( 'Feature-with-variants', 'env-3', [ { name: 'env-3-variant', stickiness: 'default', weight: 1000, weightType: 'variable', }, ], ); return { stateService: new StateService(stores, { getLogger, flagResolver: { isEnabled: () => variantsPerEnvironment, getAll: () => ({}), }, }), stores, }; } test('should import a feature', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { features: [ { name: 'new-feature', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }, ], }; await stateService.import({ data }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(1); expect(events[0].type).toBe(FEATURE_IMPORT); expect(events[0]'new-feature'); }); test('should not import an existing feature', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { features: [ { name: 'new-feature', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }, ], }; await stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', data.features[0]); await stateService.import({ data, keepExisting: true }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should not keep existing feature if drop-before-import', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { features: [ { name: 'new-feature', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }, ], }; await stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', data.features[0]); await stateService.import({ data, keepExisting: true, dropBeforeImport: true, }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(2); expect(events[0].type).toBe(DROP_FEATURES); expect(events[1].type).toBe(FEATURE_IMPORT); }); test('should drop feature before import if specified', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { features: [ { name: 'new-feature', enabled: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }, ], }; await stateService.import({ data, dropBeforeImport: true }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(2); expect(events[0].type).toBe(DROP_FEATURES); expect(events[1].type).toBe(FEATURE_IMPORT); expect(events[1]'new-feature'); }); test('should import a strategy', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { strategies: [ { name: 'new-strategy', parameters: [], }, ], }; await stateService.import({ data }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(1); expect(events[0].type).toBe(STRATEGY_IMPORT); expect(events[0]'new-strategy'); }); test('should not import an existing strategy', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { strategies: [ { name: 'new-strategy', parameters: [], }, ], }; await stores.strategyStore.createStrategy(data.strategies[0]); await stateService.import({ data, keepExisting: true }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should drop strategies before import if specified', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { strategies: [ { name: 'new-strategy', parameters: [], }, ], }; await stateService.import({ data, dropBeforeImport: true }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(2); expect(events[0].type).toBe(DROP_STRATEGIES); expect(events[1].type).toBe(STRATEGY_IMPORT); expect(events[1]'new-strategy'); }); test('should drop neither features nor strategies when neither is imported', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = {}; await stateService.import({ data, dropBeforeImport: true }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should not accept gibberish', async () => { const { stateService } = getSetup(); const data1 = { type: 'gibberish', flags: { evil: true }, }; const data2 = '{somerandomtext/'; await expect(async () => stateService.import({ data: data1 }), ).rejects.toThrow(); await expect(async () => stateService.import({ data: data2 }), ).rejects.toThrow(); }); test('should export featureToggles', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); await stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', { name: 'a-feature', }); const data = await stateService.export({ includeFeatureToggles: true }); expect(data.features).toHaveLength(1); expect(data.features[0].name).toBe('a-feature'); }); test('archived feature toggles should not be included', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); await stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', { name: 'a-feature', archived: true, }); const data = await stateService.export({ includeFeatureToggles: true }); expect(data.features).toHaveLength(0); }); test('featureStrategy connected to an archived feature toggle should not be included', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const featureName = 'fstrat-archived-feature'; await stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', { name: featureName, archived: true, }); await stores.featureStrategiesStore.createStrategyFeatureEnv({ featureName, strategyName: 'fstrat-archived-strat', environment: GLOBAL_ENV, constraints: [], parameters: {}, projectId: 'default', }); const data = await stateService.export({ includeFeatureToggles: true }); expect(data.featureStrategies).toHaveLength(0); }); test('featureStrategy connected to a feature should be included', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const featureName = 'fstrat-feature'; await stores.featureToggleStore.create('default', { name: featureName, }); await stores.featureStrategiesStore.createStrategyFeatureEnv({ featureName, strategyName: 'fstrat-strat', environment: GLOBAL_ENV, constraints: [], parameters: {}, projectId: 'default', }); const data = await stateService.export({ includeFeatureToggles: true }); expect(data.featureStrategies).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should export strategies', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); await stores.strategyStore.createStrategy({ name: 'a-strategy', editable: true, }); const data = await stateService.export({ includeStrategies: true }); expect(data.strategies).toHaveLength(1); expect(data.strategies[0].name).toBe('a-strategy'); }); test('should import a tag and tag type', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { tagTypes: [ { name: 'simple', description: 'some description', icon: '#' }, ], tags: [{ type: 'simple', value: 'test' }], }; await stateService.import({ data }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(2); expect(events[0].type).toBe(TAG_TYPE_IMPORT); expect(events[0]'simple'); expect(events[1].type).toBe(TAG_IMPORT); expect(events[1].data.value).toBe('test'); }); test('Should not import an existing tag', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { tagTypes: [ { name: 'simple', description: 'some description', icon: '#' }, ], tags: [{ type: 'simple', value: 'test' }], featureTags: [ { featureName: 'demo-feature', tagType: 'simple', tagValue: 'test', }, ], }; await stores.tagTypeStore.createTagType(data.tagTypes[0]); await stores.tagStore.createTag(data.tags[0]); await stores.featureTagStore.tagFeature(data.featureTags[0].featureName, { type: data.featureTags[0].tagType, value: data.featureTags[0].tagValue, }); await stateService.import({ data, keepExisting: true }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(0); }); test('Should not keep existing tags if drop-before-import', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const notSoSimple = { name: 'notsosimple', description: 'some other description', icon: '#', }; const slack = { name: 'slack', description: 'slack tags', icon: '#', }; await stores.tagTypeStore.createTagType(notSoSimple); await stores.tagTypeStore.createTagType(slack); const data = { tagTypes: [ { name: 'simple', description: 'some description', icon: '#' }, ], tags: [{ type: 'simple', value: 'test' }], featureTags: [ { featureName: 'demo-feature', tagType: 'simple', tagValue: 'test', }, ], }; await stateService.import({ data, dropBeforeImport: true }); const tagTypes = await stores.tagTypeStore.getAll(); expect(tagTypes).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should export tag, tagtypes but not feature tags if the feature is not exported', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { tagTypes: [ { name: 'simple', description: 'some description', icon: '#' }, ], tags: [{ type: 'simple', value: 'test' }], featureTags: [ { featureName: 'demo-feature', tagType: 'simple', tagValue: 'test', }, ], }; await stores.tagTypeStore.createTagType(data.tagTypes[0]); await stores.tagStore.createTag(data.tags[0]); await stores.featureTagStore.tagFeature(data.featureTags[0].featureName, { type: data.featureTags[0].tagType, value: data.featureTags[0].tagValue, }); const exported = await stateService.export({ includeFeatureToggles: false, includeStrategies: false, includeTags: true, includeProjects: false, }); expect(exported.tags).toHaveLength(1); expect(exported.tags[0].type).toBe(data.tags[0].type); expect(exported.tags[0].value).toBe(data.tags[0].value); expect(exported.tagTypes).toHaveLength(1); expect(exported.tagTypes[0].name).toBe(data.tagTypes[0].name); expect(exported.featureTags).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should export tag, tagtypes, featureTags and features', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { tagTypes: [ { name: 'simple', description: 'some description', icon: '#' }, ], tags: [{ type: 'simple', value: 'test' }], featureTags: [ { featureName: 'demo-feature', tagType: 'simple', tagValue: 'test', }, ], }; await stores.tagTypeStore.createTagType(data.tagTypes[0]); await stores.tagStore.createTag(data.tags[0]); await stores.featureTagStore.tagFeature(data.featureTags[0].featureName, { type: data.featureTags[0].tagType, value: data.featureTags[0].tagValue, }); const exported = await stateService.export({ includeFeatureToggles: true, includeStrategies: false, includeTags: true, includeProjects: false, }); expect(exported.tags).toHaveLength(1); expect(exported.tags[0].type).toBe(data.tags[0].type); expect(exported.tags[0].value).toBe(data.tags[0].value); expect(exported.tagTypes).toHaveLength(1); expect(exported.tagTypes[0].name).toBe(data.tagTypes[0].name); expect(exported.featureTags).toHaveLength(1); expect(exported.featureTags[0].featureName).toBe( data.featureTags[0].featureName, ); expect(exported.featureTags[0].tagType).toBe(data.featureTags[0].tagType); expect(exported.featureTags[0].tagValue).toBe(data.featureTags[0].tagValue); }); test('should import a project', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { projects: [ { id: 'default', name: 'default', description: 'Some fancy description for project', }, ], }; await stateService.import({ data }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(1); expect(events[0].type).toBe(PROJECT_IMPORT); expect(events[0]'default'); }); test('Should not import an existing project', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { projects: [ { id: 'default', name: 'default', description: 'Some fancy description for project', }, ], }; await stores.projectStore.create(data.projects[0]); await stateService.import({ data, keepExisting: true }); const events = await stores.eventStore.getEvents(); expect(events).toHaveLength(0); await stateService.import({ data }); }); test('Should drop projects before import if specified', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); const data = { projects: [ { id: 'default', name: 'default', description: 'Some fancy description for project', }, ], }; await stores.projectStore.create({ id: 'fancy', name: 'extra', description: 'Not expected to be seen after import', }); await stateService.import({ data, dropBeforeImport: true }); const hasProject = await stores.projectStore.hasProject('fancy'); expect(hasProject).toBe(false); }); test('Should export projects', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); await stores.projectStore.create({ id: 'fancy', name: 'extra', description: 'No surprises here', }); const exported = await stateService.export({ includeFeatureToggles: false, includeStrategies: false, includeTags: false, includeProjects: true, }); expect(exported.projects[0].id).toBe('fancy'); expect(exported.projects[0].name).toBe('extra'); expect(exported.projects[0].description).toBe('No surprises here'); }); test('exporting to new format works', async () => { const stores = createStores(); const stateService = new StateService(stores, { getLogger, flagResolver: { isEnabled: () => true, getAll: () => ({}) }, }); await stores.projectStore.create({ id: 'fancy', name: 'extra', description: 'No surprises here', }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'dev', type: 'development', }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'prod', type: 'production', }); await stores.featureToggleStore.create('fancy', { name: 'Some-feature', }); await stores.strategyStore.createStrategy({ name: 'format' }); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addEnvironmentToFeature( 'Some-feature', 'dev', true, ); await stores.featureStrategiesStore.createStrategyFeatureEnv({ featureName: 'Some-feature', projectId: 'fancy', strategyName: 'format', environment: 'dev', parameters: {}, constraints: [], }); await stores.featureTagStore.tagFeature('Some-feature', { type: 'simple', value: 'Test', }); const exported = await stateService.export({}); expect(exported.featureStrategies).toHaveLength(1); }); test('exporting with no environments should fail', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = await setupV3VariantsCompatibilityScenario( false, ); await stores.environmentStore.deleteAll(); expect(stateService.export({})).rejects.toThrowError(); }); // This test should be removed as soon as variants per environment is GA test('exporting variants to v3 format should pick variants from the correct env', async () => { const { stateService } = await setupV3VariantsCompatibilityScenario(false); const exported = await stateService.export({}); expect(exported.features).toHaveLength(1); // env 2 has the lowest sortOrder so we expect env-2-variant to be selected expect(exported.features[0].variants).toStrictEqual([ { name: 'env-2-variant', stickiness: 'default', weight: 1000, weightType: 'variable', }, ]); exported.featureEnvironments.forEach((fe) => expect(fe.variants).toBeUndefined(), ); expect(exported.environments).toHaveLength(3); }); test('exporting variants to v4 format should not include variants in features', async () => { const { stateService } = await setupV3VariantsCompatibilityScenario(true); const exported = await stateService.export({}); expect(exported.features).toHaveLength(1); expect(exported.features[0].variants).toBeUndefined(); exported.featureEnvironments.forEach((fe) => { expect(fe.variants).toHaveLength(1); expect(fe.variants[0].name).toBe(`${fe.environment}-variant`); }); expect(exported.environments).toHaveLength(3); }); test('featureStrategies can keep existing', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); await stores.projectStore.create({ id: 'fancy', name: 'extra', description: 'No surprises here', }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'dev', type: 'development', }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'prod', type: 'production', }); await stores.featureToggleStore.create('fancy', { name: 'Some-feature', }); await stores.strategyStore.createStrategy({ name: 'format' }); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addEnvironmentToFeature( 'Some-feature', 'dev', true, ); await stores.featureStrategiesStore.createStrategyFeatureEnv({ featureName: 'Some-feature', projectId: 'fancy', strategyName: 'format', environment: 'dev', parameters: {}, constraints: [], }); await stores.featureTagStore.tagFeature('Some-feature', { type: 'simple', value: 'Test', }); const exported = await stateService.export({}); await stateService.import({ data: exported, userName: 'testing', keepExisting: true, }); expect(await stores.featureStrategiesStore.getAll()).toHaveLength(1); }); test('featureStrategies should not keep existing if dropBeforeImport', async () => { const { stateService, stores } = getSetup(); await stores.projectStore.create({ id: 'fancy', name: 'extra', description: 'No surprises here', }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'dev', type: 'development', }); await stores.environmentStore.create({ name: 'prod', type: 'production', }); await stores.featureToggleStore.create('fancy', { name: 'Some-feature', }); await stores.strategyStore.createStrategy({ name: 'format' }); await stores.featureEnvironmentStore.addEnvironmentToFeature( 'Some-feature', 'dev', true, ); await stores.featureStrategiesStore.createStrategyFeatureEnv({ featureName: 'Some-feature', projectId: 'fancy', strategyName: 'format', environment: 'dev', parameters: {}, constraints: [], }); await stores.featureTagStore.tagFeature('Some-feature', { type: 'simple', value: 'Test', }); const exported = await stateService.export({}); exported.featureStrategies = []; await stateService.import({ data: exported, userName: 'testing', keepExisting: true, dropBeforeImport: true, }); expect(await stores.featureStrategiesStore.getAll()).toHaveLength(0); }); test('Import v1 and exporting v2 should work', async () => { const { stateService } = getSetup(); await stateService.import({ data: oldExportExample, dropBeforeImport: true, userName: 'testing', }); const exported = await stateService.export({}); const strategiesCount = oldExportExample.features.reduce( (acc, f) => acc + f.strategies.length, 0, ); expect( exported.features.every((f) => oldExportExample.features.some((old) => ===, ), ).toBeTruthy(); expect(exported.featureStrategies).toHaveLength(strategiesCount); });