const test = require('ava'); const dbInit = require('../helpers/database-init'); const getLogger = require('../../fixtures/no-logger'); // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved const { AccessService, RoleName, ALL_PROJECTS, } = require('../../../lib/services/access-service'); const permissions = require('../../../lib/permissions'); const User = require('../../../lib/user'); let db; let stores; let accessService; let regularUser; let superUser; let regularRole; let adminRole; let readRole; const createUserWithRegularAccess = async (name, email) => { const { userStore } = stores; const user = await userStore.insert(new User({ name, email })); await accessService.addUserToRole(,; return user; }; const createSuperUser = async () => { const { userStore } = stores; const user = await userStore.insert( new User({ name: 'Alice Admin', email: '' }), ); await accessService.addUserToRole(,; return user; }; test.before(async () => { db = await dbInit('access_service_serial', getLogger); stores = db.stores; // projectStore = stores.projectStore; accessService = new AccessService(stores, { getLogger }); const roles = await accessService.getRootRoles(); regularRole = roles.find(r => === RoleName.REGULAR); adminRole = roles.find(r => === RoleName.ADMIN); readRole = roles.find(r => === RoleName.READ); regularUser = await createUserWithRegularAccess( 'Bob Test', '', ); superUser = await createSuperUser(); }); test.after(async () => { await db.destroy(); }); test.serial('should have access to admin addons', async t => { const { CREATE_ADDON, UPDATE_ADDON, DELETE_ADDON } = permissions; const user = regularUser; t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_ADDON)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_ADDON)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_ADDON)); }); test.serial('should have access to admin strategies', async t => { const { CREATE_STRATEGY, UPDATE_STRATEGY, DELETE_STRATEGY } = permissions; const user = regularUser; t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_STRATEGY)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_STRATEGY)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_STRATEGY)); }); test.serial('should have access to admin contexts', async t => { const { CREATE_CONTEXT_FIELD, UPDATE_CONTEXT_FIELD, DELETE_CONTEXT_FIELD, } = permissions; const user = regularUser; t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_CONTEXT_FIELD)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_CONTEXT_FIELD)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_CONTEXT_FIELD)); }); test.serial('should have access to create projects', async t => { const { CREATE_PROJECT } = permissions; const user = regularUser; t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_PROJECT)); }); test.serial('should have access to update applications', async t => { const { UPDATE_APPLICATION } = permissions; const user = regularUser; t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_APPLICATION)); }); test.serial('should not have admin permission', async t => { const { ADMIN } = permissions; const user = regularUser; t.false(await accessService.hasPermission(user, ADMIN)); }); test.serial('should have project admin to default project', async t => { const { DELETE_PROJECT, UPDATE_PROJECT, CREATE_FEATURE, UPDATE_FEATURE, DELETE_FEATURE, } = permissions; const user = regularUser; t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_PROJECT, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_PROJECT, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_FEATURE, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_FEATURE, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_FEATURE, 'default')); }); test.serial('should grant regular CREATE_FEATURE on all projects', async t => { const { CREATE_FEATURE } = permissions; const user = regularUser; await accessService.addPermissionToRole(, permissions.CREATE_FEATURE, ALL_PROJECTS, ); t.true( await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_FEATURE, 'some-project'), ); }); test.serial('cannot add CREATE_FEATURE without defining project', async t => { await t.throwsAsync( async () => { await accessService.addPermissionToRole(, permissions.CREATE_FEATURE, ); }, { instanceOf: Error, message: 'ProjectId cannot be empty for permission=CREATE_FEATURE', }, ); }); test.serial( 'cannot remove CREATE_FEATURE without defining project', async t => { await t.throwsAsync( async () => { await accessService.removePermissionFromRole(, permissions.CREATE_FEATURE, ); }, { instanceOf: Error, message: 'ProjectId cannot be empty for permission=CREATE_FEATURE', }, ); }, ); test.serial('should remove CREATE_FEATURE on all projects', async t => { const { CREATE_FEATURE } = permissions; const user = regularUser; await accessService.addPermissionToRole(, permissions.CREATE_FEATURE, ALL_PROJECTS, ); await accessService.removePermissionFromRole(, permissions.CREATE_FEATURE, ALL_PROJECTS, ); t.false( await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_FEATURE, 'some-project'), ); }); test.serial('admin should be admin', async t => { const { DELETE_PROJECT, UPDATE_PROJECT, CREATE_FEATURE, UPDATE_FEATURE, DELETE_FEATURE, ADMIN, } = permissions; const user = superUser; t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_PROJECT, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_PROJECT, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_FEATURE, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_FEATURE, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_FEATURE, 'default')); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, ADMIN)); }); test.serial('should create default roles to project', async t => { const { DELETE_PROJECT, UPDATE_PROJECT, CREATE_FEATURE, UPDATE_FEATURE, DELETE_FEATURE, } = permissions; const project = 'some-project'; const user = regularUser; await accessService.createDefaultProjectRoles(user, project); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_PROJECT, project)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_PROJECT, project)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, CREATE_FEATURE, project)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, UPDATE_FEATURE, project)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(user, DELETE_FEATURE, project)); }); test.serial( 'should require name when create default roles to project', async t => { await t.throwsAsync( async () => { await accessService.createDefaultProjectRoles(regularUser); }, { instanceOf: Error, message: 'ProjectId cannot be empty' }, ); }, ); test.serial('should grant user access to project', async t => { const { DELETE_PROJECT, UPDATE_PROJECT, CREATE_FEATURE, UPDATE_FEATURE, DELETE_FEATURE, } = permissions; const project = 'another-project'; const user = regularUser; const sUser = await createUserWithRegularAccess( 'Some Random', '', ); await accessService.createDefaultProjectRoles(user, project); const roles = await accessService.getRolesForProject(project); const projectRole = roles.find( r => === 'Regular' && r.project === project, ); await accessService.addUserToRole(,; // Should be able to update feature toggles inside the project t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, CREATE_FEATURE, project)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, UPDATE_FEATURE, project)); t.true(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, DELETE_FEATURE, project)); // Should not be able to admin the project itself. t.false(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, UPDATE_PROJECT, project)); t.false(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, DELETE_PROJECT, project)); }); test.serial('should not get access if not specifying project', async t => { const { CREATE_FEATURE, UPDATE_FEATURE, DELETE_FEATURE } = permissions; const project = 'another-project-2'; const user = regularUser; const sUser = await createUserWithRegularAccess( 'Some Random', '', ); await accessService.createDefaultProjectRoles(user, project); const roles = await accessService.getRolesForProject(project); const projectRole = roles.find( r => === 'Regular' && r.project === project, ); await accessService.addUserToRole(,; // Should not be able to update feature toggles outside project t.false(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, CREATE_FEATURE)); t.false(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, UPDATE_FEATURE)); t.false(await accessService.hasPermission(sUser, DELETE_FEATURE)); }); test.serial('should remove user from role', async t => { const { userStore } = stores; const user = await userStore.insert( new User({ name: 'Some User', email: '' }), ); await accessService.addUserToRole(,; // check user has one role const userRoles = await accessService.getRolesForUser(;, 1);[0].name, 'Regular'); await accessService.removeUserFromRole(,; const userRolesAfterRemove = await accessService.getRolesForUser(;, 0); }); test.serial('should return role with users', async t => { const { userStore } = stores; const user = await userStore.insert( new User({ name: 'Some User', email: '' }), ); await accessService.addUserToRole(,; const roleWithUsers = await accessService.getRole(;, 'Regular'); t.true(roleWithUsers.users.length > 2); t.truthy(roleWithUsers.users.find(u => ===; t.truthy(roleWithUsers.users.find(u => ===; }); test.serial('should return role with permissions and users', async t => { const { userStore } = stores; const user = await userStore.insert( new User({ name: 'Some User', email: '' }), ); await accessService.addUserToRole(,; const roleWithPermission = await accessService.getRole(;, 'Regular'); t.true(roleWithPermission.permissions.length > 2); t.truthy( roleWithPermission.permissions.find( p => p.permission === permissions.CREATE_PROJECT, ), ); t.true(roleWithPermission.users.length > 2); }); test.serial('should return list of permissions', async t => { const p = await accessService.getPermissions(); const findPerm = perm => p.find(_ => === perm); const { DELETE_FEATURE, UPDATE_FEATURE, CREATE_FEATURE, UPDATE_PROJECT, CREATE_PROJECT, } = permissions; t.true(p.length > 2);, 'root');, 'project');, 'project');, 'project');, 'project'); }); test.serial('should set root role for user', async t => { const { userStore } = stores; const user = await userStore.insert( new User({ name: 'Some User', email: '' }), ); await accessService.setUserRootRole(,; const roles = await accessService.getRolesForUser(;, 1);[0].name, RoleName.REGULAR); }); test.serial('should switch root role for user', async t => { const { userStore } = stores; const user = await userStore.insert( new User({ name: 'Some User', email: '' }), ); await accessService.setUserRootRole(,; await accessService.setUserRootRole(,; const roles = await accessService.getRolesForUser(;, 1);[0].name, RoleName.READ); });