import { Button, styled, TextField } from '@mui/material'; import type React from 'react'; import { useState } from 'react'; import { ConditionallyRender } from 'component/common/ConditionallyRender/ConditionallyRender'; import { useUserFeedbackApi } from 'hooks/api/actions/useUserFeedbackApi/useUserFeedbackApi'; import useToast from 'hooks/useToast'; import useUserType from '../feedbackNew/useUserType'; const StyledContainer = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', padding: theme.spacing(2), gap: theme.spacing(1), })); const StyledText = styled('span')(({ theme }) => ({ fontSize: theme.fontSizes.bodySize, })); const StyledButton = styled(Button)(({ theme }) => ({ fontSize: theme.spacing(1.5), })); interface ICommandBarFeedbackProps { onSubmit: () => void; } export const CommandBarFeedback = ({ onSubmit }: ICommandBarFeedbackProps) => { const userType = useUserType(); const { addFeedback } = useUserFeedbackApi(); const { setToastData } = useToast(); const [suggesting, setSuggesting] = useState(false); const [feedback, setFeedback] = useState(undefined); const changeFeedback = (event: React.ChangeEvent) => { setFeedback(; }; const sendFeedback = async () => { await addFeedback({ areasForImprovement: feedback, category: 'commandBar', userType: userType, }); onSubmit(); setToastData({ title: 'Feedback sent', type: 'success', }); }; return ( Describe the capability Send to Unleash } elseShow={ <> We couldn’t find anything matching your search criteria. If you think this is a missing capability, feel free to make a suggestion. { e.stopPropagation(); setSuggesting(true); }} > Suggest capability } /> ); };