import type { FromSchema } from 'json-schema-to-ts'; export const changePasswordSchema = { $id: '#/components/schemas/changePasswordSchema', type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, required: ['token', 'password'], description: 'Change password as long as the token is a valid token', properties: { token: { description: 'A reset token used to validate that the user is allowed to change the password.', type: 'string', example: '$2a$15$QzeW/y5/MEppCWVEkoX5euejobYOLSd4We21LQjjKlWH9l2I3wCke', }, password: { type: 'string', description: 'The new password for the user', example: 'correct horse battery staple', }, }, components: {}, } as const; export type ChangePasswordSchema = FromSchema;