import { IEvent, FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_ENABLED } from '../types/events'; import SlackAppAddon from './slack-app'; import { ChatPostMessageArguments, ErrorCode } from '@slack/web-api'; const slackApiCalls: ChatPostMessageArguments[] = []; const conversationsList = jest.fn(); let postMessage = jest.fn().mockImplementation((options) => { slackApiCalls.push(options); return Promise.resolve(); }); jest.mock('@slack/web-api', () => ({ WebClient: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ conversations: { list: conversationsList.mockImplementation(() => ({ channels: [ { id: 1, name: 'general', }, { id: 2, name: 'another-channel-1', }, { id: 3, name: 'another-channel-2', }, ], })), }, chat: { postMessage, }, on: jest.fn(), })), ErrorCode: { PlatformError: 'slack_webapi_platform_error', }, WebClientEvent: { RATE_LIMITED: 'rate_limited', }, })); describe('SlackAppAddon', () => { let addon; const accessToken = 'test-access-token'; const loggerMock = { debug: jest.fn(), info: jest.fn(), warn: jest.fn(), error: jest.fn(), fatal: jest.fn(), }; const getLogger = jest.fn(() => loggerMock); const mockError = { code: ErrorCode.PlatformError, data: 'Platform error message', }; const event: IEvent = { id: 1, createdAt: new Date(), type: FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_ENABLED, createdBy: '', project: 'default', featureName: 'some-toggle', environment: 'development', data: { name: 'some-toggle', enabled: false, type: 'release', strategies: [{ name: 'default' }], }, tags: [{ type: 'slack', value: 'general' }], }; beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); slackApiCalls.length = 0; conversationsList.mockClear(); postMessage.mockClear(); addon = new SlackAppAddon({ getLogger, unleashUrl: '', }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); addon.destroy(); }); it('should post message when feature is toggled', async () => { await addon.handleEvent(event, { accessToken }); expect(slackApiCalls.length).toBe(1); expect(slackApiCalls[0].channel).toBe(1); expect(slackApiCalls[0]).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should post to all channels in tags', async () => { const eventWith2Tags: IEvent = { ...event, tags: [ { type: 'slack', value: 'general' }, { type: 'slack', value: 'another-channel-1' }, ], }; await addon.handleEvent(eventWith2Tags, { accessToken }); expect(slackApiCalls.length).toBe(2); expect(slackApiCalls[0].channel).toBe(1); expect(slackApiCalls[0]).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(slackApiCalls[1].channel).toBe(2); expect(slackApiCalls[1]).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should not post to unexisting tagged channels', async () => { const eventWithUnexistingTaggedChannel: IEvent = { ...event, tags: [ { type: 'slack', value: 'random' }, { type: 'slack', value: 'another-channel-1' }, ], }; await addon.handleEvent(eventWithUnexistingTaggedChannel, { accessToken, }); expect(slackApiCalls.length).toBe(1); expect(slackApiCalls[0].channel).toBe(2); expect(slackApiCalls[0]).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should cache Slack channels', async () => { await addon.handleEvent(event, { accessToken }); await addon.handleEvent(event, { accessToken }); expect(slackApiCalls.length).toBe(2); expect(conversationsList).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should refresh Slack channels cache after 30 seconds', async () => { await addon.handleEvent(event, { accessToken }); jest.advanceTimersByTime(30000); await addon.handleEvent(event, { accessToken }); expect(slackApiCalls.length).toBe(2); expect(conversationsList).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it('should not post a message if there are no tagged channels and no defaultChannels', async () => { const eventWithoutTags: IEvent = { ...event, tags: [], }; await addon.handleEvent(eventWithoutTags, { accessToken, }); expect(slackApiCalls.length).toBe(0); }); it('should use defaultChannels if no tagged channels are found', async () => { const eventWithoutTags: IEvent = { ...event, tags: [], }; await addon.handleEvent(eventWithoutTags, { accessToken, defaultChannels: 'general, another-channel-1', }); expect(slackApiCalls.length).toBe(2); expect(slackApiCalls[0].channel).toBe(1); expect(slackApiCalls[0]).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(slackApiCalls[1].channel).toBe(2); expect(slackApiCalls[1]).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should log error when an API call fails', async () => { postMessage = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(mockError); await addon.handleEvent(event, { accessToken }); expect(loggerMock.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Error handling event ${event.type}. A platform error occurred: Platform error message`, expect.any(Object), ); }); it('should handle rejections in chat.postMessage', async () => { const eventWith3Tags: IEvent = { ...event, tags: [ { type: 'slack', value: 'general' }, { type: 'slack', value: 'another-channel-1' }, { type: 'slack', value: 'another-channel-2' }, ], }; postMessage = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValueOnce({ ok: true }) .mockResolvedValueOnce({ ok: true }) .mockRejectedValueOnce(mockError); await addon.handleEvent(eventWith3Tags, { accessToken }); expect(postMessage).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(loggerMock.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Error handling event ${FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_ENABLED}. A platform error occurred: Platform error message`, expect.any(Object), ); expect( `Handled event ${FEATURE_ENVIRONMENT_ENABLED} dispatching 2 out of 3 messages successfully.`, ); }); });