node_modules lerna-debug npm-debug .DS_Store /dist .vscode # Logs logs *.log # Runtime data pids *.pid *.seed # Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover lib-cov # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul # coverage coverage/lcov-report # Compiled binary addons ( build/Release # liquibase stuff /sql unleash-db.jar unleash-server.tar.gz # idea stuff: .idea/* .vagrant/ # Visual Studio Code jsconfig.json typings .nyc_output # Emacs, nix, devenv, pijul # Only Thomas uses this and he doesn't want to add it to the repo .devenv .devenv.flake.nix .dir-locals.el .envrc shell.nix # Pijul + ignore .ignore .pijul # Custom hooks in husky directory .husky/pre-push .husky/prepare-commit-msg # We use yarn.lock package-lock.json # Website stuff /website/build /website/backers.json /website/node_modules /website/translated_docs /website/i18n/* .env # Ignore frontend build frontend/build # Ignore orval apis frontend/src/openapi/apis frontend/src/openapi/index.ts # Generated docs website/docs/reference/api/**/sidebar.ts website/docs/reference/api/**/**.info.mdx website/docs/generated reports/jest-junit.xml # Yarn ( .pnp.* .yarn/* !.yarn/patches !.yarn/plugins !.yarn/releases !.yarn/sdks !.yarn/versions frontend/.yarn/* !frontend/.yarn/patches !frontend/.yarn/plugins !frontend/.yarn/releases !frontend/.yarn/sdks !frontend/.yarn/versions docker/.yarn/* !docker/.yarn/patches !docker/.yarn/plugins !docker/.yarn/releases !docker/.yarn/sdks !docker/.yarn/versions website/.yarn/* !website/.yarn/patches !website/.yarn/plugins !website/.yarn/releases !website/.yarn/sdks !website/.yarn/versions