import { Knex } from 'knex'; import metricsHelper from '../util/metrics-helper'; import { DB_TIME } from '../metric-events'; import { Logger, LogProvider } from '../logger'; import { IFeatureToggleClient, IFeatureToggleQuery, IStrategyConfig, } from '../types/model'; import { IFeatureToggleClientStore } from '../types/stores/feature-toggle-client-store'; import { DEFAULT_ENV } from '../util/constants'; import { PartialDeep } from '../types/partial'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import FeatureToggleStore from './feature-toggle-store'; import { ensureStringValue } from '../util/ensureStringValue'; import { mapValues } from '../util/map-values'; export interface FeaturesTable { name: string; description: string; type: string; stale: boolean; variants: string; project: string; last_seen_at?: Date; created_at?: Date; } export default class FeatureToggleClientStore implements IFeatureToggleClientStore { private db: Knex; private logger: Logger; private inlineSegmentConstraints: boolean; private timer: Function; constructor( db: Knex, eventBus: EventEmitter, getLogger: LogProvider, inlineSegmentConstraints: boolean, ) { this.db = db; this.logger = getLogger('feature-toggle-client-store.ts'); this.inlineSegmentConstraints = inlineSegmentConstraints; this.timer = (action) => metricsHelper.wrapTimer(eventBus, DB_TIME, { store: 'feature-toggle', action, }); } private async getAll( featureQuery?: IFeatureToggleQuery, archived: boolean = false, isAdmin: boolean = true, includeStrategyIds?: boolean, ): Promise { const environment = featureQuery?.environment || DEFAULT_ENV; const stopTimer = this.timer('getFeatureAdmin'); let selectColumns = [ ' as name', 'features.description as description', 'features.type as type', 'features.project as project', 'features.stale as stale', 'features.impression_data as impression_data', 'features.variants as variants', 'features.created_at as created_at', 'features.last_seen_at as last_seen_at', 'fe.enabled as enabled', 'fe.environment as environment', ' as strategy_id', 'fs.strategy_name as strategy_name', 'fs.parameters as parameters', 'fs.constraints as constraints', ' as segment_id', 'segments.constraints as segment_constraints', ]; let query = this.db('features') .select(selectColumns) .modify(FeatureToggleStore.filterByArchived, archived) .leftJoin( this.db('feature_strategies') .select('*') .where({ environment }) .as('fs'), 'fs.feature_name', '', ) .leftJoin( this.db('feature_environments') .select('feature_name', 'enabled', 'environment') .where({ environment }) .as('fe'), 'fe.feature_name', '', ) .leftJoin( 'feature_strategy_segment as fss', `fss.feature_strategy_id`, ``, ) .leftJoin('segments', ``, `fss.segment_id`); if (featureQuery) { if (featureQuery.tag) { const tagQuery = this.db .from('feature_tag') .select('feature_name') .whereIn(['tag_type', 'tag_value'], featureQuery.tag); query = query.whereIn('', tagQuery); } if (featureQuery.project) { query = query.whereIn('project', featureQuery.project); } if (featureQuery.namePrefix) { query = query.where( '', 'like', `${featureQuery.namePrefix}%`, ); } } const rows = await query; stopTimer(); const featureToggles = rows.reduce((acc, r) => { let feature: PartialDeep = acc[] ?? { strategies: [], }; if (this.isUnseenStrategyRow(feature, r)) { feature.strategies.push( FeatureToggleClientStore.rowToStrategy(r), ); } if (featureQuery?.inlineSegmentConstraints && r.segment_id) { this.addSegmentToStrategy(feature, r); } else if ( !featureQuery?.inlineSegmentConstraints && r.segment_id ) { this.addSegmentIdsToStrategy(feature, r); } feature.impressionData = r.impression_data; feature.enabled = !!r.enabled; =; feature.description = r.description; feature.project = r.project; feature.stale = r.stale; feature.type = r.type; feature.variants = r.variants; feature.project = r.project; if (isAdmin) { feature.lastSeenAt = r.last_seen_at; feature.createdAt = r.created_at; } acc[] = feature; return acc; }, {}); const features: IFeatureToggleClient[] = Object.values(featureToggles); if (!isAdmin && !includeStrategyIds) { // We should not send strategy IDs from the client API, // as this breaks old versions of the Go SDK (at least). FeatureToggleClientStore.removeIdsFromStrategies(features); } return features; } private static rowToStrategy(row: Record): IStrategyConfig { return { id: row.strategy_id, name: row.strategy_name, constraints: row.constraints || [], parameters: mapValues(row.parameters || {}, ensureStringValue), }; } private static removeIdsFromStrategies(features: IFeatureToggleClient[]) { features.forEach((feature) => { feature.strategies.forEach((strategy) => { delete; }); }); } private isUnseenStrategyRow( feature: PartialDeep, row: Record, ): boolean { return ( row.strategy_id && !feature.strategies.find((s) => === row.strategy_id) ); } private addSegmentToStrategy( feature: PartialDeep, row: Record, ) { feature.strategies .find((s) => === row.strategy_id) ?.constraints.push(...row.segment_constraints); } private addSegmentIdsToStrategy( feature: PartialDeep, row: Record, ) { const strategy = feature.strategies.find( (s) => === row.strategy_id, ); if (!strategy) { return; } if (!strategy.segments) { strategy.segments = []; } strategy.segments.push(row.segment_id); } async getClient( featureQuery?: IFeatureToggleQuery, includeStrategyIds?: boolean, ): Promise { return this.getAll(featureQuery, false, false, includeStrategyIds); } async getAdmin( featureQuery?: IFeatureToggleQuery, archived: boolean = false, ): Promise { return this.getAll(featureQuery, archived, true); } } module.exports = FeatureToggleClientStore;